
The Party Quotes

The Party by Robyn Harding

The Party Quotes
"To ensure a sound sleep, she’d nibbled a bit of the sedative, despite having had two glasses of white wine after dinner."
"Hannah’s voice, though choked with tears, sounded calm in comparison. 'I’m okay. But you have to help Ronni.'"
"The only thing lewd about their relationship was the way Kim’s heart would race when she heard his voice, received his messages, or spoke his name; how her cheeks and groin would burn with pleasant heat."
"He knew he shouldn’t blame Kim. He’d accepted the terms she’d laid down: the terms to staying married, to keeping his family together."
"Hannah did not feel a similar sympathy for Sarah Foster, who had also been subjected to the popular girls’ derision. Obviously, Sarah had it coming; she had been stupid enough to cross Lauren and Ronni, so she deserved what she got."
"Her dad’s voice called after them. 'You girls go ahead. Your manservant will bring down the pizza.'"
"Her mom was trying to be nice, but she was treating Hannah like a toddler."
"And Kim made no move to return to her life in advertising. It was a young person’s career, custom-designed for twentysomethings who had the freedom to work late, then go for after-work drinks that usually led to dark nightclubs and ultimately, some uninhibited but regrettable sex with a colleague."
"Lisa’s voice was commanding over the buzzing lights. 'Go home, Hannah.'"
"Hannah felt her face flush. 'Nothing...' Ronni and Lauren exchanged a look that made Hannah feel she should elaborate. 'I haven’t even seen him today. And I didn’t really expect anything. We’re still casual.'"
"I just said that it wasn’t worth talking about."
"It’s safest just to say that you can’t remember who brought what."
"Your mom will have a fit. I’ll get charged and fined and maybe even go to jail. All because I wanted to do something nice for my daughter."
"We clearly set the ground rules. No drinking, drugs, porn, or boys."
"Poor Kim," he said. "Some kids got wasted at your house. They fucked up, like kids do."
"I’ll go out to the street and wait for someone to offer me a ride."
"We’re not responsible for what happened to Ronni, Aidan."
"It’s natural to want someone to blame, but Jeff and I are not at fault."
"This isn’t about me," Ronni spat. "This is about you."
"She says your parents brought this on themselves."
"That makes me so sad," Carla said, her eyes shiny with emotion under her impeccable makeup.
"My husband is a good man, but his work is his life. He’s not the hands-on parent that Lauren needs."
"Darren doesn’t want any more children. He says he’s too old."
"They may look like the perfect couple," Lisa said, "but there’s a lot of shit going on in that multimillion-dollar house."
"I just want this all to be over for everyone. For Ronni…"
"You’re jealous because we have money and a home and a traditional family. You always have been."
"If you turn away from her, you’ll look back on this one day and be filled with regret."
"This lawsuit is making it harder for Ronni at school. No one wants to hang out with her because of all the crap going on around her."
"You’re the one who works ten hours a day and then works out for two or three more."
"I thought I was too cool for you when I was dating Noah and hanging out with Lauren, but I was just so fucking stupid."
"We care for each other, but we don't love each other, not like we should."
"You’ve been great, Allan. You’re very sweet but… it’s not a good time for me to be with someone."
"You don’t even realize how horrible that sounds."