
Defy The Stars Quotes

Defy The Stars by Claudia Gray

Defy The Stars Quotes
"Every single one of them volunteered, but none of them is truly ready to die."
"Noemi knows what her duty to God is right now: Fight like hell."
"Abel can fear hundreds of years of solitude—never discovering what became of Burton Mansfield—never again having any use."
"She’s learned how to fight. Next she has to learn how to die."
"Because hope can hurt, and yet Abel can’t stop looking out the window, wishing desperately for someone to see him, so he will no longer be alone."
"Noemi has to destroy this mech and get to sick bay now—or die trying."
"But now Esther’s gone, too, and instead of being held close and told she was loved, she had to die listening to Noemi shriek at someone in anger."
"The words only echo in the hollow space that has replaced her heart."
"To save her world, she must learn to stand alone."
"Extremely thorough information came preloaded into my memory circuits."
"Human beings and decency don’t always go together."
"I’ve never claimed to know everything about Kismet."
"I don’t need as much sleep as a human, so I’d always be able to serve if needed."
"Dancing requires matching movements—particularly in the hips and pelvis—to the speed and rhythm most desired by your partner."
"If Mansfield had foreseen this, he could’ve arranged Abel’s priorities to let him escape on his own."
"Some aspects of humanity were programmed very badly."
"Shouldn’t that matter to a human even more than it does to a mech?"
"Which only applies to Noemi, of course. When the officials learn who and what Abel is, they will return him to Mansfield…"
"I’m more than capable of retrieving the T-7 anx on my own."
"But I suspect time is not a luxury either of us can indulge in at present."
"Her opinion shouldn’t matter. It will of course be easier to deal with her from now on because she’ll finally listen to him—but he doesn’t think that’s it."
"I take us along the wall. You hold on to me."
"But he’s not sleeping, he’s just in regenerative mode. Even if his energy stores ran low, he couldn’t actually feel tired."
"People only talk like that when they’re lonely."
"You’re assuming humans want mechs to advance."
"The opposite of faith isn’t doubt. The opposite of faith is certainty."
"We’re supposed to seek inner enlightenment. My whole life, I’ve hoped that I’d experience grace."
"Burton Mansfield’s greatest sin was creating a soul and imprisoning it in a machine."
"Children don’t abandon their parents, do they?"
"We were taught that Mansfield was evil because he made soulless machines in the shape of men."
"Humanity learned that from Einstein. You can’t be sure the time spent on one world will match the time you spent on another."
"The good news is that the Daedalus can still take off and land. It can still move through a Gate."
"I listed myself as nineteen, since that is closest to the age I currently appear to be."
"I need to see it. Stronghold. I have to see what’s happening."
"We're never more than one outbreak away from another pandemic."
"It’s a price worth paying. Conflicts are the price of sentience."
"You have fallen in love, my boy. I made a mech capable of falling in love."
"Sometimes I think Earth has no more to give."
"Better to wear out than to rust out, my boy."
"It's where they all came from, and where they all answer to in some sense."
"I've never been less lonely than I am now. With you."
"From now on, you decide where you'll go, what you'll do—who you'll be. But today? You're just Mansfield's creation, or mine. You deserve to be yourself."
"This is my moment of grace, Abel. All those years I prayed, and nothing—but now I don’t have to believe anymore. I know. You have a soul. That makes it my job to take care of you. To protect your life like it was my own."
"It hurts more to lose you than it did to give up my own life. Does that mean what I feel isn’t only a copy? That I do love you?"
"I’ve come to believe in the essential rightness of Genesis’s cause. While I might personally have selected a different course of action, it’s clear that humanity’s best potential home in the cosmos must be protected."
"We are this world. Its next generation. If you’re not trying to save us, then what exactly are you trying to save?"
"You think machines have all the answers? Sounds like Earth thinking to me."