
This Side Of The Grave Quotes

This Side Of The Grave by Jeaniene Frost

This Side Of The Grave Quotes
"Do you really think these will hold me?" - the vampire's challenge.
"Sure do," I replied. - the protagonist's confident response.
"Always pride before a fall," he murmured in satisfaction. - the vampire's comment on pride.
"Keep squirming, luv. Rubs me in all the right places, it does." - the vampire's provocative remark.
"You don’t get to explore," I told him. "You’d get lost." - addressing the limitations of exploration.
"I think he’d better have a bloody good reason for it." - expressing skepticism.
"Try not to think too often, you’ll only hurt yourself," he replied pleasantly. - a sardonic advice.
"If you fancy keeping this," he said in a growl, "don’t try touching her again." - a warning to protect.
"That’s because you didn’t know," Bones answered coolly. - a response highlighting unknown facts.
"You’ll be weaker." "But sane," I added. - a conversation weighing weakness against sanity.
"I only bother about one woman’s desires," he murmured. - expressing singular focus.
"Then again, so was I." - a realization of similarity.
"I’m doing it." "God, you’re just as stubborn as Don!" - a dialogue about stubbornness.
"Some things can’t be taught, only learned." - a statement on life lessons.
"No need to fight. You want him? I’ll bargain," he said to Bones. - proposing a deal.
"Let her? Mate, if you think you can control a woman, you must be single—and a thousand pounds says she beats your arse."
"A nuclear bomb would cause less devastation."
"She does indeed look very fetching, but if you continue with that particular line of thought, I’ll neuter you for real this time."
"I’ll tell you a secret—I had vampire strength long before that."
"Sometimes, that word summed things up better than I ever could."
"Premature inflamulation. Happens sometimes. Very embarrassing, I don’t like to talk about it."
"I love your hands. You think I look like an angel? Well, Kitten, your hands are my heaven and your eyes are my home."
"So you can’t be sore over her asking your wife for a favor that endangers her not at all, can you?"
"You may not want to have this conversation until you’re a bit less... agitated."
"The cemetery might not be large, but because of New Orleans’s history of extremely high mortality rates in comparison to their burial space, each crypt we passed housed the remains of dozens if not hundreds of residents."
"I love the way his gaze raked over me. Like it was the first time he’d seen me this way, and he couldn’t stop himself from staring."
"You didn’t really think we were done, did you?"
"I wasn’t worried about something jumping out at us unseen."
"Oh, Kitten. You didn’t really think we were done, did you?"
"I knew this cemetery was a popular tourist attraction, but I didn’t see myself coming here just for fun."
"I am forever yours, Kitten, in this life or the next."
"You are a very stubborn woman. Apology accepted."
"We might not be young and horny, but we had our own castles to go back to."
"I don’t know what it’s like to hold a huge supernatural line together for over four millennia."
"I might be the only chick in the group, but that didn’t make me the damsel in distress."
"If you live long enough, Reaper, one day you might scare even me."
"Sometimes, people think there’s no other option aside from sacrificing themselves, but that doesn’t mean they’re right."
"You’ve alarmed me ever since we first met, oh ancient spooky one."
"It’s not fear for me that I’m saying no. It’s fear for you if I do it and fail."
"If you’re too weak to see that, then you have no business being responsible for any of the lives beneath you."
"It’s not sacrifice if it doesn’t mean something, and if one friend’s life isn’t precious to you, then there’s no loss involved in offering it up."
"The life of a friend is indeed too precious to risk unless it is a last resort."
"Actually, Reaper, the thought of your death isn’t bothering me a bit at the moment."
"Because it’s taking from me the only real father I’d ever known, but Tate was right. I had to respect it."
"If some people had a problem with my differences, that was just too fucking bad for them."
"You move and I’ll rip your head right the fuck off."
"I don’t feed from humans; I drink vampire blood."
"That’s because she doesn’t practice black magic; she is black magic."