
More Myself: A Journey Quotes

More Myself: A Journey by Alicia Keys

More Myself: A Journey Quotes
"But what frightened me more was squandering a chance I might never again get."
"In essence, I longed for two mutually exclusive realities: inextricable connection and full-fledged self-reliance."
"Life’s current was so obviously carrying me in the direction of music, and rather than trying to swim back upstream, I simply let the tide carry me forward."
"The magic in any art is not only in its technique but in its authenticity."
"I knew my answer. Each of us usually does, but the calls for us to conform are nearly overpowering."
"I can only imagine how Craig, fatherless himself, must have felt on that summer afternoon when my mother sat across from him and said she was expecting me, and that, yes, he was the father."
"The genie hadn’t just escaped the bottle; she was already way down the street and around the corner."
"I wanted so badly to make the group happen. We’d dreamed our dream in unison, and the thought of us disbanding made me wilt inside."
"I don’t believe in regret. So I never look back on my choice to leave Columbia and wish that things had turned out differently."
"The record deal had already given me financial liberation, and I longed for every other freedom that I thought went along with that."
"When you’ve chosen the right path for yourself, you usually know it immediately. The choice just sits right in your spirit."
"Creativity is inherently messy. It’s chaotic and nonlinear. It comes to life in fits and starts, disjointed and seemingly random."
"To create a great song, my friend, songwriter Van Hunt, has often said, 'All you really need is three chords and the truth.'"
"Nothing but uncertainty is certain. Circumstances come together, only to fall apart moments or months later."
"Money, like all life, is an energy exchange. You give yourself over to whatever you’re passionate about, and what comes back to you is energy in the form of monetary compensation."
"I’ve never been much of a crier. In fact, the harder things get, the less I tend to show emotion."
"Death is a gift meant to wake up the living, to nudge us toward a life of purpose and intention."
"I sing because I’m happy. I sing because I’m free. His eye is on the sparrow. And I know He watches me."
"Fame, it has been said, is a trip. But it’s a journey worth taking if its ultimate destination is service."
"Even in our vulnerability, continue trudging forward. We still make our moves. We still rise to the moment."
"No matter where we’re from, we all want the opportunity to work hard and breathe life into our ambitions."
"The world can be a challenging place for us women to navigate."
"A soul mate connection isn’t just an awareness. It’s a deep sense of knowing, a wave of intuition that permeates your every pore."
"For weeks in the studio, I’d been composing a song for her."
"The words we choose and repeat can frame and define our experience."
"Parenting, complete with its two a.m. feedings and pumping in the studios to ensure Egypt always had enough milk, pulled me toward a new frequency."
"You can show weakness. You can be real. And when you reveal your true heart, not everyone is going to approve."
"The song 'Un-Thinkable (I’m Ready)' is an expression of that kind of rawness."
"The earth doesn’t fall off its axis because you turn down a speaking engagement or even a movie role."
"Becoming a parent involves more than just bathing and feeding and changing, though there’s a lot of that involved. It’s also a sacred assignment to teach and love and celebrate."
"In the earliest months of my pregnancy, I felt a powerful desire to clear my space of all negativity."
"Better—that is what Prince and all others who achieve excellence are always pushing toward."
"There are many kings. But there is only one Prince—only one man who has defied restriction."
"You know what a resounding yes feels like. It’s undeniable."
"Blending is not an exception, but a sweet commonality, one we share with the millions of families who’ve joined hands and linked hearts."
"When you love someone, you love their journey."
"I don’t want to cover up anymore. Not my face, not my mind, not my soul, not my dreams, not my struggles, not my emotional growth. Nothing."
"They know that our voice means change! If you care about your life, where we are going, and your children, then vote for it—please."
"If this was my last day on earth, I’d be straight!"
"Let’s be present. Let’s be right here in our experience, taking in every goose bump and gift."
"I’m finally allowing myself to just be. Be giddy. Be irritable. Be vulnerable. Be silly. Be exhilarated."
"My seven-year-old son is here with me today. His name is Egypt. I couldn’t even imagine not being able to find him."
"Our democracy is at stake. Our humanity is at stake. We are out here to save the soul of our nation."
"I am the descendent of Hatshepsut, the powerful female pharaoh. I am the daughter of a civilization shrouded in history and mystery, intelligence and spirituality."