
The Girl In The Steel Corset Quotes

The Girl In The Steel Corset by Kady Cross

The Girl In The Steel Corset Quotes
"Perhaps he would walk right by her, as though she were as invisible as servants were supposed to be."
"But make no mistake, my lord, I do not like you, so keep those damn hands of yours to yourself."
"So when Griff dedicated himself to the protection of his homeland, it wasn’t for any monarch or out of a sense of duty."
"She smiled. Or rather, he was going to try to make her pay for it."
"Her hands grabbed Lord Felix by the front of his shirt. She pulled him toward her, hard, and smashed her forehead against the bridge of his nose."
"We can’t leave her." It was as simple as that.
"What I want from you is your trust. Irrevocable and unshakable."
"How do I know you won’t slip laudanum in it?"
"Don’t mistake me, Treasure. I can offer you many things, but friendship ain’t one of them."
"Bloody marvelous, now he’d have to deal with the Buckingham set."
"You’ll never be able to be part of something while she’s two halves of a broken whole."
"Then we’ll just have to put her back together."
"I think… I reckon something’s happening to me, lad. Something strange."
"I do hope you’re using that thing to look at photographs of Moulin Rouge ladies as a young man your age should."
"I would never…" Her words faded into a choked sob.
"She’ll never be able to be part of something while she’s two halves of a broken whole."
"You may be fractured, but you are not evil. I know now that you are not a threat to my family."
"Had Griffin’s power broken them, or had he dove through them?"
"Scotland Yard tended to need more 'physical' evidence."
"Of course, it was convenient that Scotland Yard also wouldn’t believe that a girl weighing eight stone plus change—not much more than a baby horse—had the strength to strangle a young man the size of Lord Felix."
"You’re imbalanced. The two halves must be brought together into one personality."
"She started. 'Control it? You mean…I’m going to be like this forever?'"
"No one had ever looked at him as though he were the answer to all their prayers. It was humbling."
"Automaton’s Reign of Terror Brought to Efficient End by Mysterious Girl in a Steel Corset!"
"I feel as though she actually belonged in this house with these people."
"I admire you for looking for good in the man, but the fact remains that he was a good-for-nothing wastrel who indulged in drink and took delight in hurting people he believed weaker than himself."
"Possibly—either for his own work or to sell."
"A girl as intelligent as you cannot possibly be that dense."
"I’ve thought about it, too, but I don’t think it would be an intelligent thing to do—not while he’s trying to help me."
"Two handsome fellows vying for your attention and you haven’t kissed either of them."
"I’m going to cut open his chest and fix his heart."
"You are a good man. You’ll do the right thing where your friends are concerned, and they will thank you for it."
"The Machinist is responsible for your parents’ deaths?"
"Regardless of his intentions to begin with, they’re no good now."
"I’m going to find out what I can about Garibaldi through the Aether."
"He removed his fine dark gray wool coat and cravat as he sipped a potion he had concocted a while back."
"The drug was every bit as dangerous, if not more so, than the energy it called forth."
"It was deep within him, so cold he doubted his friends had even noticed it, but it was there. Festering."
"He saw the real world as it was, and then another, secret layer on top."
"You shouldn’t be here, dearest. It’s not good for you to travel in the spirit realm."
"Leonardo isn’t mad, he’s driven by righteousness. He truly believes he’s doing the right thing."
"If he hurts you, I will haunt him to the ends of the earth."
"For us to locate him he would have to reach out…"
"He had to let it out, but the Aether was the only thing keeping him on his feet."
"The blast sent his nemesis skidding across the floor until he crashed into the remains of several of his own machines."
"The entire warehouse shuddered, then shudder."
"I’ve seen worse, Treasure. It don’t look as though the blade is positioned properly to have hit anyfin’ important."
"I’m thinking that’s going to be a five-course dinner."
"So many dead for those strange little creatures."