
Murder On The Mind Quotes

Murder On The Mind by L.L. Bartlett

Murder On The Mind Quotes
"It sucked me from the here and now to a vacant place where a hollow wind brushed my ears."
"The cue ball kissed the six and sent it into the left corner pocket."
"I eyed her appreciatively but considered my thin wallet. 'Soon.'"
"Of course he is," Brenda said. "After what happened, I’d be surprised if he wasn’t."
"The past five years held few memories worth taking out and polishing fondly anyway."
"The dreams and hallucinations were too real."
"A brain tumor. Caused by the severe blow to my skull."
"Richard’s ancient, nasty grandmother was dead. She couldn’t reach out and grab me from the grave."
"The night I got mugged, I’d been with friends at a pub. Nobody came to the hospital. Nobody called."
"It was a comfortable rut that, with the new job, just might’ve gotten better."
"What the hell was happening inside my head? The dreams and hallucinations were too real."
"Damned frustrating, those holes in my memory."
"Despite my faulty memory, the bright morning invigorated me."
"Could I make it work for me? I picked up objects in the room, trying to zero in on previous owners, previous history."
"I wasn’t up to facing whatever lingered in that room. Not yet."
"Outside the air was cold, and the blue sky was clear and incredibly normal."
"My legs were lead by the time I topped the stairs."
"I closed my eyes and prayed for sleep, but my mind refused to rest."
"The insurance field is boring, too, but the pay and the hours are definitely better."
"But something had happened to me when I’d first entered the house. I’d been hit with cold dread and horror."
"My sneakered feet squeaked on the polished floor as I rounded the corner."
"The staircase, when I reached it, also seemed to have telescoped in length."
"I took another step forward, but panic made me turn, and I nearly stumbled in my haste to get the hell away."
"The remnants of a hibernating garden lined the property."
"I couldn’t stop thinking about what I’d experienced at the church."
"I considered his offer. Was he only placating me? It didn’t matter."
"Richard and I showed up at Christ the King Roman Catholic Church half an hour before the funeral Mass was due to start."
"The murmur of voices vibrated through me like the buzz of a hive."
"I penetrated the gathering, swallowing down sudden panic."
"Organ music blared from loudspeakers mounted on the side of the building."
"I fell asleep to images of gutted deer and men, their dead, glassy stares focused on nothing."
"The DMV was crowded when we arrived the next morning."
"Did the good doctor get the same treatment in five-star restaurants?"
"I took two of the pink tablets and waited for sleep, the only haven of relief from the headache."
"I was going to find Matt Sumner’s killer."
"I’m just the investigator, ma’am. I’m not at liberty to discuss such matters."
"To be perfectly honest, Mr. Resnick, I want to put this whole unpleasant ordeal behind me. You can understand that, can’t you?"
"A thrill of horror washed through me, leaving me clammy with cold sweat."
"I pretended to jot down a note, giving her a moment to collect herself."
"I was afraid she was going to refuse to answer the question."
"I felt like a kid who’d been caught spying on a skinny dipper."
"It took all my willpower not to kiss her right then."
"Snowflakes began to fall, dancing on the windshield."
"I looked at everything in a new, harsher light—especially myself."
"I never had a crack in my skull before, either."
"Thanks to a helpful library aid and the city directory, I tracked down the employers of several of the three little Jackies’ parents."
"The winter storm watch had turned into a full-blown blizzard."
"After I showed Brenda the brace, I grabbed a cup of coffee and parked myself by the phone."
"The sandwiches came, but I was more interested in listening to Maggie than eating."
"Had I inadvertently tipped her off that she had not gotten away with murder, and that someone was now hunting the hunter?"
"Suddenly, taking the timid approach to my investigation seemed a lot smarter than pushing things—or potentially dangerous people."
"The idea’s still too new. I haven’t had a lot of hands-on experience in a long time."
"The whole situation reads like something out of the National Enquirer."
"To be a success in this business, you have to put in one hundred and ten percent effort."
"Matt treated some of the staff like dirt. Particularly the women. He could be a real jerk."
"She wore all the right clothes, but something about her didn’t fit the image she tried to project."
"Caught between the center drawer and the desk frame was a mangled envelope."
"Despite my own office attire, I felt like someone you might avoid on the street."
"It’s refreshing to find a man with vulnerabilities. I can’t tell you how many macho jerks I’ve met in the past five years."
"Whatever you ‘think’ you know is immaterial."
"My advice is to go home and devote yourself to TV reruns."
"Embarrassment doesn’t begin to cover what I was feeling ... except at that moment I felt so awful I would’ve accepted help from the devil himself."
"It’s scary that a headache can be so thoroughly incapacitating."
"I’m too emotionally involved. I’ve arranged for someone at the UB clinic to see you on Monday."
"I can’t take care of you," he continued, as though reading my mind. "I’m too emotionally involved."
"You could be the glue that ultimately holds Richard and me together."
"I haven’t even invested the money, much to my accountant’s dismay. It just keeps growing, even though most of it just languishes in bank accounts."
"Give it away," I repeated. "Make it a business. Check out every charity. If it’s legitimate, send them money."
"I’d have every charity in town kissing my ass."
"So what stage of grief are you in now?" "Acceptance. Thanks to you."
"I’m glad one of us got something out of this experience."
"I had a feeling you didn’t like being around smoke."
"When your husband leaves you for another man, you feel like a failure as a woman."
"I don’t think less of you. I think less of him."
"He didn’t respect me—or any other woman. I once heard him tell one of the guys that women were only walking twats."
"She must have known all about little Jackie."
"That stupid basketball hoop was the tenuous connection I had with you."
"I wasn’t there when Grandfather died, and I wasn’t there when she died two years later, alone."
"I wanted my own space; I needed a place of my own."
"As long as one person knows the truth, she hasn’t gotten away with anything."
"Trust. Things have a way of working out the way they are meant to."
"You always wanted to help people, you just never knew how."
"It’s all my fault. If I’d never come back here this wouldn’t have happened."
"Can’t you see how special you are? What you mean to him—to us?"
"You’re my kid brother ... I couldn’t let her hurt you."