
Another Piece Of My Heart Quotes

Another Piece Of My Heart by Jane Green

Another Piece Of My Heart Quotes
"Every month, she keeps her fingers crossed that this might be the month, this might be the month a miracle happens."
"It wasn’t as if her life wasn’t full. Her twenties were spent working in interior design."
"She couldn’t wait to be a mother. Couldn’t wait to have a family of her own."
"I know my husband. He’s pretty damn tough when he needs to be."
"You think it’s something to do with you, but it really isn’t. Detach with love."
"The qualities she loves about him are the same qualities she resents in his relationship with Emily."
"It is the word that Andi uses more than any other when she and Ethan are talking, or arguing about what is wrong with Emily."
"She loves the girls, Sophia particularly, but the longing for a child hasn’t gone."
"Ethan’s eyes flicker away. "You’re right," he says. "I don’t know what else to do.""
"I am okay, Sophia tries to tell herself. This has nothing to do with me. Except she worries that it has everything to do with her."
"Her husband left. He cried all night, and in the morning he packed his things and walked out."
"This is the baby we always wanted. And we can do this!"
"You’re the bitch, you’ve been a bitch since you walked in and stole my father."
"I know you never wanted to adopt, and I understand, I really do."
"This is a gift from God. This is our baby, Ethan."
"I haven't accepted it. I still cross my fingers every month, praying that this might be the month."
"This isn’t about me. This is about what is best for both of us, and this isn’t it."
"How am I going to forgive him? How am I ever going to get over this?"
"I don’t want to carry on with our lives as normal!"
"We were more alike than you might have thought."
"How do you go from being virtually inseparable to being virtual strangers?"
"This is my baby. It’s growing inside of me, it’s part of me."
"It’s small, but… anything that will remind her seems like it must be a good thing."
"I want to go back and tell her, the overweight girl who never felt good enough, that it’s all going to be okay."
"I can’t do this anymore. You love Cal, and I can’t."
"We have not prepared anything for the hospital, assuming it was at least five weeks away."
"We are overwhelmed, which is entirely natural. You are each incredibly brave."
"You’re just about ten centimeters dilated! That means baby’s about ready to come."
"I don’t know that anyone is ever ready for this," Andi says.
"It’s not that simple," she said, explaining that they weren’t sure what caused colic.
"We see the head! You’re almost there! Good girl! One more push!"
"I love you," Andi said, but from where I was standing, it didn’t sound like she was sure at all.
"I know sorry isn’t enough. I know I was causing pain, but… Oh, God. I don’t even know how to explain it."
"It’s better if you don’t," Mary says. "They’re upset. It’s best to just leave it."
"We don’t have a choice." Andi says. "If Emily refuses to sign the adoption papers, there is nothing we can do."
"You must be Craig." I plaster a smile on my face.
"Did you call me?" She looks at me as if I’m nuts. "No."
"Michael!" The shock disappears as a feeling of pure euphoria fills my body.
"I guess the answer’s yes." Craig looks at Sally, sounding not exactly pissed but disappointed.
"My fantasies do not come true. Really. Never ever."
"So what the hell are you doing here?" Michael asks, his eyes still filled with delight and warmth.
"Everyone’s good." I try to wipe the smile off only because I feel so stupid, but I can’t. It’s stuck.
"It is almost … almost … better than I could have imagined it."
"I turn my head. Michael. His face pressed into the pillow, mouth slightly open."
"As long as he’s sleeping, I can hope that last night means something."
"I can’t stand the not knowing. It would be easier to … leave."
"Where are you going?" he mumbles, one eye open.
"Oho." He raises an eyebrow, which is pretty impressive given that one eye is still closed.
"You just get to gaze at my gorgeous body. Don’t pretend you hadn’t noticed. Ow!"
"I’m sorry I shouted," she says. "I didn’t mean to shout at you."
"Was she okay?" Ethan is calling between jobs.
"The whole thing is bizarre. Are you sure you prefer her sober?" she asks doubtfully.
"Emily?" he whispers, lifting her into the air, his voice filled with disbelief.
"I’m your mommy." I hadn’t thought that I would say that.
"But he’s better-looking." Emily grins as Sophia smacks her arm.
"You’re right," Andi reluctantly agrees. "You’re right. I’ll try and relax."
"I know, and truly, I meant thank you for understanding, for being such a good friend."
"I love you so much. I love you for your bravery, and your quiet courage, and your integrity."
"We have spent three happy years peacefully raising our son, without you."
"I don’t want him! I’m not going to take him, okay?"
"It didn’t mean I didn’t love you. It meant I loved you more."
"I love you, and you’re my best friend. I wouldn’t have ended it."
"We have to be honest with each other, and not to keep quiet because we’re frightened of what the other might think."
"I love you, but I do not want to be around you. Not anymore."