
Tidal Quotes

Tidal by Amanda Hocking

Tidal Quotes
"What kept her coming back to Kirby wasn’t love or his kisses. Her heart still longed for Alex, and only Alex."
"It wasn’t until his hand began sliding up her skirt, running along the smooth skin of her thigh, that Gemma silenced the siren lust within her."
"The truth was that she was getting restless."
"The siren wanted to come out, and there was something strangely wonderful about holding it back."
"You’d be surprised by the things a person can forgive themselves for."
"Feigning human emotion has never been your strong suit."
"But people were watching, and she’d be liable to get arrested if she deliberately threw Lexi off her car and then ran her over."
"I’m just glad they’re not doing a musical. I so needed something to get me out of the house, but I won’t sing in front of crowds anymore."
"It’s because it’s summer and we’re a tourist town. We have to milk it for all it’s worth, and then when the tourists go home, the town closes up. The festivals stop."
"My theory is that Alex had already fallen in love with you before you became a siren. That’s how he got around the curse."
"If it comes down to being a siren or being dead, you should pick the siren. It’s not as bad as it seems."
"This whole curse started because we were so obsessed with performing for an audience that we weren’t doing our jobs. I don’t like it—I love it."
"I’m already looking for your replacement. It’s only a matter of time before you’re dead."
"With everything we’ve seen lately, it’s made me realize that there has to be more than meets the eye. There have to be so many creatures that we don’t even know about."
"You’re missing the beauty of it. There’s so much magic in the world, so much more than I’d ever even believed there could be."
"Sometimes she’d get a honk or someone shouting at her, but she’d just turn and smile at them. That was her solution to most problems."
"After all the things Harper had already given up for her family, Gemma wouldn’t let her give up anything else."
"When she went awhile without swimming or got too far away from the sirens, the ocean would call to her. It was like music in her mind, but the stronger it became, the more obnoxious and even painful it could become."
"Sirens craved four things—singing, the ocean, eating, and physical contact with boys. So kissing helped keep her appetite suppressed, as long as she kept herself in control."
"The air conditioner in her car was broken, so hot August air was blowing in through the windows."
"All the places blur together eventually," Thea said finally. "Even the beauty of the ocean, eventually it becomes ... redundant. It’s not here so much as now that I want to stay in."
"To me, exotic would be an open prairie, land that goes on and on without any water in sight."
"The coast of Australia is probably my favorite. They have the most gorgeous reefs there. I’ve swum there thousands of times, and it’s always changing and always beautiful."
"It’s not the most beautiful or entertaining place we’ve been, that’s for sure," Thea said. "Penn thinks there might be some kind of supernatural draw, but I don’t know if I believe that."
"Many of these other beings were immortal—or at least appeared that way to humans," Lydia went on. "In fact, your average human began naming these more powerful beings, and oftentimes those names included terms like ‘gods’ or ‘goddesses.’"
"In order for it to be valid, there has to be a contract."
"I wish I could have a better solution for sure. I wish I knew the magic answer to make everything easy and wonderful, but I don’t. I’m trapped in the same mess you are."
"It’s all about proper maintenance and love," Marcy said. "I love Lucinda, and Lucinda loves me."
"She chose to be with us because we made her happier."
"Mom always had such a light in her eyes when she talked about the plays she was in. But when I told her, she didn’t even know what I meant."
"You’re only saying that because you don’t know what I have planned for conversation. I’m going to talk about all sorts of uncomfortable things."
"I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, but I don’t want you getting the wrong idea."
"I don’t look that strong, but I make up for it by being tall."
"I make a point of not drinking anything from a siren."
"It’s not the only option. You can embrace this life."
"I love pretending to be someone else for an hour or two."
"You can’t just wake up one day hating the person you used to love. But I did."
"I know you’re not ready to leave. Whatever you have going on with Daniel, I know you’re not about to give that up just yet."
"You can’t go messing around with people’s hearts. It never ends well, no matter how good your intentions might be."
"I think you’re being a bit premature, but it’s your call."
"It’s hard enough finding the replacement for one siren, let alone two."
"I’ll be happy to help with the play, if that’s what you’re asking."
"I wish I could say I missed you, too, but I don’t. I don’t remember you."
"I want you to remember all the things you forgot."
