
Deadly Little Lies Quotes

Deadly Little Lies by Laurie Faria Stolarz

Deadly Little Lies Quotes
"Sometimes I think I’m going crazy. And I’m not just saying that to be dramatic. I really question my sanity."
"I cut myself a thick hunk of clay and began to knead it out. With my eyes closed I could feel the moonlight tugging at the ends of my hair, shining over my skin, and swallowing my hands whole."
"Like last night. Once again unable to sleep, I crept into the hallway and down to the basement."
"I wished for my world to be as pretty as a vase full of roses with swirly stems."
"I wished that I didn’t hate myself all the time."
"I was crossing the parking lot behind the school when a car came screeching in my direction. The next thing I knew, someone, Ben, pushed me out of the way just in the nick of time."
"It’s important to have an outlet—a way you can express yourself and work through any stress or anxiety."
"The faucet drips behind me, a monotonous ping that echoes through my brain."
"The thing is, nutty theories aside, ever since Ben Carter pushed his way (literally) into my life seven months ago, things haven’t quite been the same."
"I’d have thought you’d choose something with a bit more oomph after four full months of absent longing."
"The clock on my bedside table read 2:49 a.m."
"He looks just as amazing as I remember him—tall, rumpled brown hair, and eyes as dark as midnight."
"Nothing says lovin' like boob mugs and penis straws."
"I know she thinks that if I’d never come to be, my father wouldn’t have left."
"I felt my face go white. I think Morgan McCarthy might have noticed, because she gave me a sickened look."
"I'm nowhere near ready for any of the above."
"I'm so tired of eating chicken feed and bird food."
"I can't be with you if I'm not allowed to touch you."
"Sometimes it's best to just go with the flow. To see where impulse takes you."
"It's like everyone around here jumps through hoops for me."
"I'm just afraid if I tell my parents that I'm hearing voices and seeing things, they'll start comparing me to Aunt Alexia."
"Because, if you must know, I think Ben’s the one who hit me that night."
"No one was in your bedroom when you got there?"
"Being tied up in the back of someone’s trailer isn’t a joke; neither is spending over two months in a coma."
"We order sourdough bread chunks with cheddar cheese goo."
"But you’re doing so well now," I remind her. "I mean, don’t you think there comes a point where you have to stop looking back? When you should finally move on?"
"Sorry doesn’t change it, though. It doesn’t change the fact that I never got to say good-bye. . . . That he was so worried I’d never make it out of the coma that his heart couldn’t handle it."
"Sometimes I wonder what my life would’ve been like if my father hadn’t left my mother. I wonder if she would have loved me, and if I’d be wanted."
"You aren’t keeping things from us again, are you, sweetie?"
"I’ve decided to go meet with Aunt Alexia and her doctor. They’re in Detroit."
"I tried to end my life two nights ago. I slit my wrists, watched the blood trickle out for a few seconds, and then panicked and wrapped the cuts up with my bedsheet."
"Are you sure that you don’t want to date him?"
"I know you haven’t been sleeping the greatest lately," he continues. "At least I’ve heard you get up a couple times in the middle of the night to go downstairs and work on your stuff."