
Envy Quotes

Envy by Anna Godbersen

Envy Quotes
"I don’t love Penelope, I never did... You were all I thought of the whole ceremony, and ever since. Protecting you and your good name."
"I might ask you that very question. I thought you drowned. Or was that just a story to cover up your intentions regarding a certain boy who used to work in a stable?"
"I suppose you are here to meet your wife. She’s here."
"It would be doing none of the family any favors for her state, or the reasons for it, to be publicly speculated on."
"I would have crossed straight to Longhorn, and gone on to the front entrance without any need for discussion, but I was stalled by the whisper of fingers on my back."
"What a good thing it is to have a home-cooked meal after so many months eating hotel food."
"It is society, and what everyone will say. What they are already beginning to say. Unfortunately, the truth is not on our side, and we must be ever mindful of appearances."
"I am leaving Tuesday. Teddy and I are going to do some fishing. Tell them I was called away to get my luggage and plans in order, if they saw me. And if they didn’t, don’t mention my coming here at all."
"Through the lace undercurtains, down on the street, Mrs. Schoonmaker and Miss Broad could be seen crossing to the former lady’s carriage."
"Carolina went after Penelope, somewhat too quickly. She had not yet learned how to pause and preen like a lady of leisure."
"But now she knew how satisfying writing could be, how you could create a whole person and event with a small insinuation."
"‘Yes,’ Mrs. Holland, warming herself in a chair by the fire, agreed. ‘I was worried about you at the beginning, Elizabeth, but by the end you seemed like your old self.’"
"‘I do worry about the proposed travel plans for Miss Elizabeth, however,’ Snowden continued."
"‘It’s all right, Mr. Cairns.’ Elizabeth turned her back toward the window and allowed herself to be hugged by her younger sister."
"Even when a girl is married, she still never completely leaves her mother and father’s home."
"‘I don’t even want to go anymore,’ she said to Isaac Phillips Buck, her closest confidante."
"‘Well, at least you’re going to escape this dismal, gray city.’ Buck’s small eyes, which were enveloped in well-moisturized flesh, rolled to the elaborately frescoed ceiling as his tone sank dramatically."
"‘I am, as well—Grayson Hayes invited me. I will see you on the ferry, then!’ He removed his hat and made a gallant swooshing bow motion, before disappearing back into the crowd."
"You can't hold me accountable for all of them, and anyway, the ones he bought with me in mind were gifts."
"Marriage is a mystery that one would be wise not to solve too hastily."
"No one would blame you for wanting to kill me."
"You don’t understand what you saw. I mean that it’s not what it seemed."
"You're my oldest friend. My best friend. Entertain me, please."
"I doubt that when you begin to experience the humiliation of being turned out of the Schoonmaker mansion, you will want to add to it by letting everyone know that your husband never loved you."
"It's like being an animal in a zoo, with enforced feeding hours and the constant indignity of display."
"I am thinking of you always, and when we'll be together. How soon that will be."
"To look in the face of hard things and keep moving forward—that’s what one has to do."
"Life was a short window, and there was no sense in doing the wrong thing over and over even if it was so difficult to stop."
"There’s something to live for, after all, if only he could keep his sights fixed on it."
"Always stay sharp on railways and cruise ships, for transit has a way of making everything clear."
"Try to think on such things only in the winter, and pray you do not have to keep too many secrets."
"It is a truth universally acknowledged that there will always be a gentleman to dance with, except at just the moment when you require one most."
"Men’s reaction to the news that they are to be first-time fathers is often inadequate, if only out of nervousness."
"It is difficult for the once poor to ever play truly rich. But this is a city full of those who will try."
"His gaze fell to Penelope, who winked knowingly."
"Stop it!" Henry wanted to shout—to his wife, to everyone in the room."
"There was nothing for him to do but stumble away with the full knowledge that all his planning and heroics were no more than half-formed thoughts dying in the mind."
"The only person Elizabeth had ever known who was not a hypocrite was Will."
"It was stunning that she should have to suffer this way for love, and that the punishment should be so bodily, so humiliating, so absolute."
"There was no changing any of it—it was an inescapable part of her now."
"I feel I would sooner die than see you as the beloved of another."
"The worst of it was that so many betrayals seemed to have grown from lack of faith on both their parts, and not because of any bad intentions."