"Everything else will pass. We are the only things that will remain. Remember that."
"I’m willing to sacrifice every other man on earth, and I think that’s more than enough."
"‘Love’ is not a word that I will easily throw around."
"Yeah, pretty certain." He nodded. "So now maybe you can move on, put your interest in some other guy that’s up to your immortal standards."
"It’s better that you’re not related to Bastian anyway," Penn said. "He was a jerk."
"Besides, if we’re being honest here, would you enjoy me even half as much if I was just another zombie under your love spell?"
"I can’t help myself." She lifted up one shoulder in a small shrug. "Everyone grovels at my feet, and I’m not even trying."
"That actually sounds like a pretty horrible way to live."
"But most of the time life is exactly the way I want it."
"I had my sisters," she said, but she lowered her eyes. "And I was in love. Once."
"If she’s not worrying about something, then she’s not alive."
"The bonds between sisters are very complex things."
"The biggest reason she doesn’t want to join you is because you’re evil and Penn is a monster. You are a monster."
"I dream of you every night. Do you know what that’s like? In my dreams, we’re still together and I still love you. And then I wake up every morning, and I hate you, and I hate me, and I hate everything."
"I’m sorry." He shook his head. "I absolutely refuse to do this. Not today. Not ever. You can’t just go into that mode again."
"You’re lying, and I know you’re lying." He stood a few inches in front of her, practically yelling in her face. "Don’t lie to me, Gemma. Please. Don’t fucking lie about this."
"Everything is ruined, Dad," she cried and fell back onto her bed. "I’ve lost everything that matters to me."
"That’s not true." Brian came into her room and sat down next to her. "I’m still here, and I’m never going anywhere."
"If you care about me the way you supposedly do, you won’t want to hurt me."
"I don’t think you understand the way love works,"
"I have been alive for thousands of years. And I used to care very deeply about things, but after a while, your heart kinda goes numb."
"I may not love you," she went on. "I may not love anything. But you are the first thing that has held my interest in a very long time."
"Thanks for stopping by, please hesitate to do it again; don’t call me, and I won’t call you."
"It’s all live. It’s life-or-death onstage, and no matter what comes, the show must go on."
"She might have been more alluring as a siren, but that didn’t give guys free rein to do with her as they wished."
"Sometimes you have to move on. Sometimes bad things happen, and it’s nobody’s fault, but you can’t dwell on them."
"You are nothing more to me than a whore, and I thought you understood that."
"It wasn’t until later, after the frenzy had faded and she sat in the pool of Bastian’s blood with his corpse next to her, that she realized exactly what she’d done."
"Her stomach was in knots, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that no matter what she did, she was doing the wrong thing."
"She’d hardly slept the night before and woke up at the crack of dawn to begin packing."
"I don’t think I can do this. I don’t think I can leave. Everybody keeps telling me that I need to do this and it’s the right thing to do, but it doesn’t feel like the right thing."
"This has to be your decision, no matter what anybody else says or thinks."
"You took away all of the love I had inside me."
"Death would be far better than being unable to love ever again."
"The worst part of all this is that as pissed off as I am, as much as I hate you, somehow I’m still in love with you, too."
"I would rather die than feel the way I do now."
"My mama didn’t raise any fools and she didn’t raise any heroes."
"No matter what his heart and mind felt, his body seemed to respond to certain things."
"His only hope to defend the people he cared about was to become some kind of indentured prostitute."
"But if he had to choose between losing her forever to keep her safe and happy or being with her and watching her suffer and die, then he would gladly choose the former, no matter what the cost was to him."
"I think I need to take some time off and figure things out. I’ve been in a weird place lately, and … I don’t know. I feel like things might be turning around."
"I can’t… Right now I can’t protect her the way I want to. Things are … not right between us. But I want her safe."
"Daniel, please! She’s hurt! I can feel it, and she’s hurt!"
"I’m fine. I don’t know where Gemma’s at. I’m just in a car."
"I’ve tried, but so far it’s been all or nothing."
"Bernie did always tell me to watch out for sirens."
"I’ve watched Penn kill three of my sisters with her bare hands. Lexi I didn’t care for that much, but Gia and Aggie… Aggie thought we’d lived long enough, we had enough blood on our hands."