
All That Remains Quotes

All That Remains by Patricia Cornwell

All That Remains Quotes
"Labor Day weekend had begun with a bang of car crashes and gunfire in the city of Richmond."
"I’m not here," I said loudly as I opened the refrigerator.
"Fear was running along my nerves as I grabbed my purse and hurried out to my car."
"Each had disappeared, eventually to be found murdered within a fifty-mile radius of Williamsburg."
"Her cause of death is undetermined, Mrs. Bennett. There’s nothing else I can tell you at this time."
"I don’t want to hear your medical bullshit! I want to know what killed my boy!"
"CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER BAFFLED: Dr. Kay Scarpetta Unable to Tell Cause of Death."
"It was awful. It was, in fact, unprecedented for me."
"Dr. Kay Scarpetta," I identified myself, switching off the ignition. "The police asked me to come."
"I supposed I did not look particularly 'chiefly.'"
"I’m so sorry." How many times on this earth would I say that?
"If I knew that, maybe I could do something about it."
"You’re still working evenings?" Steaks sizzled as I placed them on the grill.
"I’m not quite sure where to begin." She looked unsettled. "There are things I’ve not told anybody, Kay. But I have a sense that I’m walking on ground somebody doesn’t want me on."
"I told 'em pretty much the same things I told you. Except for some of the stuff I couldn’t remember then."
"Time to get the hell out of here before she starts screaming that everything was off the record."
"Maybe they did but she couldn’t resist the possibility of seeing her name in print."
"You can’t live six years with somebody and not think about him. That doesn’t mean I want to be with Tony."
"What I told her was not entirely true. Mark and I had never gone to counseling, but I had gone alone and was still seeing a psychiatrist, though infrequently now."
"I’m not sure how much of a book she can write. There have been no arrests, and there is no resolution as to what happened to the couple."
"We communicated openly only in the dark."
"He’s stubborn, I’m stubborn. Neither of us win any prizes for our skills in compromising."
Be still, Tootie." She patted the dog’s neck. "Now go on around back.
"Good morning," Marino said, his feet heavy on the front wooden steps.
"It is a fine morning," Hilda Ozimek said.
"I hope you had no trouble, and I am so sorry I couldn’t come get you. But I don’t drive anymore."
"First, let me say that I’m not a mind reader," Hilda replied matter-of-factly.
"It was something I felt. An impression I got when I touched their pictures."
"I feel that she is alive," Hilda replied, still rubbing.
I see a man," Hilda went on. "Light-complected. He’s not real tall. Not short. Medium height and slender. But not skinny.
"Don’t always trust what you hear, Dr. Scarpetta."
"Something that matters a great deal to you is causing unhappiness, grief."
"You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. But you haven’t been yourself for quite a while."
"Her name’s Doris." He handed me the snapshot he had shown Hilda Ozimek this morning.
"Sounds like you and me are in the same boat," he offered.
"I’m afraid she shot herself in the head," he said.
"You don’t understand," I said, dismayed that I could not keep the emotion out of my voice.
"I’ll be happy to spell it out in detail. Tonight. Face-to-face."
"I think she’s right. Something is being covered up."
"I think I already know. I think the FBI has reason to fear the killer is a federal agent gone bad. Quite possibly, someone from Camp Peary."
"I’m already carrying a very heavy burden. And I’m tired of stumbling over disinformation."
"You know me too well to worry about that."
"It doesn’t matter how much I love you, I can’t give up what I am and I never asked you to give up what you are."
"I would think this gives you a better idea why we don’t want Pat Harvey cognizant of the type of weapon and ammunition that was used on her daughter."
"If it turned out that teenage couples were being murdered by a CIA officer at Camp Peary, you can imagine the public’s reaction."
"I’m not the one who can be wrong. Whatever the truth is about who’s committing these murders, the fact remains that the FBI and other interested agencies are acting on certain suspicions and making decisions based on them."
"You feel isolated. You go places and people avoid you, are afraid to meet your eyes and make conversation because they don’t know what to say."
"Just as Pat Harvey chose to hold that press conference and do all the other things she’s done that have burned her so badly."
"When you’re going through something like this, you don’t know what you’re doing, even if you think you do."
"The entire human race has an adjustment disorder."
"When you no longer feel guilty about it, I will know you are cured."
"It's so difficult, Anna. Always has been. I don't know why I can't seem to let it go."
"Whatever the pack is, if I am ahead of it, then that's another sad truth."
"People like Anna are too shrewd to put confidences in print."
"I’ve been following it in the news. You’re looking well. A little tired, though. Perhaps a little too thin?"
"Certainly they encountered their killer at some point that evening."
"You at least have contact, then. You are happier?"
You can have aplastic anemia for a while before it becomes severe," I said. "Some people simply find out during a routine physical.
"He took possession through murder, fused himself with and overpowered what he envied."
"Spurrier loved the risk, the fantasy, Kay. The killing was, in a sense, incidental to the game he was playing."
"It’s been reported that on one occasion he actually got a ride with a couple. He claimed his car had broken down. The kids dropped him off. No problem."
"The Director briefed her after the press conference, Kay. Had no choice but to inform her that we were suspicious the gas card was left deliberately. We were suspicious from the beginning, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t take it seriously. Obviously, the CIA took it very seriously."