
Our Little Lies Quotes

Our Little Lies by Sue Watson

Our Little Lies Quotes
"It’s hard to explain, but something tells me she’s more than a colleague."
"I’ve known for some time; she’s been with us – with me – for a while."
"‘That would be boring.’ I laugh, pulled out of my abyss."
"‘Are you going to be my mummy now?’ And in that moment I melted."
"I can’t believe you’d rather sit in some dusty old coffee shop with loudmouth Jen than be here, in this beautiful house."
"I once considered retraining, going back to art college and brushing up on new techniques."
"‘We’re a team, Marianne,’ he always says. ‘Your job is no less important than mine.’"
"‘Eat slowly,’ I murmur to the boys. ‘Don’t gulp…’"
"I adore my family and throw myself into everything."
"‘Please stop talking, I’m getting a headache,’ is Simon’s sharp response."
"‘I will make it up to you every single day of our lives,’ he’d said earnestly."
"I loved my job and was good at it too, but after a few dates with Simon my career wasn’t the most important thing in my life any more."
"The first time Sophie called me ‘Mum’ made up for any glamorous fashion career I might have had. I cried with happiness. I was home."
"When you spend your childhood in care and foster homes, you take nothing for granted and to be included in someone’s future plans, and be cared for, was all I’d ever wanted."
"I felt like I was damaged goods, but Simon took me on, whisking me away from the nightlife, the travel, the wine and the coke – the endless search for something to quell the raging sadness sitting heavy in my belly."
"After struggling through my twenties to make ends meet, I welcomed being looked after by Simon."
"I’m sure the little bags and bits are lovely, darling, but I’d rather she did something more academic."
"I remember laughing maniacally as I read the message, which went on to talk about some procedure that had to be adhered to when treating this particular patient."
"‘It will be on your conscience forever,’ he’d added, as I sobbed quietly, disgusted with myself and how, through my paranoia and wickedness, I’d as good as killed someone."
"I can’t rest until I know what’s happening. Even though the rational part of me says it could be an innocent text between work colleagues, the mad part of my brain is screaming at me that it’s something else."
"‘I’m making your favourite pasta,’ I say, hoping the domestic sing-song in my voice will keep everything sweet, like I’m spraying Caroline deterrent all over the room."
"I wish my own grief wasn’t so all-consuming – so many layers, so many years."
"I feel it looking back at me, or perhaps it’s just the medication making me a bit weird again?"
"You always think I’m saying one thing when in fact I’m saying something quite different."
"I try to forget, but my therapist and Simon won’t let me."
"I may not have a glittering surgical career or perfectly cut blonde hair, but I can beat her in the kitchen."
"I can’t let Caroline, or even the idea of her, invade our castle."
"I’ll miss you. I can’t bear to think of you away for so long."
"I see how we used to be and realise now how far away we are from that – and from being happy."
"‘You always say the sauce reminds you of that holiday in Sorrento. It’d be about ten years ago now.’ Smiling at the memory, I turn to look at him."
"Of all the things he's said and done to me, of all the affairs that are real or suspected, I've always known he loved me. But now it seems he might be in love with someone else and the more he loves her, the more he's making me suffer."
"I've always been a little scared of him, but the thing I've been most scared of is him leaving."
"Over the years the butterfly has faded – he's stripped me of everything that made me what I was, and now he's left with this dull, colourless woman who's scared to say what she really thinks. And I can't dance anymore."
"I can live with a man who doesn't love me. I'm used to being unloved; I spent my childhood with people who didn't want me."
"I am so hurt; each tiny shard of information pierces my heart and lodges in my brain. Yes, I figured he'd tell her that I was mad and a liability as a mother, but I was thinking biscuit crumbs and McDonald's. This is on a different scale."
"I don’t want to throw up. I can almost hear her staccato breaths, reaching a screaming crescendo on that big brass bed, and once more I’m strangely aroused and horrified."
"I am the voyeur in my husband’s relationship and unable to let go."
"I know losing them is a very real threat, especially if he has someone in his life who can look after them."
"I can’t help but wonder after almost ten years and four children, three of our own, if he really has nothing left for me."
"Simon loves luxurious things in the same way he loves beautiful women, sees it all as proof of his success."
"I don’t care where you’ve been, but I just want to know what’s happening."
"You might have no choice if you continue on like this; you made a spectacle of yourself tonight and I don’t want you near my children."
"I understand your illness isn’t just destroying you, it’s destroying everyone you touch."
"I loved you, Simon, and in spite of everything I think a little part of me always will."
"I remember rain lashing down, mugs of tea, she talked about late-night phone calls, which she and Simon seemed to think I did. But I didn’t… did I?"
"I may have been worried, desperate even – but I would never hurt anyone."
"I didn’t assault her, I poured a glass of beer over her. I didn’t hurt her."
"I’m starting to panic, and that never ends well."
"I’m part of a ‘case’. I’m involved in murder whether I like it or not."
"I’m ninety-nine per cent sure I didn’t kill Caroline, it’s just the bloody medication that provides that one per cent of doubt in my head."
"I’ll never meet my grandchildren… I start to cry again."
"I’m about to be charged with something I’m increasingly sure I didn’t do."
"I’m so sorry, Caroline. After everything I wish I could have saved you and your baby."
"I don’t doubt he loves them, but words are easy, aren’t they, and he isn’t exactly going to be tested over the next few years as a father."