
Turn Of Mind Quotes

Turn Of Mind by Alice LaPlante

Turn Of Mind Quotes
"Something has happened. You can always tell. You come to and find wreckage: a smashed lamp, a devastated human face that shivers on the verge of being recognizable."
"I can still read, I’m not that far gone, not yet."
"Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?"
"My name is Dr. Jennifer White. I am sixty-four years old. I have dementia."
"The notebook is a way of communicating with myself, and with others. Of filling in the blank periods."
"Elderly Chicago Woman Found Dead, Mutilated."
"Amanda? Dead? I cannot believe it. My dear, dear friend."
"Today, Friday, March 11, was another bad day. You kicked the step and broke your toe."
"Life in the shadows. As the neurofibrillary tangles proliferate, as the neuritic plaques harden, as synapses cease to fire and my mind rots out, I remain aware."
"I am in a car. I am sitting in the back, behind a driver with short brown hair."
"I’m not Dad. I’m not the silver-tongued corporate finance lawyer, just a grunt. But I do care."
"Mental competency is a label. It doesn’t have anything to do with your actual abilities."
"I adore cats, but we never got one, because I hated the thought of keeping one trapped indoors when its instinct would be to roam."
"I never took myself for a dupe. I valued myself so highly that I assumed others did, too, especially those closest to me."
"The things that matter. The truths we hold on to until the end."
"I’ve spent some years in the wilderness and can’t seem to find my way out."
"I’m having a bad day, the kind where I know that believers would pray, but I just can’t allow myself to sink that low."
"You’re after something. You’re after my money."
"I have a tremendous grip. And I will not be betrayed."
"I am not a wild thing to be soothed by touch. I will not be soothed."
"The secret of a happy marriage: not honesty, not forgiveness, but acceptance that is a kind of respect for the other’s right to make mistakes."
"At some point we die. Except under unusual circumstances, we usually get some advance warning."
"We sit in silence for a moment. When Mark speaks again, his voice is again one of a small boy."
"I was stymied. No one asks me such things anymore. They ask me if I want tea. If I’m cold. If I want to listen to some Bach."
"I continue what I’m doing until the blond woman comes and leads me away."
"That’s a lot of definition for such a short word! It sure makes my job sound hard!"
"If you’re going to treat me like a child, then treat me like an actual child. Let me pick myself up when I fall."
"It’s Dr. White. Not Jenny. Absolutely not Jen."
"The only good death is a swift one. Dignity has nothing to do with it."
"Love, love is everywhere. People are pairing off, two by two, sometimes three."
"Sometimes you just have to dispense with the niceties."
"Most people start acting at that point. I’m not capable of that."
"I have managed not to swallow my pills this morning, so I am alert. Alive."
"I am sitting in the great room. I want to be left alone. I have much to think about. Much to plan."
"The worst has happened. Nothing will make a difference for Amanda."
"The pleasure that comes from relieving one’s bowels under hygienic conditions."
"You need to know that you’re the source of whatever comes out."