
Dark Legend Quotes

Dark Legend by Christine Feehan

Dark Legend Quotes
"Every cell in his body demanded nourishment."
"The ground suddenly shifted. Gabriel felt his heart slam hard in his chest."
"Gabriel had spent two centuries hunting his beloved brother, but he had never fully recovered from the shock of Lucian’s turning."
"Her voice seemed to whisper over him, a seduction of the senses."
"He prayed for strength. He prayed for forgiveness. He prayed for a miracle."
"Her heart nearly stopped at the touch of his lips, the warmth of his breath."
"Gabriel lay over her, pinning her beneath him, and felt he never wanted to move away from the beauty of her body."
"Do not think to cross swords with me. You will not win."
"You are reaching for him in your mind because he is simple. He is someone you are familiar and comfortable with. I frighten you."
"I don’t know exactly what you’re planning to do, Gabriel, but I can read your intent. You think to stop me from doing the things I have planned for so long."
"Perhaps it would help if you considered other possibilities, another way of life."
"There is no need to worry about anything. I meant every word I said. You have nothing to fear anymore."
"You are not capable of denying me. I forbid you to shift your shape. You will come to me and receive the justice of our true Prince."
"You were made for long nights, Francesca, long lazy nights of making love."
"You are the strength in my mind, the iron in my will, you are so brave and beautiful, inside and out, and I do not deserve one such as you."
"You are a woman much sought after by these human males and I am beginning to find it tedious."
"Nothing is more important than satisfying the needs of your lifemate."
"I am not nearly as strong as I would like to think."
"I am honored that I was given such a wonderful lifemate, a woman of courage and beauty when I have only known evil."
"You are my reason for existing, the air I breathe."
"It is my duty to see to your happiness. I will find a way."
"I could not be more proud of anyone. You accomplished a great deal, all for good."
"You have given me more happiness in the short time we have been together than I have ever known in all the centuries of my existence."
"You are cherished. Now do something women are supposed to do, something I will not worry about."
"You’re showing your age again. You awoke in the twenty-first century. Women no longer listen and obey, worse luck for you."
"I have friends who heard things about you. They’re dangerous men. We hunt vampires."
"It is not nonsense. These are commands from your lifemate, and you should listen and obey."
"He has undergone some kind of strong hypnosis."
"You never were afraid of a little rain in the old days, Francesca."
"We have to protect ourselves now. We’ve lost many of our best people."
"You are the most beautiful, sexy woman on earth," he whispered softly.
"I beg your pardon," he answered softly, his face an expressionless mask.
"Perhaps you are not quite as good a friend as you thought you were, sir," Santino replied very softly.
"I wasn’t aware Skyler had a doctor’s appointment."
"She is my patient whether Gabriel likes it or not. I won’t allow that man to dictate to me whether or not I examine my patients."
"You are now a part of our family." It was said quietly and with great authority.
"You have grown so soft, Gabriel. This child you profess to feel such affection for should have been avenged."
"You have given me more happiness than I could ever have dared to hope for."
"Just come back to me, Gabriel," she whispered softly against his throat. "I love you so much and I am no longer so very strong without you beside me."