
Seizure Quotes

Seizure by Kathy Reichs

Seizure Quotes
"The rush was electric, like grabbing the third rail in a subway tunnel."
"Pain. Disorientation. Then power. Limitless power. Visceral power."
"I suppose you’re wondering what I’m talking about."
"But that was before I changed. Before a microscopic invader altered my biological software."
"A few months back, a nasty supervirus infected my friends and me."
"It’s not easy, living with wolf instincts buried inside your double helix."
"I understand the basics. When I flare, my senses go into hyperdrive."
"We Virals can tap the physical powers of wolves."
"My brain would snap like a rubber band. My senses would go berserk."
"The virus was a wildcard rampaging through our bodies. Anything was possible."
"With no chances to meet or even discuss our abilities, I’d begun to quietly freak the flip out."
"I’ll be blunt. My friends and I have special powers."
"I don’t know how I did it. Had never been able to repeat the trick."
"I could really, really use a pirate treasure."
"Behind the heavy doors were rows of drawers."
"The map was sketched on a square foot of crinkly brown paper, now pinned at the corners to a cloth backboard."
"No problem interpreting that one. Danger. Stay away."
"You girls are angels for stuffing all those envelopes."
"The weather was her accomplice, with low humidity and cloudy skies keeping the mercury down."
"Enjoy the sweet tea and shade in the courtyard."
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
"If you fear the local baddies, keep a boo-daddy in your pocket."
"A good boo-daddy protects you from night creatures. The more boo-daddies, the better."
"The city fathers chose a site on the Broad Street waterfront, where the biggest docks and streets converged."
"Those caged within these walls faced sickness, despair, even death."
"The darkness on the other side was denser, the air colder. A strong breeze stroked my damp skin."
"It’s okay, boy. Mommy’s fine. Just had a little scare, that’s all."
"We’re the only ones with the final clue to the treasure’s location. We can find where Bonny moved it!"
"I’ll expect Bonny’s letter in a timely fashion."
"When the night sky burned as daytime, a flaming brand mounted the field of bones, and staked the devil’s hand."
"Stand the high watch, hold to thy faith, and look to the sea."
"Let a clear heart guide you through the field of bones."
"Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t stop thinking about how close Chance was. How easy it would be to get a lot closer."
"If you don’t move? I’ll knock you on your spoiled little ass."
"You’re a nobody. Not one person here wants to see your face again."
"If people dislike me for no reason, that’s their problem."
"I don’t see you helping. All you do is complain."
"Excuse me. I’m having a private discussion with my father."
"You’ve no idea what it’s like tracking you delinquents all over creation."
"Who knows? Anne Bonny might be my long-lost ancestor. Her treasure might belong to me by birthright."
"The hidey-hole was constructed of fitted stone."
"It's like finding the Mona Lisa, or the statue of David!"
"What you did is incredible, Tory. You're a remarkable girl."