
Hooking Up Quotes

Hooking Up by Helena Hunting

Hooking Up Quotes
"This entire party is made up of human semicircles, half of them wearing fake smiles, feigning interest in conversations, the other half using it as a means to conduct business under the influence of alcohol."
"I wasn’t sure if someone had snuck something into my drink and I was hallucinating. I’m very pleased that isn’t the case."
"Unless you’d rather cut out of the party early and catch the next flight to Vegas. Get to know each other on the way to our wedding instead?"
"What’s the point of speeches if the groom isn’t present?"
"It’s amazing how ninety seconds can change a person’s entire life."
"I don’t want tender and sweet. I want revenge."
"You don’t want me to stop. I can feel how much you want to fuck me."
"I wouldn’t try to sabotage a goddamn wedding to get back at Armstrong for being a cocksucker."
"Getting back at him wasn’t worth it, not if it put someone else’s emotions at risk."
"I’m not an idiot, Bane. I wouldn’t screw a jilted bride. I don’t want to hurt anyone, especially not someone who’s already been hurt."
"He ruined her for a fucking blow job. Who even does that?"
"I worry about the impact this is going to have on my mother and her health."
"Mothers aren’t replaceable and mine devoted her entire existence to making sure she raised three respectful boys."
"I’d rather have people think I’m a screwup than take away my mother’s pride and purpose."
"My parents are devoted to each other and it shows."
"I made it my responsibility to ensure every event she was in charge of still happened, and that she took the time she required to heal."
"It’s hard to believe that not long ago Amalie was wearing lingerie, begging me to fuck her and now I’m being sent out of the country to avoid the backlash of this bullshit."
"I don’t want this failure to affect them negatively, but if I’m honest, it felt good to cut that stupid fucking dress in half."
"He’s an idiot and your mom probably isn’t the best judge of stable relationships."
"I just think you’ve spent so much time dating guys you have no intention of getting serious with that you don’t even know what to look for, or what you want."
"It’s a real shame you have to attend the conference alone."
"I have plans to get frisked repeatedly on this honeymoon of mine, but not because I’ve broken the law."
"I suppose the one important thing I’ve discovered about myself is that I own an extraordinary number of sex toys and it’s a real shame I was dumb enough to marry a man who is too insecure to enjoy them with me."
"I’m not too concerned about a scrap of fabric that essentially serves no purpose other than to be decorative."
"Anytime you need to be corked, you just find me and I’ll help you out."
"Don’t let him make you feel like you’re anything less than perfect."
"Because you don’t deserve what’s happened to you."
"I can handle tears just fine, but I’d prefer to make her smile, if at all possible."
"It’s okay for me to check out her thigh-highs—him, not so much."
"If I’d been smart I would’ve taken her with me to the bar, and kept her away from Armstrong."
"He doesn’t deserve any part of you, least of all your heart."
"You just polished off most of a bottle of champagne and you’re worried about your sugar consumption?"
"As I close my eyes and settle in, I have to wonder what the purpose of all of this is."
"I don’t buy the divine intervention bullshit."
"I’m not worried about germs unless you plan on licking everything on the plate first."
"I’m pretty sure an entire bottle of champagne qualifies as more than a couple of drinks."
"The fact that you wanted me to act like your virgin bride every time we had sex was demeaning and I’ve been faking my orgasms for months."
"It’s not really that bad. Most of the time it’s all work with a beautiful backdrop."
"That’s probably a very good idea. I spent a lot of time in the sun today. Water might help me keep my inside thoughts from coming out of my mouth."
"I like it when your inside thoughts come out of your mouth."
"Of course you do. All my inside thoughts about you are filthy."
"That’s the only time you get to call me that."
"He sets the bar so high I’m not sure anyone else can or will ever come close to what I just experienced."
"I’m not judging." But I sure am checking her out.
"I don’t want anyone else to be invited back here."
"It’ll be about half an hour. Want to take a dip?"
"Why bother? It’s late. It’s not like anyone can see."
