
You Have To Stop This Quotes

You Have To Stop This by Pseudonymous Bosch

You Have To Stop This Quotes
"Revealing a secret is a bit like releasing air from a balloon: the secret spirals around and makes a fun noise—and if you aim right, it might even hit somebody in the nose—but afterward it always falls to the ground, and everyone is left with that sad, after-the-balloon feeling of loss and abandonment."
"Honestly, I don’t know why you bother to read a word I write."
"I know, this book is like a car accident. You don’t want to stare—you just can’t help it."
"The view couldn’t have been more familiar. The backpack. The braids. The big pointy ears. Always, always from behind."
"If you’ve never visited a museum when it is closed, I recommend it; that’s when a museum really comes to life."
"They say time heals all wounds, but as you know from experience, that isn’t true. Certainly, time does not mend all broken pots."
"In archaeology, we call them sherds, not shards."
"Whatever he did, I doubt we would think he deserved to die for it."
"In life he had the magic touch. Now may his hands lie still."
"You think if I toss this, any of them will run after it?"
"They all stood still for a moment. But there was no other sound."
"No, this isn’t a new chapter, I’m just prolonging the… suspense."
""No…" Cass looked unharmed, but she was breathing hard and clutching her stomach."
"Never more guilty. She was the one who’d broken off the mummy’s finger."
"She, Cass, was the disaster. Instead of preparing for earthquakes, she thought, she should have been preparing for herself."
"Daniel-not-Danielle had a very mixed reaction when he heard about the mummy being stolen."
""Actually, that’s not really an argument in our defense," Max-Ernest cautioned."
"All three of them had such distinct personalities, Daniel-not-Danielle reflected."
""The Secret? You want me to tell you the Secret?" He started to laugh. "You have the ring. Give me the ring!""
"You should practice climbing out your bedroom window more often."
"Really? No, but I might have been. You should be more careful."
"Peanuts? They are so much better in the shell."
"I am not a sentimental man. I do not shudder to see a baby bird taken from its nest."
"You are a little boy inside—that is what you are, fratello mio."
"Perhaps I am still that boy. Or perhaps I was born old."
"The little boy whose childhood, it was stolen from him."
"The whole panoply of Egyptian life was depicted."
"Cass blinked. The scene reminded her so much of her dream that she wasn’t quite sure she was awake."
"Each grain glittered in the sun like a tiny pebble of gold."
"All you really have to do to get attention is cheat."
"It’s like one huge environmental crime scene."
"The glass was tinted gold, and when the sun hit the hotel—as it was hitting the hotel now—the building lit up like a volcano."
"Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try the zip line. I mean, it could be good training… for, you know, if we have to, like, swing from the pulleys and stuff on the stage tonight."
"Gold. The most malleable of metals, and the most precious."
"If you can't see the ridiculous side of things, it's awfully hard to deal with the serious side."
"A sense of humor may not be the secret of success, but I'm pretty sure it's the secret of life."
"Friends don’t have to have a lot of things in common... But there's one thing friends usually do have in common—a sense of humor."
"Whatever lies on the other side of the road, even if there's nothing much there at all, I’ve learned a lot along the way—from all of you."
"We’ve crossed one bridge, and we’re about to cross another... It’s not the destination, it’s the journey."
"Why did the chicken cross the road? You all know the answer: to get to the other side. But think about it—that isn’t really an answer; it’s a statement of the obvious."
"It is something that binds us together as people. And makes us human. It’s a sense of humor."