
Words In Deep Blue Quotes

Words In Deep Blue by Cath Crowley

Words In Deep Blue Quotes
"The water has the texture of sadness: salt and heat and memory."
"I don’t believe in ghosts or past lives or time travel, but every time I stand on the beach I wish us all back – to the day of the whale, to the day we moved here, to any day before he died."
"I feel like the universe cheated Cal, and cheated us along with him."
"The sounds of turning pages are surprisingly comforting."
"Life’s pointless and everyone gets up anyway. That’s how the human race works."
"You’re having a really bad week? A really bad week ends in death, Henry."
"The growing block universe does mess with your idea of time, doesn’t it?"
"You know, Amy always smells, just faintly, of washing powder. She breathes her fringe up and it drifts back down like a tiny parachute. Years from now, washing powder and documentaries on sky divers will still give me a hard-on."
"No offence, Dad, but unrequited love is just as shit in the morning as it is at night. Possibly worse, because you have a whole day ahead of you."
"I just need to rest a while. You can go. I’m nearly home."
"They should just kill the victims of unrequited love. They should just take us out the second it happens."
"The adult body has two hundred and six bones, and not one of them is there, Henry."
"This library is the definition of pointless, Henry."
"You’ve lost a girl who, the last time I checked, dotted her i’s with tiny little self-portraits. A girl who checks her reflection in the mirror every second minute of the day."
"I’d lose all sense of time if it weren’t for George and Martin, who keep walking over to put notes in The Broken Shore."
"This is the time you tell me how great I am."
"I’ve been having a difficult few weeks myself when it comes to girls."
"I can’t stop wondering what at the moment means."
"Words won’t change anything and she doesn’t want to talk."
"She’s working without breaks. She’s searching."
"If they don’t want to talk about it you can’t force them."
"I’ve been checking back over the photos taken of us over the years."
"I decide it’s too hard to make her laugh, and it seems disrespectful."
"I hope you don’t mind me writing this letter."
"Love falls somewhere in the big scheme of things."
"Death is the biggest in the big scheme of things."
"Life is the big scheme; death is the little one at the end."
"Death isn’t little. If you think it is, you haven’t seen it."
"Maybe Henry does something different this time."
"I’m smiling when I walk into the restaurant."
"I wonder if we go back again and again all our lives."
"I think back to that family in the waiting room."
"It makes me feel better that Mum cares about that unknown family."
"I don’t know you as well as Henry, but I know something hasn’t been right."
"Even when this place belongs to someone else, I’ll keep looking."
"I love this place, I do want to keep it, but, if we can’t, then, it’ll belong to someone else and we’ll visit."
"Life doesn’t always happen in the order that we want."
"Soft thoughts pass between us. We are the books we read and the things we love."
"Love is important. The small things are important."
"Life is still shit, but it’s great at the same time."
"We are moving the books to preserve the memories in them, the thoughts on the pages."
"The past is with me; the present is here. The future is unmapped and changeable."
"I love them in a way that’s beyond logic and reason. That's just the way it is."