
Thief Of Shadows Quotes

Thief Of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt

Thief Of Shadows Quotes
"Never volunteer. Not even when pleasantly filled with warm scones and hot tea."
"Perhaps it was the mask and the intimacy of the quiet room."
"To leave a defenseless man to be ravaged by a mob was an idea that instinctively repulsed her."
"Everything you do, every movement you make, and everything you say will reflect not only on yourself, but also on the home—and its patronesses."
"You've filled out some since then, haven't you? And become harder."
"If we can't find the wound there, we'll have to turn him over."
"It's what she's called an' we shouldn't go changin' it."
"But I think we've established just the opposite, actually. You're kindness itself, Lady Beckinhall."
"I think I shall take Lady Beckinhall down to the sitting room, Joseph Tinbox."
"I do not take her suspicion personally, my lady."
"He’s a favorite of yours, isn’t he, Joseph Tinbox?"
"Did you know that I helped the Ghost of St. Giles escape from a maddened mob the other day?"
"I lay myself completely in your hands, Lady Beckinhall. Please. Teach me."
"You bring joy and mirth and leave behind a glow that gives hope to those you’ve left."
"I believe they are about some things—a man keeping a mistress—are considered almost de rigueur in my circles. I was surprised to learn of Louise, but not shocked. Ours was not a love match, after all. Edmund always showed me the greatest courtesy. He provided for me even after his death. What more can a woman ask from a man?"
"If you say so," Lady Penelope employed a pair of jeweled opera glasses. "But she’s such a scrawny little thing."
"But as Christopher has grown, he has become oddly fascinated with me. He sneaks into my rooms, hides in the drapes and under the bed, looks through my dresser and jewelry box."
"Isn’t it time you call me Winter?" he murmured, trying another tack—he certainly wouldn’t win any arguments on his punctuality.
"I do, Miss Greaves," Winter replied, and the matter was settled.
"You forget that such things—a man keeping a mistress—are considered almost de rigueur in my circles. I was surprised to learn of Louise, but not shocked. Ours was not a love match, after all. Edmund always showed me the greatest courtesy. He provided for me even after his death. What more can a woman ask from a man?"
"No, I don’t believe so. A husband and father’s first duty is to his wife and family. Everything else is secondary. How can the people of St. Giles ever come first if I am married?"
"Faithfulness. Passion. Love," Winter said too quickly. Too sharply.
"Then it’s a pity you’ve decided never to marry, Mr. Makepeace."
"To be so close to another human being, for her to actually kneel before him and… It was as if another new sense had suddenly opened up."
"I want them to care just as much about a poor child as they do a gentleman."
"Isabel, you made a deal with your heart, your soul, and your body, and you sealed it with the wash of your climax on my cock."
"I may not know everything about this but I think I know you well enough to believe that you would never do murder no matter what guise you wore."
"You will never be a millstone about my neck. Rather you’re the sunshine that brightens my day."
"I base my decision upon what I think best, not upon his reasons for making the offer."
"You’ve embraced parts of me that I was never able to let see light."
"It’s hard for me to answer that without sounding conceited, but no, I don’t think anyone will do as well as I."
"You’re the son of a beer brewer. How do you come to know about wine?"
"Sometimes doing the right thing is no sacrifice."
"I’ve managed to keep the secret of the Ghost for nine years, from both friends and family."
"You make your own rules that must be followed by all but are only in your own favor."
"It's the natural order of things that the mighty will rule over the meek."
"I’ll look forward to dying in your arms, sweeting."
"Oh, my precious Isabel, these are my children—the children of my heart, the children of my life's work."
"You may learn the art of the sword, but it's like a parrot talking: he only mimics what he doesn't truly understand."
"Thin stuff, your commoner's blood. I shall paint the walls with it when I'm done with you."
"I have lived here for nine years. And, no, I don’t know anything about the Ghost."