
Pretending To Dance Quotes

Pretending To Dance by Diane Chamberlain

Pretending To Dance Quotes
"You think you can manage the Hill from Hell?"
"You have to get a little lost to find yourself."
"I’d sworn off men a couple of years earlier after a soul-searing broken engagement."
"I know all about secrets and the damage they do to a child."
"I think it's best if you sit it out this year, dear."
"I can't believe she'd be such a bitch to you."
"You're the one person who brings him the most happiness, Molly."
"It wasn’t a question of can I make his life enjoyable but rather a question of how I would do it."
"I started the hoist, watching as the cables lifted my father from his wheelchair."
"She’s forgotten all about you, so why are you still thinking about her?"
"I wish I could pour it all out to him. But one admission would lead to another to another, and I can’t go there."
"I hoped it made him want to have thousands of other days just like this one."
"I wish we could have done it the old-fashioned way, Laurie."
"Do you want to be pregnant or do you want to be a mother?"
"I really want to know how you would have liked today to be different."
"Keep an eye on him, Molly," she said. "I'm not ready to lose him yet."
"I'm fine, Moll," he said, his voice almost a whisper. "Utterly humiliated, but that's the worst of it."
"Pretend Therapy means having control over your life," Daddy said. "The tools you need to 'fix' yourself already exist inside you."
"I'll pick one we can sing along to," I said, knowing how much he loved it when we sang.
"I think I'm all right," he said, his voice a whisper.
"You think I give a shit about the goddamned 'family land'?" Uncle Trevor shouted.
"Uncle Trevor!" I called, hoping to get his attention on me and off my father.
"I don't want that ambulance," Daddy said quietly to her. "Just get me up."
"Your father is anything but helpless, Molly," he said, lifting his coffee cup toward his mouth.
"I think you're going to like what I have to say. It's about Tuesday night," Chris said.
"I’m a bit worn out, Molly. It’s getting harder to make the trek into the office, and—"
"It’s an early retirement, Moll. Lots of people take early retirements. People lucky enough to be able to afford to do it, anyway."
"It’s hard to move on if you don’t forgive. It’s like trying to dance with a lead weight on your shoulders. The anger can weigh you down forever."
"I don’t know how strong I am. I let them talk me out of adoption once already."
"You must be a really strong person to be able to stand up to them."
"Our dreams don’t work out as planned sometimes, do they."
"You’re an unforgiving bitch. And I’m done with you! I’ve had it."
"Life is amazing. That’s my new mantra and I’ve gotten to the point where I really believe it."
"I’m glad you suggested the porch. I haven’t simply sat and admired this view in a long time."
"Nothing special, just wanted time with my daughter."
"Ever since you and I talked about that day Amalia brought you to us, I’ve been thinking about it."
"He knew he was getting very sick over the last few weeks and months. He knew he would die soon and he didn’t want to go to the hospital when the time came."
"Be sure to hug them a lot, in case someday you can’t."
"Graham left this behind to be opened after his death."
"I thought I’d miss it, but I’ve gotten involved in so many things. Tennis. Yoga. Book clubs. Zumba."
"I picture her with training wheels, excited to have her first bike. I will love that little girl, I think. I will love her with the strength of a tsunami."
"It was so awful! I felt like killing people."
"I’m going to have to write apology letters to everybody who came into this room."
"It was cathartic for those of us who stayed."
"You wouldn’t dance at the memorial service. I understood. I knew you weren’t ready."
"She’s cussing at everyone and she nearly hit a nurse."
"I want her to know who her mother is."