
In This Mountain Quotes

In This Mountain by Jan Karon

In This Mountain Quotes
"Year after year, he’d tried his hand at mole-removal remedies, but the varmints had one-upped him repeatedly."
"He walked into the yard and gave the nearest mound a swift kick."
"He went inside to his study and called the Hard to Beat Hardware in Wesley, believing since childhood that hardware stores somehow had the answers to life’s more vexing problems."
"The hardware man sighed. 'So maybe it is moles. Well, they’re in there for the grubs, you know, what you have to do is kill th’ grubs.'"
"'But you just started!' 'Started? I’ve been working at it a full half hour.' 'Ten minutes max,' Cynthia said."
"I love you bunches,' she said cheerily, trotting down the hall to her studio."
"'Exercise was good medicine for diabetes, but he didn’t have to like it. In truth, he wondered why he didn’t enjoy running anymore.'"
"He felt oddly proud that his bishop and best friend from seminary looked young and vigorous and entirely without airs."
"In the end, why beat around the bush? A church! That’s what he needed. He was homesick for his own flock to feed, to herd around."
"'Do you think,' asked Father Tim, 'that the desire for immortality was the driving force behind Michelangelo’s David or da Vinci’s Mona Lisa?'"
"'You’re the only granpaw th’ girls’ll ever have…' she blew her nose on the handkerchief he handed her."
"He felt the sting of tears in his eyes and got up and crossed the study and went to the kitchen and peered down the hall, hoping to see Dooley before he reached the front door."
"He put his hand on Harley’s shoulder. What would he do without this good man the Lord had dropped in his lap?"
"'It’s a gorgeous day, Timothy!' Rustle of bags in the kitchen, a few things from The Local, he supposed. It was her night to make dinner."
"He sighed without meaning to. 'He could have asked around town if he wanted to find out. Maybe he really doesn’t want to know if she’s home.'"
"J.C. glared at him. 'You’re goin’ to fall down with a stroke if you don’t watch out.'"
"'So what are you doing these days?' It was a casual and altogether harmless question, the sort of thing anyone might inquire of the retired."
"'Remember, I’m not proposing anything, I’m only naming bachelors, as I was asked to do. I’d like to see Scott find someone, though, if you have any ideas on the distaff side.'"
"I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to quit on this."
"I thought I could soften his heart, could give him joy."
"My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness…"
"Unlike the arrival of spring, which in Mitford always seemed dilatory, summer came this year precisely on time."
"Feeling rivulets of sweat streaming down her spine, she opened the refrigerator door to cool her backside and declared aloud to the Ken-more stove that this was it, this was her last year to be every Tom, Dick, and Harry’s step-and-fetch-it flower arranger."
"What was the matter with people these days? Had common courtesy gone completely out the window?"
"Great tranquility of heart is his who cares for neither praise nor blame."
"As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us."
"Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name!"
"Thank you for buying the theater tickets, dearest, for taking care of everything. Dooley is so excited, you’d think we’re going to the moon."
"He felt his chest literally expand as he embraced the boy who’d come into his life and changed it forever."
"I wish all news were good news. Sam is again going into the hospital, this time for a kidney operation. Everyone says it is nothing, not to worry, but of course I do, shame on me."
"When you’re in the dark, listen, and God will give you a very precious message for someone else when you get into the light."
"Song birds are taught to sing in the dark, and we are put into the shadow of God’s hand until we learn to hear Him."
"It’s the struggle within the cocoon that gives strength to the butterfly and enables its wings to grow and develop."
"I’m mighty sorry if I offended you with my language and all, and I ask your forgiveness, don’t you know. I’ll sure try to correct my actions from here on out."
"You’re a pretty cool dude, maybe I’ll shoot you a game one of these days. By the way, Preacher, you don’t believe that ol' mess about God being real, do you?"
"I tried to find your heart in what you’d written privately, perhaps to see whether you would slip, somehow, and expose it all as a sham."
"I want to ask Him for something, but couldn’t believe He was really open to being asked."
"The height of the mountaintop is measured by the drab drudgery of the valley."
"It’s in the sphere of humiliation that we find our true worth to God, that there’s where our faithfulness is revealed."
"The significant, life-forming times are the dull, in-between times."
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"
"I’m praying, dearest, and I believe all will be well and very well."
"Faith means believing the unbelievable, or it is no virtue at all."
"Faith isn’t about making sense. Faith is faith."
"Pour out Your love upon her, Lord, love that no human being can or will ever be able to give, pour it out upon her with such tenderness that she cannot turn away, with such mercy that she cannot deny Your grace."
"You thought evil against me, but God meant it for good, that many lives might be spared."
"Let’s look once more at the four words God is saying to us…by looking at what our obedience to them will say to God."
"Thank you, Lord, for this extraordinary time in Your presence, for holding us captive in the circle of Your love and Your grace."
"If you believe as I do that Scripture is the inspired Word of God, then we see this not as a random thought or an oddly clever idea of His servant, Paul, but as a loving command issued through the great apostle."
"You have tears in your eyes, what is it, sweetheart?" "Life!" he said. "And love."
"With God’s help, I’ll be serving as assistant chaplain—if I can get through the red tape."
"The important thing is to keep our eyes on Christ…."
"God is faithful, Timothy, listen to this—‘Those who go through the desolate valley will find it a place of springs, for the early rains have covered it with pools of water.’ Psalm Eighty-four."
"You’re the best, Betty. Look what you did for Russell Jacks—softened his disposition, lengthened his life…"
"Every time Miss Rose is mean to me, I’m goin’ to put a dime in a little bank I made from a Sprite can."
"Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we…hope in thee."
"Thank you, God, for loving me…and for sending Your Son to die for my sins…."