
The Goddess Test Quotes

The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter

The Goddess Test Quotes
"She wasn’t a freak show they could stare at or some piece of gossip they could whisper back and forth, and I wouldn’t let them do that to her."
"The more you struggle against who you are, the harder it will be."
"You’re meant for great things, sweetie, but the more you struggle against who you are, the harder it will be."
"I had to wear a surgical mask around my mother."
"It’s just another few minutes," she said, looking up at me pleadingly. "I haven’t spent time outside in ages. The sun feels wonderful."
"It’ll be easier to go when I know you’ll be okay."
"Promise me you’ll be yourself and do what makes you happy, no matter what."
"I thought I already had." The fire in his eyes didn’t fade. "There may be things I will not—cannot—tell you, but I am not a liar, and I will never mislead you."
"Everything changes with time," said Henry, his breath warm against my ear. "One must simply be patient."
"I have never seen anyone study so hard for a test as you have done this weekend. If you do not pass, then there is no hope for the rest of us."
"You intrigue me, and if you succeed in passing the tests the council puts before you, you will one day be my wife."
"I understand that this is not your ideal life, and I do not wish to make it more difficult for you than it already is. My only desire is to help you pass these tests."
"She didn’t deserve to die, and her death—it’s my fault. It should have been me, not her, and I can’t live with that."
"The love you have for your mother isn’t the sort that death can breach."
"There is always a rational explanation, but sometimes things may seem irrational or impossible if you don’t know all the rules."
"But she’s a myth. It isn’t possible she really existed."
"Horses have as much personality in them as people," he said gruffly as he introduced me to the fifteen horses in the stables.
"I slept better than I had in days, and when I woke up, I was smiling."
"It was through sheer willpower alone that I managed to keep it down."
"My heart melted, all of my anger and frustration temporarily forgotten."
"If he’d just wanted someone to spend time with, he could’ve chosen anyone, but he’d chosen me."
"I don’t know how long it took me, sprinting through the woods."
"It doesn’t matter how comfortable I was here or whether or not I liked being around him."
"You cannot fail any of the seven tests the council will place before you."
"Let her go before she becomes another victim."
"Eleven girls are already dead because of you."
"I promise I’ll get you back to bed before the sun comes up."
"As long as humanity exists, there will always be love and war."
"You wouldn’t remember any of this if you decide to leave."
"It seems we are breaking all sorts of rules tonight."
"But he risked that for me, and all you’ve done is get one of his men killed and the other branded a murderer."
"Do not feel guilty for it. Her actions are not yours."
"Your safety and happiness are what matter most to me."
"The trees are only sleeping. They will return when the time is right."
"You believe in me when few others will, and I cannot tell you how much that means to me."
"I love her dearly, and it was agony for me to see her so miserable."
"I care so much that I do not know how to tell you without it seeming inconsequential compared to how I feel."
"She made her decision. You have made yours. It is the most you can do."
"I'm not very good at this. The whole—falling for someone thing, being with them…even with the kissing, I'm not very good."
"Thank you for trusting me with that. I’ve never felt like this for anyone."
"If we don’t leave now, we’ll be late. I’m not exactly in any shape to be sprinting down the hallway."
"Sister," said Henry, his voice full of rich golden warmth that made my pain ebb away.
"Hello, Kate," she said, and I opened and shut my mouth several times, but nothing came out.
"What are you doing here?" As I asked it, I knew it was obvious.
"I'm sorry," she said with the same sympathetic smile I'd seen on her face a thousand times before.
"My own mother was a goddess. It wasn't something I could simply shrug and accept."
"For the seventh and final test, pride and humility." My mother paused and smiled. "Kate passes."
"Welcome to the family. This session of the council is adjourned."
"I don’t know how long she held me, but by the time we let go of one another, my chest ached and I’d slid halfway off the stool."
"It means, if you agree, we will be married at sunset."
"But we have no real names," said my mother. "We were created before names."
"Of course," she said, her voice filled with affection that spilled through me and made it easier to walk the next few feet.
"I will be waiting for you when you return," he said. "And I love you."
"I don’t know," I said, and I stared at the muddy ground as I entertained the possibilities laid out before me.