
Killing Yourself To Live: 85% Of A True Story Quotes

Killing Yourself To Live: 85% Of A True Story by Chuck Klosterman

Killing Yourself To Live: 85% Of A True Story Quotes
"Sexuality is 15 percent real and 85 percent illusion."
"Spin magazine is on the third floor of an office building on Lexington Avenue, a street often referred to as 'Lex' by cast members of Law & Order."
"Living in Ohio was not outside my wheelhouse."
"Heat is 15 percent real and 85 percent perception."
"I’m working on an untitled death project, and you are reading said project."
"The dinosaurs still hold the lease on this godforsaken rock."
"The ground is hot, the brick buildings are hot, the sky is low, people are pissed off, and everything smells like sweat and vomit and liquefied garbage."
"I could never be one of those people who climb mountains recreationally; I’d be one of those clowns who dies halfway down Everest because I’d bring extra powdered cocoa instead of extra rope."
"Sometimes rock stars don’t start living until they die."
"The only pleasurable element of this entire trip will be sitting behind the wheel of my rental car and having my skull crushed by deafening music."
"I think about my CDs a lot. I find it oddly reassuring to look at them when I’m intoxicated."
"Nothing makes me love Diane as much as her constant rejection of my heartfelt advances."
"The only thing infidelity does is remind you of the people you’re not having sex with."
"The Grand Canyon is just an attractive accident; it has no inherent meaning."
"Everybody immediately started to be friendlier."
"Artists who believe they have any control over the interpretation of their work are completely fooling themselves."
"Every summer, Hollywood movie studios convince millions of people to see blockbuster movies they know they’re going to hate."
"This is because those people care about something else entirely; they’re worried about the possibility of everyone else understanding something that they’re missing."
"Running keeps me alive. Physically, I almost never enjoy the process of exercise, but I feel mentally tougher when I finish."
"In my opinion, we must legalize gay marriage. Gay males are the only men in America who still want to be married."
"I have traditionally argued that rock criticism is almost always unimportant."
"We are always dying, all the time. That’s what living is; living is dying, little by little."
"It’s a sequenced collection of individualized deaths."
"We can’t help ourselves. Anyone who ever played high school football in a small town has been implanted with specific memories that will occasionally make them a boring conversationalist."
"Life is not like having your testicles attached to a car battery, even if that’s how it sometimes seems."
"The most desirable thing I could ever do was be desirable to people he didn’t know."
"I hate living here. I'm moving to Minneapolis after Thanksgiving."
"Why didn't you tell me you loved me? It's on the second page of your book, but you never actually said it to me. Not even once."
"Everywhere I go, I'm always 15 minutes early or 15 minutes late."
"I've always been envious of friends who claim to have some kind of profound, erotized relationship with literature, because I don't feel that way at all."
"Maybe Rod Stewart is just trying to explain that he doesn't understand the world and that he's just trying to figure it out through the things that matter to him personally, even if they suck."
"If you think you're in love with someone and you feel like you're in love with someone, then you obviously are; thinking and feeling is the sum total of what love is."
"What’s normal seems crazy, and what’s crazy seems normal."
"It's funny how vividly I remember those specific locations, but how quickly I forget that they're all surrounded by strip malls."
"If I ever assassinated a whitetail, I would lose no sleep whatsoever."
"That’s the only time people say the things they really feel. Anger makes people honest."
"Every straight man born after the year 1958 has at least one transitory period in his life when he believes Led Zeppelin is the only good band that ever existed."
"Art and love are the same thing: It’s the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you."
"I can’t fall out of love with any of these women. I can only exist in the past and in the future."
"If you are not thinking exclusively—exclusively—about Owl Lobo football, go home and turn on The Price Is Right."
"Football was not designed for the summer, even if Herschel Walker believed otherwise."
"That idiot kid is going to end up sleeping with Jesus."
"It’s a good place to live. The kids are great, in their own way."
"This is what being alive feels like, you know?"
"But winning or losing at poker dice was only a secondary issue, since the conversation at Harley’s was always worth the trip into town."
"They’re all beer-gorged and lazy. They have no grit. They’re scared of whiskey. They’re scared of the world."