
Rule Quotes

Rule by Jay Crownover

Rule Quotes
"No problem. I’ve got an hour or so left of my shift. Can you hang out until I’m off?"
"I just can’t help myself from trying to make sure you eat on Sundays."
"I know exactly what you do and don’t do, Tattoo Boy."
"You were great, how about lunch? Just ‘get the fuck out’?"
"The only difference between you and Remy is that he let people love him, and you"—she yanked open the driver’s door and glared at me across the space that separated us—"you have always been determined to make everyone who cares about you prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt."
"She needs help, Dale. Remy’s been gone for a while and all she wants to do is push Rule to take his place. That isn’t going to happen, we all know that."
"That’s the girl you complain about driving home with every weekend? That’s the girl you whine endlessly about walking in on you when you’re acting the fool? That’s the girl you dodge calls from and avoid like the plague? Geez, Rule, I never knew you were gay."
"I don’t care what my mother told you, Gabe. We’re over. I have no interest in going to Aspen with you or your family. Stop calling me and stop showing up where I’m at."
"I hadn’t gotten a piece of anyone, ever, not that she needed to know that."
"Ayden had ended up taking me for sushi and to see some stupid romantic comedy, and the day passed, lackluster and unremarkable."
"I don’t know how someone as softhearted as you came from those two."
"I wasn’t going to be another one of your morning-after headaches. I have more pride than that."
"Maybe for just once I just want to act how I want and feel how I want to feel without someone judging me and expecting something from me in return."
"I’ve known you since you first figured out girls were more complicated than boys, and you’ve never wanted to put the work in."
"Seriously, chill. Shaw is awesome. She’s a total babe, she’s got enough balls to give you your shit right back, and she knows you and still is willing to give you a shot."
"Why do you think she wants to give this a shot? I mean, logically she knows I’m a bad bet."
"I think she’s a superbright chick and, whatever her motivation is, she’s thought a lot about it."
"I think I’m certifiable for even thinking I’m going to be able to do this."
"I’ve never waited around for a week to spend time with a girl I’m into before; frankly it blows, and I want to spend time with you."
"You’re like good whiskey, Shaw. You go to a guy’s head quick and smooth."
"I can’t change the past, Casper, not any of it."
"True, but if it’s good, it’s going be so very, very good."
"I think you need a fair comparison before you totally shut me out."
"You have me, Shaw, any way you need me, any way you want me, you have me."
"I promise not to do anything overtly stupid."
"I don’t have it in me to just look the other way every time you use another girl to work out your hurt feelings."
"That’s cool because I bet make-up sex with you is going to be out of this world."
"I’m the one who feels the need to burn the house down when the faucet springs a leak."
"It’s not enough that you took Remy’s life? You had to take the girl he loved from him, too?"
"I’m sleeping with your brother, and if you thought I was a silly lovesick fool before, you should see me now."
"I loved Remy, still do, but we were never in love."
"Remy was gay. He was my best friend, my surrogate family, but he was a homosexual."
"You think I care what that loser thinks? You think I give a single fuck what that degenerate wants to do to me? He’s nothing."
"You’re my girlfriend, Shaw. You belong to me."
"Fear and panic rose up hard and fast in my throat as I struggled."
"I screeched in pain and went limp on that side."
"I squeezed the canister in my good hand and bolted out the door."
"She gave me a skeptical look and patted my feet where they were stacked up under the itchy hospital blanket."
"I deserve it all because I'm willing to give it all."
"I'm getting tired. Can you send a nurse in on your way out?"
"The only time I had ever seen Rule cry was at Remy's funeral."