
Damaged Quotes

Damaged by Lisa Scottoline

Damaged Quotes
"Her wedding was only two weeks away, and their first caterer had gone bankrupt, keeping their deposit and requiring her to pick a new menu. She had approved the mediocre crabmeat dumplings, proof that her standards for her wedding had started at Everything Must Be Perfect, declined to Good Enough, and ended at Whatever, I Do."
"She didn’t need an electronic device to be distracted, she had her regrets."
"Mary’s friends knew that if she was fifteen minutes late, she must have been abducted."
"She wasn’t one of those lawyers who got their self-esteem from handling big, federal-court cases for Fortune 500 clients. Not that she got her self-esteem from within."
"The real Niccolo Machiavelli had thought it was better to be feared than loved, and his alleged descendant followed suit."
"He’s got special needs. He’s dyslexic, and I think I need a lawyer to help with his school."
"The axiom was that children learn to read, then read to learn, but that was a heartbreak for dyslexics."
"She only had one friend. My stockbroker, Dave Kather, and he’s more like a business acquaintance."
"I have so many students and the initiative for counseling often comes from the parent."
"Is it easy to miss when he’s throwing up in front of you? Because nobody misses him when it’s time to send him to a cooling-off room."
"Fairmount Prep is private and at thirty-five grand a year, they can offer Paradise. We can’t."
"If it were a racist or a sexist joke, we wouldn’t laugh at it. It’s no different."
"You can’t imagine how many parents—and grandparents—call me on the phone, asking for counseling."
"It’s not like we don’t care about Patrick. We do."
"It’s not his job to provide the services, it’s yours. It’s the school’s responsibility under the law."
"You think I’m stupid just ’cause I’m pretty?"
"We’re losing this kid. He’s not just falling through the cracks, he’s disintegrating."
"That’s why he should be placed there, it’s perfect for him."
"You’re in luck! We have an opening for Patrick O’Brien. Please call ASAP and we can talk."
"Everything was falling into place, and Patrick was one step closer to getting back on track."
"I always knew you were low, but I never thought you were that low."
"We’re never settling, ever. Robertson’s going to jail."
"She’s really bald. I remember when I first met her, her bald spot was about the size of a fig."
"I would’ve FaceTimed you, but I happen to know you’re driving around, harassing my client."
"Robertson has been following my clients, and you’d better make him stop."
"He’s a child molester. He physically and sexually assaulted my client, a ten-year-old boy."
"I think he’ll just know. I’m pretty sure that’s how it works."
"He doesn’t get to call the tune, and neither do you."
"I have to go to court for you, and I can’t do that until Monday."
"It’s okay, sweetie. I know you wouldn’t have shot anybody."
"I’m sorry, I’m sorry … my Pops told me not to touch his gun … I wasn’t going to shoot it … I don’t know how…"
"It’s true that you would nevertheless have to qualify and become a fully licensed foster parent within sixty days, but you won’t have a problem with that."
"He was not allowed to touch the gun, it was expressly forbidden by his grandfather."
"There is no possible reason for an objection."
"You know that notice procedures are more informal in shelter care proceedings, especially emergency proceedings."
"The procedural rules are informal in shelter care hearings, so I suppose if that’s the way you and Ms. Ortega want to proceed, I’ll grant your request."
"Thank you for your testimony. You may step down."
"I was not given notice of this witness, either. We object to the relevance and reliability of this testimony."
"I’ve never before had a shelter care hearing in which the child involved was suspected of murder."
"Dr. Chopra would be here himself, if he hadn’t had a previous commitment with the conference."
"Detective Randolph, isn’t it true that as you learn new facts, your theory of the case may change?"
"That’s not our procedure, Mr. Foxman, but at this moment, we have bigger fish to fry."
"The objection is denied. Counsel, both of you, sit down."
"He hasn’t been charged with a thing. It’s a mix-up."
"We have expectations and we show these kids they can meet our expectations."
"If the kids know our rules and expectations and follow them, we get along fine."
"The key is maintaining order and having expectations."
"You have to send me a deposit of $5,000, non-refundable."
"I have access to his main email but he has a private email that I don’t have access to. Not that this is any of your business."
"James is a nice old man and he does a good job for his clients."
"I needed to see Edward’s executor to get a disbursement from the estate, but he took off for the Caymans for no apparent reason and without telling his secretary or his friends."
"I killed Geltz and O’Brien. One more body won’t matter."
"Whatever it was, you’ll do less time for a financial crime than for murder."
"I’ll take a lie detector. He said it to me. He was about to kill me, so I guess he wasn’t worried about me telling anyone."
"We’re drawing up the papers. He’s in there with his lawyer and the A.D.A."
"Thank God you’re okay. You had me worried there."
"I got this. Get in the studio. Close the door behind you. Call 911."
"I don’t know if we’ll find them or what we can recover from the hard drives. The truth is, we don’t need them with a full confession."
"But any restitution will only be for pennies on the dollar, because the fund will have to be divided among all the Cornerstone investors."
"Edward invested with Cornerstone about two years ago, and in time, he began seeing tiny red flags."
"I’ll say. The way your luck is going, I think he just might."
"I know, and it’s not your fault, but I can’t let it stand. I wanted justice for Edward, and I want it for Patrick, too."
"You made it! I’m sorry I wasn’t able to help you."
"Every addict’s story is the same. The drugs reduce you. They erase your individuality."
"We have all the cards. We’re gonna squeeze him."
"He likes to be talked to and listened to, and his heart is so open."