
The Carrow Haunt Quotes

The Carrow Haunt by Darcy Coates

The Carrow Haunt Quotes
"Welcome, esteemed guests, to the infamous Carrow House. I sincerely pray no misfortune will befall you during your stay."
"Tonight, you will hear tales of the macabre and the nightmarish. You will see firsthand the rooms where unimaginable horrors have transpired."
"Some quick housekeeping before we begin. Don’t leave the group. Some parts of this building aren’t as structurally sound as they look."
"Don’t touch anything, no matter how pretty and tempting it is."
"Carrow House was originally built by John Carrow and his wife, Maria, in 1901."
"The bodies were removed, but there are still tiny bone fragments in the dirt, and the house’s owners don’t want them disturbed."
"Carrow Hotel had two kinds of guests, wealthy socialites who came for the views and the entertainment, and travellers who were moving along the coastline."
"The house’s owner—first John, then Edgar—always stayed in the room with the best view of the ocean."
"If I had to sit in a box, it would probably be labelled 'sponsor'."
"It’s all nonsense, so you can have whatever you like. Just as you always do."
"Sometimes, spirits are shy. Sometimes, there’s no spirit at all. Sometimes, there isn’t enough energy, and they can’t speak even though they may want to." - Marjorie
"We're surrounded by ghosts, you nitwit. You just can’t see them." - Marjorie
"Be careful. I can’t promise he’s wholly good." - Marjorie, about Mark
"I'm not being cruel to him. This is a system that suits both of us." - Marjorie, about Bernard
"We’re handling lost souls, some who may be afraid or angry or confused. Treat them with compassion." - Marjorie
"It’s a bit of a cliché, but unfinished business can create spirits and imprints, as well. If the person refuses to die—despite their physical body failing them—their spirit may linger." - Remy
"I’m going to be single my whole life. I’ll have twelve cats and live in a haunted house and be the happiest spinster you’ve ever met." - April
"It's not natural for ghosts to remain on earth. Most seem happy or relieved when they’re finally cleared." - Remy
"It’s almost a shame Edgar’s death was so sudden—I would have loved for him to be put through a psychiatric evaluation." - Remy
"He’s one of the most honest, hard-working individuals I’ve had the pleasure of encountering." - Marjorie, about Bernard
"It’s probably a good idea to let someone know before you explore on your own. Just in case you go missing or something."
"You’re right, of course. I’ll be more careful next time."
"They do. And empaths can be wrong, can’t they?"
"The human mind is constantly looking for patterns in chaos."
"I wish I'd never come here. If I hadn't, Piers would still be alive. And if Piers hadn't died, Lucille might not have, either. I'll have to carry that with me forever."
"I wish I'd never started, but I cannot stop. Death is the next step. Heaven owes me no mercy, so I will make my own."
"But remember, spirits, even in poltergeist form, are largely harmless."
"You are dead and have been dead for more than a hundred years. Do not linger. Do not torment the living."
"The idea that one of them might have caused a death was unimaginable."
"If I’m successful, you lot won’t have to wait for the storm to clear. I’ll run to the town and bring the police back."
"Rushing into a confrontation is one of the riskiest things we could do."
"The doubt, the fear, and the mistrust that had dogged her were erased."
"They were facing a human enemy, and humans could be defeated."
"Try to knock their feet out from under them and subdue them in any way you can."
"The sensation’s not going to last for more than, say, six or seven hours."
"I’m still not sure what happened. I woke up on a beach about two miles away from here."