
A Day Of Fallen Night Quotes

A Day Of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon

A Day Of Fallen Night Quotes
"One day, Pajati would wake. One day, he would hear their prayers and bring rain to the province."
"He gave her a tear in return, dropping it into her palm like a coin."
"All she could do was protect their child – the child she decided, in that bittersweet moment, that she was going to keep."
"From that day on, hope was reborn."
"The words that had betrayed the truth. There has been enough bloodshed for now."
"I will be a peaceweaver. I will save the House of Berethnet, and make sure it rises stronger than ever – the head of four realms sworn to the Saint and the Damsel. We will rule the Ashen Sea."
"This world exists as a sheen of dew on flowers."
"The first time Glorian saw her own blood, she was twelve years old."
"A place kept secret for centuries could not afford secrets within its own walls."
"Not once had she feared the tree before this day. It had been guardian and giver and friend – never an enemy, never a threat."
"When I first left, I walked in the Crimson Desert, the sun beating down on my skin, and I understood how wide and glorious the world must be; how many marvels it must hold."
"You call it conforming; I call it surrender to the Mother."
"A country that breaks the rudder of monarchy will swing wildly and crash into others, hurling all into disorder."
"A spark can be coaxed into a bright flame, if given the chance."
"The stars gleamed sharp as arrow points, and all the world thrummed in her skin."
"If we fall, we fall together."
"There are rules for survival."
"The Nameless One was vanquished."
"Monarchs do not govern you, either. It seems we are useless relics to you."
"Let us see what has called my son to the mountain."
"Dumai, a poet’s word for a fleeting dream, a dream that ends too soon. It is a fitting name for a woman of the imperial house."
"The River Lord had always been from Clan Kuposa, but my son favored talent over blood."
"Life in the interior can be . . . very hard."
"Butterflies are messengers of Kwiriki – symbols of the power the gods once had to change their shapes."
"You see, Dumai, you owe no allegiance to the Kuposa. That gives you power."
"This is how you will serve the gods, granddaughter. This is what the great Kwiriki has been calling you to do."
"There is nothing to forgive. It did hurt me that you lied, but everything you ever did was to protect me. Even by calling me your kite, you taught me never to look down."
"Please, my kite, be careful. Please fly back to me."
"Sometimes there is more than one choice. More than one way the river could flow; more than one way to win the day. Sometimes there is only one."
"I’m not just afraid we won’t like each other. I’m frightened of losing myself."
"I am the daughter of Bardholt Hraustr, who won his throne by blood and iron. I assure you, I am no stranger to blades."
"If I may season this conversation with sense..."
"The Palace of the Great Onjenyu. Flanked by orchards and cedar groves, it was built on a steep red promontory, twin windcatchers forming its highest points."
"Stories can be embellished. As to what you saw in Mentendon: it was dark, and I imagine there was a great deal of smoke."
"We will fight to the last woman for Lasia."
"This might not be the path she had sought, but here she was, rattling along it."
"With a gasp, Dumai threw up a hand to shield herself as Lake Jasiro erupted into white spray, and the mighty head of a dragon reared above her, glittering."
"Thrones and houses do not matter. Your disputes do not matter. If the fire rises, all will burn."
"She was a princess, but she was also a godsinger – and here was a god, singing back to her, finally."
"It is in the darkest times that companionship is needed most."
"The fire beneath grows too hot, too fast. The star has not returned to cool it."
"Dragons had always been hard to understand. They were divine creatures, and humans often failed to grasp their meaning."
"Autumn is already so beautiful. The River Lord could only enhance it."
"Dragons are of the sea. And the sea holds loyalty to no one."
"Knowledge shines brighter than silver."
"A sword cannot be shaped without fire and force."
"I cried the first time someone tried to kill me."
"Glorian, we are the future, and together we have changed the world. There is nothing that we cannot do."
"A fish in a pond does not know the sea."
"This realm is like a bubble, floating between the mortal and celestial worlds."
"The world isn't as soft as the Saint teaches."
"Only witches died by fire. Let his last day, his last choice, be the truth."
"The summoning filled the Seiikinese night. It rippled out from the Rayonti Basin, west to Sidupi and north to Ginura, east to Isunka and all the way south, to the stormy hook of Ampiki."
"These creatures born of earthly rock are likely offspring – offspring of the wyrms that flocked from the Dreadmount."
"If you go, you do not go with my blessing."
"It sounds a fearfully stern place. Then again, Lord Magnaust sounds a fearfully stern man."
"The pieces were blackened. By fire."
"You think it was the Nameless One. That people will question the divinity of the House of Berethnet."
"What sort of fire could leap between decks, across leagues of sea?"
"Emperor Jorodu had found the remnants of her diary in his private archive. Some were yellowed and blackened, uneven at the edges, as if they had been collected from a fire."
"Water must always quench fire in the end."
"They had survived a haunted sea."
"The Nameless One could not return, but something else had come."
"The war was here. At last, after five hundred years, it had come."
"There she stood: Glorian the Third, Queen of Inys. Twentieth monarch of the House of Berethnet."
"She stood in her own mausoleum."
"Because as we speak, Carmentum is burning."
"Now you have seen. Now you know why the Priory has prepared for all those centuries."
"The Child of the Woods did not look like Lord Edrick. His face did hold something of you."
"The Curse of Yikala. The Saint defeated the Nameless One, but he had an enchanted sword. If magic ever existed, it’s gone."
"The Saint had never promised that nothing else would come. Only that the Nameless One would not return. The people of Inys had never prepared, because they thought their queens would shield them."
"Let it end. Please, let it end. Saint, messenger, sister, help me. Send me rain."
"What if magic is just a word for power beyond our understanding, like the gods possess?"
"I find most things I say do turn out to be true."
"An Age of Fire would be ended by something from above."
"Only fallen night can stop it."
"I see the waters of your mind."
"I find it best to understand, rather than fear."
"When its eyes found her, the sound it made was half whinny, half scream."
"I come to you now, sent by Einlek King of Hróth, to tell you what I witnessed on the Ashen Sea, aboard the Conviction. And to bring you a dire warning."
"Black powder. Drawn from the deep earth, unlocked by the golden art. It makes all matter leap and tremble."
"Fire wells from the earth, Princess. Shall we find out what will put it back?"
"You are here to break the mould."
"For the rest of his life, his nightmares would be wyrms, and then the cold black water."
"The wyrms had hatched an army of beasts. All at once, they were everywhere."
"Ashes fell, dark snow on a desert city that had never seen it."
"There was no joy in this brutality, no rush of exhilaration each time she landed a blow."
"Canthe had been right. It will not be a war, but a slaughter."
"He was himself and not himself; he was in the wood and somewhere else."
"The world, Dumai asked her, but a fleeting dream, from which we will all one day wake?"
"Do not condemn yourself to be as I am – tied to your own blood, and trapped."
"They see my youth, she thought. They see they are led to war by a girl."
"Was there really nothing in the haithwood but Lord Robart?"
"Surely five centuries of this is enough."
"You are not there now. There is nothing left in those trees."
"Bone to bone, blood to blood, and limb to limb, may we be bound."
"Change came like a flash of lightning."
"What you see is the death of one age, the birth of another."
"The Nameless One was a story, Princess. We will all be stories one day, and I'd want someone to believe we existed."
"The star that brought us to this world; the long-tailed light from the black waters of creation."