
An Acceptable Time Quotes

An Acceptable Time by Madeleine L'Engle

An Acceptable Time Quotes
"She walked through an orchard, fallen apples red and cidery on the ground, crossed a stone wall, and wandered on into a small wood."
"The sun shone with a golden haze through a muted blue sky."
"When we first moved here," her grandmother had explained, "most of the oaks were gone, killed by some disease. But this one survived, and now our land is full of young oaklings, all evidently disease-resistant, thanks to the Grandfather Oak."
"The wind had risen and played through the pines, sounding almost like the rolling of the breakers on the beach."
"It’s a wonderful place to lie and watch the stars. It’s my mother’s favorite rock, from when she was a child."
"These are old mountains, ancient, worn down by rain and wind and time itself. Perspective-making."
"I’m studying with them. For a few months, at any rate. They’re terrific."
"I love these mountains. So different from California mountains."
"Polly’s being modest. According to those who know—her parents, her uncles—her ability with languages is amazing."
"We’ve felt very deprived, seeing so little of our grandchildren. We love having you."
"Your grandparents were, as she had said, terrific, but she hadn’t seen anyone her own age and hadn’t expected to."
"It’s good that Nase is living with Louise. Your grandfather and I feel as though we’ve known him forever."
"Women have come a long way, but there will always be problems—and glories—that are unique to women."
"The ground quivered slightly under her feet, then settled. Was it an earthquake?"
"The air was clear and pure. The mountains hunched great rugged shoulders into the blue of sky, and early sunlight sparkled off the white peaks."
"We human creatures can make watches and clocks and sensitive timing devices, but we don’t understand what we’re timing."
"We climbed the Matterhorn because it was there. We went to the moon because it was there."
"We’re apt to write a paper about it, and then either we or another scientist will put it to the test."
"We can’t keep you wrapped in cotton wool. I’m not even sure what we’re afraid of."
"Fascinating, isn't it, to see how language evolves. I wonder how many of our English/American words will still be around in another thousand years or so."
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me."
"There is a pattern. There are lines drawn between the stars, and lines drawn between places, and lines drawn between people, and lines linking all three."
"The people behind the building of Stonehenge were asking themselves the same questions that physicists like Alex are asking today, about the nature of the universe."
"Our Mother is not a devouring monster but a loving birth-giver."
"A time gate opens once in how many hundred years? Why now? Why here? And when the time is needful?"
"It is not in the goddess’s nature to destroy. She sends blessings. It is us, it is people who are destructive."
"Life at best is a precarious business, and we aren’t told that difficult or painful things won’t happen, just that it matters."
"You have done well. You did not need to turn away."
"There’s so much land here. Why do they want yours?"
"Sacred rites become zug, as you so graphically put it, only when they become ends in themselves, or divisive, or self-aggrandizing."
"I went through the time gate last night because I went down to the pool and put on the silver circlet."
"The future is often changed by the past. There may indeed be many futures."
"Many things that people do are unreasonable."
"He is alpha and omega, He the source, the ending."
"Your medicine made me sleep like a child and I heard nothing."
"If they treat him roughly, I do not think his heart will stand it."
"In eternity, her own time and this time in which she was now held, waiting, were simultaneous."
"Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. What did Einstein’s equation really mean?"
"Leaves drifted down onto the skins of the lean-to. The air was so heavy with humidity that she felt she could reach out and squeeze it."
"That you are good. That you have nothing to do with rain or drought. That your blood is your life and, while it is in you, you will use it for good."
"I have learned that I love. Love. That is a good word."
"There is a different god? No. Each person sees differently."
"Your god demands sacrifice and blood or the rain will be withheld?"
"Remember that the lines of love are always there. You may hold on to them."