
Things Not Seen Quotes

Things Not Seen by Andrew Clements

Things Not Seen Quotes
"She says, 'Hello?…' And it strikes me that she’s easily the prettiest girl who’s said hello to me in at least two years."
"I could still back out. I could turn around and go silently out of the room and she’d never know it was me."
"So we could also talk about our dads, try to figure out which one is nerdier."
"But it’s been three days since I’ve talked to anyone except Mom and Dad."
"Because who needs this? And besides, my feet aren’t cold anymore."
"And she says, 'What do you mean, about being on your own a lot?'"
"She’s got a great face, the kind where what she’s feeling is right there."
"I’d like to just walk along and talk with her, but there are other people on the sidewalks, too much else to deal with."
"And I can tell by the look on Alicia’s face that she did it on purpose."
"So when I yanked her off balance and she put her hand out, her open hand went right up against my rib cage, almost into my left armpit."
"Because when something impossible happens, everything else comes unglued."
"Because, before Alicia, what girls did I actually talk to?"
"But I can tell from his face that Dad doesn’t think much of my sleuthing."
"The latches click, she straightens up, looks Mom in the face, and says, 'We’ve concluded our search.'"
"So now I’m mad too, because she has no right to yell at me."
"So that’s the mood I leave the house in. And I’m stupid again, because I just yank off my clothes in the back stairwell and run outside."
"It’s another Monday morning, and after three full weeks at home, a ringing doorbell is a major event in my life."
"And I’m thinking it’s going to be a long night, and the slightly embarrassed look on Alicia’s face tells me she agrees."
"So I’ll keep thinking, okay? I’ll think about that, I’ll think about everything."
"I think Mom is crazy—until forty minutes later when the lady comes back."
"I’ve got to go now, and you? You’ve got to find someone else who wants to sit around and listen to you snivel about everything."
"I just went to bed, and when I got up, all gone."
"This basement is the kind of place archaeologists dream about."
"What we’ve got is only slightly more than nothing."
"It’s hard to forget a day that totally scrambles your life."
"When I say that I woke up one morning and I was ‘gone,’ what do you think I mean by that?"
"Because it takes truth to find truth, right?"
"This condition did have a specific cause, and the blanket is part of it."
"Two wrongs don’t make a right. But two negatives make a positive, right?"
"I feel like an idiot. Like maybe I should start chanting some magic words. Because this whole thing is so ridiculous."
"How things used to be. I don’t want that. Not exactly. I’ll never be exactly like I was. I just want some choices back."
"I’m trying to recreate something that was probably a one-in-a-billion event."
"She’s not trying to get back to how things used to be."
"I’m happy for you. Really. I hope it all works out the way you want it to. So take care, okay?"
"It’s like I have to remember how I look again."
"I like who I am, and I’ve got a life that works fine. It’s fine for me. So I’m going with it."
"I was online with nancy when you kept trying to message me this morning. i told her about you, about everything."