
The Beauty Of Darkness Quotes

The Beauty Of Darkness by Mary E. Pearson

The Beauty Of Darkness Quotes
"Darkness was a beautiful thing. The kiss of a shadow. A caress as soft as moonlight."
"My spirits lifted. I saw Walther dancing with Greta."
"When I was halfway between one world and another, a moment of clarity broke through."
"But none of it had come soon enough to save Aster."
"A blizzard," he said. "There will be no tracks to follow."
"I see your mother, Kaden. I see her in you every day."
"But in just the next breath, a drowning wave of guilt overwhelmed me."
"Nurse the rage, Lia, I had told her. Use it."
"She was not their queen or Komizar, and she was not a soldier."
"I covered her and went outside to where Orrin was roasting tonight’s dinner."
"That’s what a good soldier does. Analyzes past moves and then—"
"If we spend too much time reliving the past, it gets us nowhere."
"He reached up, his knuckle gently tracing the line of my jaw."
"I can’t bear for her to suffer any more than she already had."
"I wasn’t sure if I was making the right decision or not."
"They weren’t going anywhere based on her wild-eyed demands."
"I can’t take back what I’ve done. I can only try to make amends."
"It was his job to keep the heir apparent out of danger."
"I care about all these men I am traveling with."
"What am I supposed to do, Lia? Take them prisoner?"
"I promised it, and he believes that I’m his queen."
"What cunning story did you spin to get them to spare your lives?"
"They assumed we had escaped on another raft."
"The Komizar would see her dead one way or another."
"I’m not fond of it, if that’s what you want to hear."
"What I want is to watch you beg for your release."
"You may have saved my life, Kaden, but you haven’t yet earned my trust."
"I’m not going to get wrangled down a path of guilt."
"We’re all in good hands. Griz promised to fall on him if he got out of line."
"I commanded it, and he believes that I’m his queen."
"My past held on to me today as strongly as it had when I was a child."
"The majesty of the Ancients bowed yet again to time."
"Sons and daughter of three kingdoms, each bent on the domination of the other two."
"I only had a crescent view of Rafe’s face, but it was enough."
"I’m tired of waiting for tomorrows, hopes, and maybes."
"My condolences, Captain. I’m sorry for your loss. But please make no mistake. I owe a debt to the men you slander, and if they are not invited to our table, do not expect to see me there either."
"I didn’t realize one of the dead was his cousin. He and I had a bit of a clash in there."
"The last thing I want is to look like an injured child who ran tattling to the king. We’ll work it out."
"Maybe everyone in Dalbreck needs to be sure of their information before they run off feeding it to others."
"I’m only afraid this isn’t real. That it’s only another one of my dreams that I’ll wake from."
"The Komizar may have conveyed his big plans to her, but that doesn’t mean they were a reality."
"Do you think you know this because of an ancient text?"
"Nothing to worry about. She’ll come to her senses."
"The general isn’t a traitor. It’s within his rights. He’s charging Prince Jaxon with abdicating, which everyone knows is a false claim."
"The Komizar rages with enough venom to make your general look like a whimpering kitten."
"My patience unraveled. The urgency, the long miles to Morrighan, the temptation to say yes when no still blared in my head..."
"If the person I loved the most in this world didn’t believe in me, how would anyone else?"
"I am not a thing to be protected, Tavish, any more than he is. My choices—and my risks—are my own."
"Betrayed by her own, Beaten and scorned, She will expose the wicked, For the Dragon of many faces Knows no boundaries."
"Fear. Anger. Desperation. That was what I saw in these burned edges and torn page."
"Lives are always at stake, Your Highness, For hundreds of years, kingdoms have battled. For hundreds more, battles will be waged."
"The promise is great, For the one named Jezelia, Whose life will be sacrificed For the hope of saving yours."
"I choose to serve this goal, just as you are free to choose yours!"
"Trust the strength within you, and teach her to do the same."
"I was reminded of my dance with Lia when she would not step back, her foot stamping down and staying put."
"My father’s hand would rest on my shoulder, my mother’s hand on Bryn, usually to keep us still."
"I am raising you up to be a king, not a fool."
"They had names? And according to Morrighese tradition, there were four of them."
"I was a bastard child born to a highborn lord."
"I watched the flames engulf my father’s shroud, the fabric dissolving, the stacked tinder falling down around him."
"The first hands that touch my little girl won’t be a barbarian’s."
"I had been driven, ignoring obstacles, until the very things that drove me suddenly made me weak."
"There’s nothing to know, sweet child. It’s only the chill of the night."
"Truth is as free as the air and we all have the right to breathe as deeply of it as we wish."
"He’s beautiful. How are you feeling? Well enough, considering I just paraded my lady parts to a killer barbarian."
"I can’t think about him, there’s too much at stake, including his life."
"But however long it takes, I will be here for you."
"Gather close children, and I will tell you a story of Before."
"I threw off my blanket and sat up, my skin hot and cold all at once."
"She’s holed up in a little cottage not far from the citadelle with three women and Kaden."
"I can’t promise that Morrighese soldiers won’t die."
"You killed my brother," I said, my face drawing close to his. "He and every good man with him were massacred. They had no chance."
"They were outnumbered five to one because you sent word ahead. I buried them all, Viceregent. I dug graves until my hands bled while you were here sipping wine and conspiring to kill more."
"You’re going to die, Lord Viceregent, for your crimes against Morrighan."
"An agreement? The Komizar chose his fools well."
"It is too late. For you. I have done exactly what you always feared. I have exposed the wicked."
"Lock him up," I said, and Rafe’s soldiers dragged him away.
"Princess Lia is ruling Morrighan for the time being. She can order anything she wants."
"Jezelia is now carrying out the king’s judgments. She is a soldier in his army and will be true to his wishes."
"Until my husband recovers, my daughter assumes the position of king’s regent and will appoint her own cabinet."
"Passed out. There’s a difference. It happens when you lose enough blood to fill a bucket. You’re not immortal, you know?"
"You’re not a boy, Kaden. You’re a man. He can’t harm you anymore."
"I don’t know how one person can be so afraid and so full of rage at the same time."
"Your mistakes are the very least among them."
"Some family you are born with, other family you choose."
"You have Lia. You have Gwyneth and Berdi. You are not alone in this world."
"I’ll see you out in the plaza," he finally said. "What she faces there today will be harder for her than the traitors she confronted last night."
"I’m here for the same reasons you are. Because we want to save the kingdoms that matter to us."
"The Komizar is the one the Siarrah fights, not our brothers and sisters who are still in Venda. Now is your chance to step forward and fight with us."
"You can’t bring down a horse with a nibble of golden thannis, but you can bring down a king."
"She’s going to address the assembly today. Now is a bad time."
"Easy things are for men like me. The difficult choices are left to kings."
"You told me I had to make my peace with Kaden. I have."
"It’s not an easy thing to tell the girl that you love more than life itself that you’re going to marry someone else."
"I knew when he handed me the book along with the translation that something was very wrong."
"I began wondering about him at that point. I even searched his office, but turned up nothing."
"I never sent a bounty hunter to kill you, nor did your father. He only sent trackers to find and retrieve you."
"Nothing lasts forever," I continued, "and I see our end in sight."
"Morrighan was not chosen by the gods. She was one of many who were spared."
"The Royal Scholar is the one you need to fear."