
Pearls Of Lutra Quotes

Pearls Of Lutra by Brian Jacques

Pearls Of Lutra Quotes
"Dead and gone, no, gone to be dead, Following the crack that runs through his head. From beyond the sunset, they will appear, Tell them, the weasel was never here. Remember my words and use them someday, To keep the wrath of Mad Eyes away!"
"Run from me, hide from me, Still my shafts will find you. All you vermin of the sea, I must bring swift death to."
"I’ve heard that certain creatures won’t be allowed to take Dibbuns out into Mossflower Wood again, ’cos they get into trouble and come back home very, very late, and filthy too, smocks torn, dirty paws’n’faces."
"I say, my name’s Clecky and this chap is known as Gerul."
"Oh, I’d say quite a stretch o’ time yet, though if’n we lose this fair wind or run into proper rough seas, then who c’d say?"
"Good job y’got me t’look after yer. I put the Monitors in the best cabins, up for’ard, hahaha, where they gets the real buck an’ pitch of the ship, up an’ down, up an’ down, night’n’day."
"I’ll live to close those evil eyes of yores fer good, Ublaz! This is war!"
"A hog on the stairs is worth two hares in a hamper."
"Tanzee panzee brush uppa floor, worra mess I never see’d in my life! Dearie grayshuss, likkle villains!"
"Well under way an’ makin’ good time, mate, like as if we’re in an ’urry t’rush to our deaths, eh?"
"I shed my second tear, into the cup of cheer, But look not into any cup, the answer’s written here!"
"My first is in blood and also in battle, My second in acorn, oak and apple."
"My third and fourth are both the same, In the center of sorrow and twice in refrain."
"My fifth starts eternity ending here, My last is the first of last... Oh dear!"
"If I told you the answer then you would know, ’Twas made in the winter of deepest snow."
"You are troubled, little one?" - Martin the Warrior
"Pick me flowers for Redwall, To grace the tables of Great Hall, Go out upon the grassy ground, Where flowers bloom all round." - Abbey Song
"Who knows, maybe Fermald knew little of cellars and they all looked like barrels to her." - Rollo
"I am not earth nor am I stone, No shape at all to call my own, Not bird or beast or flow'r or tree, Yet captives live within me free!" - Fermald's Rhyme
"The weather outside is harsh and gloomy, but Redwallers are merry and snug within our Abbey." - Tim Churchmouse
"Touch one hair of their heads and I will slay you, scalescum!" - Martin the Warriormouse
"The road may be long but it doesn’t get any shorter by standin’ gossipin’." - Gerul's Mother
"Yore right, matey. I’ll go along with you." - Skipper
"We’re on a loser at the moment, they’re holdin’ all the acorns in this little game." - Clecky
"The middle of this rod has been rebound. I noticed some of this flax looked newer than the rest."
"You should’ve seen me ole mate ’ere. He gave ’em what for!"
"Leave yer enemies like a plate after a good feed—well licked!"
"Walking’s good as winging whenever it’s wet!"
"My fourth tear I shed, for the Abbey Redwall, Laid where it never Should hatch or fall."
"For spring is fled and summer’s come, Gather its blossoms and bring me some."
"If yer not fat there’s a slim chance some creature’ll fall in love with ye."
"They’ll be treating us noice and giving us noice vittles."
"We’re all freebeasts and we’re on a mission to free a good old beast, the Abbot of Redwall."
"I’ll bring ye back a nice walking stick, ole feller!"
"My sixth and last tear I give unto you, When Redwallers lie abed, At midnight see, in full moon view, The purple arrowhead."
"Travel east, six rods from the tip, To the rose that blooms ever fair, See if you can find the right hip, Turn west and you’re halfway there."
"I couldn’t say, mate, never been there, though I’d like to."
"Gittawooom, nugorra omminsawll. Gittarra, Haaaaaaaaawm!"
"Great seasons, Wullger’s going to have a fit when he sees the mess we’ve made in here—he cleaned the gatehouse out only last evening."
"Do you know where to find the purple arrowhead, Sister, or the rose that blooms ever fair, or the right hip for that matter? Because if you do I’d be pleased if you’d tell me, but otherwise I wish you’d please leave me alone."
"You suffered no permanent damage at Ninian’s and your friends Craklyn and Rollo seem to be in good health. Come on, Tansy, this is not like you. What’s the matter?"
"I’ll play if you sing. D’you know ’Trees o’ the Wood’?"
"There’s ash and beech and rowan and oak, Weepin’ willow with leaves trailin’ down O."
"Many rowans I’ve known full o’ berries when grown, And laburnum that wears a gold crown O."
"Aye I’ll find a stout tree for to make a safe nest, Just like a good-livin’ bird should."
"If Sister Cicely serves some soup, She’ll surely see some sup it."
"There’s a lot of information we need about this island, the big building I saw today, and what both sides are fighting about."
"He could not resist. 'Just a one-eared hare, a wounded warrior, a sleepin’ Abbot and a couple o’ plank-tailed waterdogs. Yowch! I say, watch it!'"
"They are marooned here for life, with no ships, no wood or trees growing. They could not even build a toy boat."
"Oh, mister Montisle, I do like your ear, so picturesque! Ahem, thank ye, marm, ’tis an old war wound. Pass me the salad and I’ll tell you how I jolly well came about it."
"The king said it is not the way of friends to desert each other, so he decided to return and help out."
"This is the most excellent news! May your seasons be long together with all the happiness that fortune sends you both!"
"Let the birds fly high before us, An’ our wake trail straight behind, When yore heart is yearnin’ for it, Home is not too hard to find."
"Hush, little maid, think of the autumn harvest in Redwall Abbey. You’ll be there with your friends to help gather it."
"Haste to the shore, look to the main, Be not beset by fears. Wait faithfully for a Sea King there, And take with you six tears."
"Shrum, shrum, double die dum, Rivers may flow but the streams they do run."
"The Abbess will know what to do with the pearls!"
"These pearls are said to be rare, precious and beautiful, yet when I look at them now I see only bloodshed, greed and death."
"She who holds the pearls, the Abbess of Redwall will be, She who holds on to the pearls, cannot rule in place of thee, Only an Abbess whose heart sees truth, may give pearls unto the sea."