"I don’t think it stops being beautiful. I think people get used to having that beauty around them all the time, though, and sometimes they just take for granted that it will always be there."
"I hope that one day, someone will see me, all of me, and that I’ll be enough. I don’t want to settle but I also don’t want to end up alone and lonely."
"Just be with me, right here, in this moment. Just soak up this beauty and stay with me."
"I’m not feeling the martinis I drank this evening anymore, or the wine I consumed over the course of the afternoon."
"You look like you belong in an eighties hair band video."
"It’s too bad we have to fly halfway across the world for an experience like this."
"I think you should forgo panties," he says as the fabric slides over my hips. "So you have easier access?"
"You’re an incredible woman, I hope you realize that."
"It makes you human, Amie. Armstrong is a self-serving bastard. He’s good at manipulating."
"Being together will complicate his life and mine, especially since he’s related to my soon-to-be-ex-husband."
"Anger is so much easier to manage than sadness and heartbreak."
"Keeping the lines of communication open will just confuse things—and make it harder for me to let go."
"I can’t change what’s happened between us, or make it more than what it is."
"My heart aches sharply, and my regret is immediate and painful as tears pool and fall."
"I have to wonder exactly what these women are getting out of it."
"How someone can have such a big ego when they lack competence in the bedroom is a real wonder."
"This isn’t love, this is lust and comfort, this is a diversion from a life I don’t want to go back to."
"Some things we just need to put behind us, don’t we?"
"I don’t understand how he can be so calm. I think he might actually be psychotic."
"You make me sick, the thought of you ever touching me again makes me want to vomit."
"I leave before I can say or do anything else that could get me sued. Or sent to prison."
"Those are words I rarely hear from my father."
"You really put in some serious effort, Lexington."
"I haven’t heard from her since she left. Nothing. Not a single text."
"It should be a good thing. We agreed that what happened between us would stay in Bora Bora."
"Life returns to normal in the month that follows car sex with Lex."
"I dream about him, think about him, fantasize about him."
"I sigh, preparing for the bitterness of the lie before it comes out of my mouth."
"If I’d been smarter I wouldn’t have slept with her in Bora Bora."
"I wish it was just about the sex. It would be so much easier if it was limited to physical attraction."
"Beyond getting into bed with him, what I really want right now is to curl up beside him and have him tell me stories about his childhood like he did in Bora Bora."
"I want to listen to him talk about Mimi, to hear the reverence in his voice."
"I’m sorry I ran last time. I’m sorry I’ve been silent. I thought it would be better, easier, but I still can’t get you out of my head, and I don’t know what that means or how to manage it."
"Let’s just see where this goes. We’ll be spending time together regardless, let’s make it count."
"Let’s just hang out, spend time together, sometimes naked, sometimes not. We’ll just keep it between us and when the annulment is finalized we can go from there."
"That’s okay. We can take the feelings part slow if that’s what you need, and I’ll use my incredible skill set in the bedroom to distract you from all the things you’re worried about. How does that sound?"
"Once we’re in my bed and I’m inside you I’m staying there for a long fucking time."
"You’re lovely and charming and charismatic, just like Bane. You’ll be fabulous tonight."
"You may want to reconsider your position on this annulment, Amalie. In addition to your history of physical violence, I don’t think it would go over well if people found out about your time in prison."
"You can’t win me back. Nothing you can say or do is going to change my mind. You will never convince me to get over what you’ve done."
"Because he doesn’t like it when I take the things he wants."
"Are you sure? Because that’s exactly how it sounds. Like I was a game you were playing to win."
"It feels like I’ve stepped in quicksand I can’t get free from."
"The people closest to us know, but this means we’ll be able to attend functions together and not worry about backlash or gossip."
"The only person I’ve ever allowed to get close and stay close is Ruby."
"I’m in love with this man. I’ve come to terms with that over the past few weeks."
"Once Lex is in, he’s all in. That scares me a little, but it doesn’t change how I feel about him."
"I don’t want to hurt you, Amie, I want to love you."