
Dexter Is Delicious Quotes

Dexter Is Delicious by Jeff Lindsay

Dexter Is Delicious Quotes
"We are all brothers. No one sneers or frowns; no one seems to care about getting an accidental nudge in the ribs now and again, and no one, wonder of all, seems to harbor any violent thoughts about any of the others. Not even me."
"Something turns over and surges upward into the chest cavity, bounces off the ribs and attacks the facial muscles, which now spread into a spontaneous and unpracticed smile."
"Lily Anne is here and I want to be different. I want to be better than what I have been."
"I want to hold her. I want to sit her on my lap and read her Christopher Robin and Dr. Seuss."
"And now I want to go back to my new country, where all was bright and beautiful, the Land of Lily Anne."
"What’s it like? When you held your baby for the first time. Amazing. Absolutely wonderful. It’s not like anything else in the world."
"You don’t have to talk to me like that. I’m ten years old."
"I like to think I am a reasonable man, even in unreasonable situations."
"You can’t argue with DNA. We are stuck with each other, brother. We’re family."
"I suppose we’ll never know unless we let him try."
"I’m sorry, Dexter. You don’t need to keep telling me."
"Because we just proved that this is my case."
"How could I do my job if I felt actual human empathy for the victims I saw every day?"
"It was a terribly sad state of affairs, and I let the self-pity wash over me for a few minutes."
"I, who had sent dozens of the deserving into the afterlife, was now mourning the loss of one insignificant girl."
"All I could see was a case filled with preservatives and chemically enhanced colors."
"I heard nothing except the silken fluttering of a tiny warning flag, that things were not what they should be."
"You can call that special task force hotline, which—you have that number, too, in the media."
"Our society has many laws and customs to protect women from the brute force of men."
"I know that the world is full of bad people: After all, I am one of them."
"Oh, Dexter," Rita said, looking at me as if I were something very common and she was seeing me ground into her carpet for the first time."
"It’s really quite good for them," Brian said to me with his Cheshire Cat smile. "Very good exercise, and they develop their motor skills."
"Fair has nothing to do with this," I said. "This is about what’s right."
"No, you don’t," I said. "What you have to do is not do it anymore."
"But Dexter, you told us already," she said, and Cody nodded. "Mom isn’t supposed to know about, you know. All that other stuff. So we have to lie to her."
"She tasted great," he says in a raspy voice that knows there is no time left for anything but very final truth. "Better than the others. It was… fun.…"
"You got no right coming in here!" he said. "This is harassment and I will sue your ass!"
"No, you get the fuck outta my club!" he said, and he pointed at the door. The two bouncers stepped forward and grabbed Deborah and me by the elbows and half carried us down the short hallway.
"And that is where you come in. You"—poke, poke—"put yourself into your trance, or talk to your spirit guide, or get your Ouija board, whatever it is you do"—and she poked me with each syllable—"and—you—do—it—now."
"For the love of—Oh, I know it’s burned, what was I—Cody, get the silverware out! I’ve never been such a—Astor, don’t forget to set a place for Uncle Brian!"
"Sometimes, the darkest corners are inside us."
"In the face of certain doom, even the most rational mind grasps at irrational hopes."
"The irony of betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies."
"Human emotions are like wild horses. They require a firm hand on the reins."
"The true test of character is not just in the facing of danger, but in the aftermath of survival."
"The burden of secrets is that they isolate you from those you love."
"Facing your fears doesn't always conquer them."
"In moments of crisis, we find out who we really are."
"Life was good; fatherhood was once more a wonderful adventure."
"Whatever happened to good old-fashioned discretion?"
"I never heard of Stockholm syndrome so strong the victim ran back to the bad guys."
"He’s going to walk_—again_—just because he’s got money and clout."
"Sometimes I think it is a very good thing that I have had so many years of practice at showing only what I want to show on my face."
"It’s not right, and you know it—and that has to be the kind of thing that Dad wanted you to take care of."
"How would she manage in life without me there to guide her?"
"Adrenaline is a marvelous natural meat tenderizer!"
"I suppose I should have died right then from pure misery and self-pity, but if those things were fatal, no one would ever make it past thirteen years old."