
Biting Cold Quotes

Biting Cold by Chloe Neill

Biting Cold Quotes
"It's just weird to be leaving. I haven't really been out of Chicago since I became a vampire."
"If something like that is possible, there's not much in the world that's impossible."
"Don’t let my youthful good looks confuse you. I now have two lifetimes of experience."
"I'm not sure what else we can do. And I agree that you should be basking in my glory…especially since I took a stake through the heart to save your life."
"I'll take that as a yes. You don't mess around."
"You are mine, by blood and bone. I won’t let her come between that, no matter how sick she is."
"You will not sacrifice yourself because of her."
"We’re off the coast of Alaska, on a freighter in the Bering Sea. It’s late summer, and the air is turning colder."
"Thinking I was making progress, I kept pushing."
"It's not the dirt, it's who's under the dirt."
"The world isn’t perfect, and some days it wears you down."
"The point isn’t perfection. The point is doing it anyway."
"Sometimes life is about being sad and doing things anyway."
"Sometimes it’s about being hurt and doing things anyway."
"We all have days when we feel small. Really small."
"If you don’t like it, you’ll have nothing to say about it."
"You make a go of it. The hard way—one day at a time, and with patience."
"Justice should be meted out by those who have the willpower to act, the stomach for punishment."
"What you call justice, we call war. Destruction. Havoc."
"And killing people doesn’t make you brave. It just makes you a killer."
"Those who say we cannot tell right from wrong have no courage."
"The world could be better than it is. I intend to prove that."
"You’re a fallen angel, aren’t you? A Dark One?"
"He is hurting people. I’m trying to find a way to stop him."
"Dominic and Seth are twin angels, although Dominic turned to the dark side after his mythological hissy fit."
"Whatever her faults, Celina did not deserve to die at my hand. Or yours."
"You are no protector. You are a poppet with a pointy stick and the arrogance to match."
"Dominic is under my protection, and so he will stay. If you seek to harm him, you seek to harm me and mine."
"I feel like crap. And it doesn’t help that I have a Packers fan deciding my fate."
"I am a stranger to you. You didn’t know I was capable of all these things—of the things I’ve done."
"We are not friends, and Mallory isn’t a problem to be sorted out."
"I’m the kind of person who hurts others to get what they want."
"Better we take a chance on putting him away than humans he could so easily injure."
"I am sorry. I know this is an addiction and I know it will take time to really feel better."
"I can’t sit in a locked room for the rest of my life because he almost managed to kill me."
"I’ll admit it was a risky move, but I evaluated that risk and made the best decision I could."
"I’m not one to excuse people for their bad behavior, but in this case, it really isn’t his fault."
"Friendship, I thought, quickly downing my wedge of pizza, wasn’t a burden. It was a gift."
"Times like this made me remember that I could do both. I could be busy, productive even, while having a social life."
"So I sat back with Lindsey and the others, and I sang horribly to lyrics that were wincingly bad, and I remembered why we went to all the trouble of fighting in the first place."
"You’ve seen me in action," I quietly said, "and you know I can protect myself. You know I wouldn’t let you hurt me. I am not human. I am an immortal, practically indestructible, highly trained Novitiate vampire and Sentinel of this House. But if you think you can do it, I dare you to try."