
The Three Quotes

The Three by Sarah Lotz

The Three Quotes
"I don’t care… Okay, I half care. But it still makes me mad."
"Changing the system. Stopping the nepotism, stopping people turning into slaves."
"Go to school, go to cram school, study hard, make your parents proud, get into Keio, go to work every day for eighteen hours straight, don’t stray, don’t complain, don’t be a non-conformist. Too many don’ts."
"There’s nothing we can do. Just suck it up or drop out or die."
"They are not freaks. They are children. Please, what they need now is space and time to heal and process what they have been through."
"Don’t let the baby burn, don’t let him burn."
"The boy, the boy… Do you think she saw Hiro before she died?"
"For once I was actually proud to be MC’s daughter."
"You could always join my yakuza gang, baby. We need good people."
"I have even heard people say that creating machines that look exactly like human beings is unethical. What nonsense!"
"Readers aren’t stupid, they can smell fakery a mile off."
"I’m Jessica, you’re my Uncle Paul, and Mummy and Daddy and my sister are with the angels."
"We need to get that message out there however we can."
"I’m standing in the gargantuan lobby of the Houston Conference Centre..."
"I’ll tell you what now–I’m finally gonna be playing with the big boys."
"Aren’t you worried they’ll ridicule you, Lenny?"
"‘It’s because…’ How do you explain Alzheimer’s to a child?"
"He was telling me about his bad dreams, and I told him that he didn’t need to have them anymore if he didn’t want them."
"Why not? Miracles do happen, don't they?" – Taxi driver
"You can't lose me. You really can't, Bubbe. It's impossible." – Bobby
"The truth shall set you free!" – Kendra Vorhees
"I felt for her, living with that husband. Mean as a junkyard dog, that Jim." – Kendra Vorhees
"Children aren't part of Jesus' plan for us, Kendra." – Pastor Len
"I haven't got room in my heart for Len any more. I haven't got room for anyone." – Kendra Vorhees
"I can see you're more than likely one of those feminists, am I right?" – Kendra Vorhees
"She says she doesn’t remember anything, and why would she? She was knocked unconscious when it happened." – Geoffrey Moran
"They say it won’t take long, and the people here have been good to me. But I cannot return home without some part of my brother to restore to my family." – Levi Bandah
"He’s as straight as they come. They all are. I’m the only gay in the meeting, ha fucking ha." – Paul Craddock
"We got to put those feminists and baby killers in their place, Kendra." – Dr. Theodore Lund's wife
"It was like shooting fish in a barrel, and I can tell you off the record, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the cops were in on the action." – Superintendent Randall Arendse
"I don’t want to work for a corporation, become a slave for life. I don’t want to do some dumb freeter job. I’ll probably end up living in a tent in the park with the homeless." – Chiyoko
"‘And how is Reuben doing today, Mrs Small, are we having any difficulties with him?’" – Dr. Lomeier
"‘Don’t be sad,’ Hiro said. ‘Don’t be sad.’" – Chiyoko recounting Hiro's words to Pamela May Donald's daughter
"‘Why don’t Charles’s parents discipline the boy?’" – Stan Murua-Wilson recounting the story of "Charles" by Shirley Jackson
"First, we gotta help Orz get out of his room."
"Orz might not know where she lives if they’ve only been talking online."
"Pasta for a first date? Go Yakitori, French or ethnic then u have a talking point."
"It’s not a first date. Orz and his princess are cyber soul mates."
"You really think I should try and see her in person?"
"Don’t know if any of you here on the thread I started the other day are listening. Been reading through what all of u have been saying. So blown away by the amount of support I have on this site!"
"What is it like being out in the big bad world? We need details. Start from the beginning."
"Victory is yr only option Orz! You can do iiiiit!!!!"
"’Cause there’s this other thing. Last night I did a Google marathon again, trying to get to the bottom of how I’m feeling about Jess."
"I made Bobby promise that he wouldn’t leave the apartment, and then I left."
"How can it hurt? A ciggy is my only bit of comfort these days."
"We really just wanted to spend time with little Jess."
"Before you knew it, it was time to send her home."
"The first video clip shows a beautiful Japanese woman kneeling on a tatami mat."
"She’s a surrabot–the android doppelgänger of Aikao Uri."
"And Aikao isn’t the only one who has embraced this ‘pure way of being’."
"Do I blame Shelly for giving Paul custody? Not really."
"And at this rate I’m thinking about franchising it."
"We would counsel people not to give in to the hysteria sweeping the country at this time."
"The next day Vincent meets me at my hotel to say that he’s heading out to the West Coast to ‘follow a lead’."
"I told the officers that the reason I stopped was because I was worried for the child’s safety."
"Shame, when the boy was first brought to us he was very undernourished."
"Let’s just say that a certain person is soothing to be around. Not like anyone I have ever met."
"Orz! Cool to have u back. So????? Did it work??? Did u get yr princess?"
"I could feel something growing inside me. Course, Pastor Len told me later it was the Holy Spirit."
"The street wasn’t empty, there were lots of people heading out to work, but I focussed on him and sped up my pace."
"But I did what anyone would’ve done, you know?"
"We’re doing the best we can, Elspeth. I’m still shaken, who wouldn’t be after something like that?"
"Hello, God, it’s me, Paul. Why the fuck aren’t you listening?"
"It’s like I’m split in two. Rational Paul and Going Mental Paul."
"Entities are disturbing and powerful phenomena that have made their way to earth from a different plane."
"I must’ve dropped off. Because when I woke up, there he was."
"Jess turned over, stretched, and smiled at me."
"Orz would never do something like that… would he?"
"I had to cut the chip out of her so that she would be FREE."