
The Night Olivia Fell Quotes

The Night Olivia Fell by Christina McDonald

The Night Olivia Fell Quotes
"Nobody called at this time of night with good news."
"But the way he was looking at me. With pity. I knew."
"My daughter was my center of gravity, the only thing tying me to this earth."
"Her door was shut and I threw it open thinking, irrationally, that she’d sit up in bed blinking her eyes at me sleepily."
"These lies, my past, kept me always on guard."
"I wanted to drop my head to the desk and let my broken heart overwhelm me."
"That deadline means my daughter fucking dies!"
"The truth about what happened and the truth about who Olivia was. It tricks you into thinking you have some control when you don’t."
"We’re going to find out what happened to your daughter, and one day, a few months from now, you’ll have a beautiful baby to fill a piece of the hole that Olivia will leave."
"You don’t have to be right one hundred percent of the time to show you love someone. And she doesn’t have to be perfect to be well loved."
"It’s great at first, but then you have to keep doing better every time. It’s exhausting."
"You’re not protecting anybody, Olivia. You want to know the truth, but you’re not willing to be honest."
"When you start to heal you can start living again. Not just existing, but actually living in the present moment, looking toward the future rather than looking back, wishing you could change what couldn’t be changed."
"The one constant we know is that the killer usually knew the victim. That’s where I always start looking: the people the victim knew."
"I thought it was my fault. That last day… I called her a freak. I said I didn’t care if she left. Next thing I knew, she was dead. I thought it was my fault."
"I don’t want to be like my mom, hiding from the world, pushing the people who cared for me away. I want to connect and experience my life."
"I’m sorry, Anthony. I know that saying good-bye, even just to what you thought you knew, is a difficult thing."
"We can’t talk to Kendall again just yet. Gavin would have us in jail for trespassing so fast we wouldn’t know what hit us."
"Panic licked at my throat. I was out of my depth."
"Lies are for cowards and thieves. I’m neither, so let’s cut the bullshit. Are you my dad?"
"Because even though I was dead, everybody else just kept right on going, like it didn’t even matter that I wasn’t there anymore."
"Being a parent is one long process of daring yourself to let go."
"The kind of love that makes you say yes more than no."
"I felt like I’d walked into a painting from the nineteenth century."
"You can't go back and make things better. All you can do is live with it and move forward."
"To feel love was to feel fear—you just couldn’t let it dictate your life."
"Family, after all, was the most important thing. Family was proof that love existed."
"Love was a risk, but it opened up a world of possibility, one you would never experience without it."
"I thought you’d be different, but you’re just like Gavin."
"Sometimes good is good enough. You know that, right?"
"Trust, I’d learned, was the greatest gift you could give, the greatest gift to receive."
"Grief, it turned out, was easier to bear when you had somebody to share the burden with."