
Dark Gold Quotes

Dark Gold by Christine Feehan

Dark Gold Quotes
"You’re so grown up, Josh, I don’t know why I’m repeating myself. But this is my only chance at a dream position like this. You know we need this job, don’t you?"
"I brought some sketches with me. Samples of ideas, drawings of the story line you suggested for your next game."
"Henry says I could probably support you with this game, cuz I always win."
"He gives you any trouble, you send him my way."
"I see you as you are, not what you made those poor women see."
"You will never do such a thing again or I will make that child suffer hell unlike anything you have ever imagined. Do I make myself clear?"
"I am the nightmare of foolish humans, the vampire come to feast on the living. You will be my bride, share my power, my life."
"You have to trust me, piccola. Let yourself feel me in you. I am part of you. Reach for me now, as I reach for you."
"I claim you as my lifemate. I belong to you. I offer my life for you. I give you my protection, my allegiance, my heart, my soul, and my body."
"Your life, happiness, and welfare will be placed above my own."
"Even in her hypnotic state, he could see the pain twisting her body."
"We are more than best friends, Joshua. All of us who live in this house are a family."
"I do not know where you get these ideas, cara."
"We are connected now through the sharing of our blood."
"I have no intention of killing you. You are innocent of any wrongdoing."
"I am your lifemate. You will take from me what you need."
"Her natural inhibitions were being pushed aside, her humanity swept away on a tide of rising passion."
"His velvet tongue stroked the hard peak, once, twice."
"His mouth close over her softness, the heated pull erotic and strange."
"Her body felt heavy, was unfamiliar with yearnings she had never experienced."
"She felt his body harden even more, hot and full with need."
"Her tongue tasted his skin, the flavor of him, masculine and spicy."
"His teeth came together, and he closed his eyes against the demands of his body."
"Her hand slid over his chest, stroked his flat belly."
"His incisors were sharp against his tongue, his mouth filled with hot need."
"Her hand moved over the constriction of cloth."
"His voice was like a caress, soft and husky yet gravelly with need."
"Her body was as hard as a rock, taut with leashed aggression."
"She realized she had no concept of what kind of being she was dealing with."
"Her tongue caressed his pulse, swirled lightly over his muscles."
"She couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. Her body blazed with need."
"His lips brushed hers, and her heart stopped."
"His thumb brushed her lower lip in a light caress."
"His arm circled her slender waist and pulled her against his hard frame."
"The feel of her skin against his was driving him mad."
"She wanted to stay there forever, never be away from him."
"I hate you." He didn’t understand at all. From a very early age, she had been forced to take control of situations.
"Cara, trust me a little longer. I know what is best for Joshua. He will have to learn to face some things on his own, just as Marie and Stefan and their children have had to do."
"God, she hated herself. Hated what she had become. She needed to find a doctor. A psychiatrist. None of this could possibly be real."
"Alexandria?" Marie gently touched her bowed head. "Tell me, should I get Aidan?"
"You are that beast, Aidan," Marie said severely. "Alex is a child. A terrified child. And she has good reason to be."
"What can you do?" Alexandria asked hopelessly. "What can anyone do? He’ll never let me go."
"Do you know how sick that man has to be to think up that stuff?"
"You are beautiful, Alexandria," he said softly.
"Your feelings for me scare the hell out of you," he corrected gently.
"I am angry enough with your stupidity to prove my words, cara. Do not argue with me."
"You think to trap me with so cheap a trick, hunter?"
"We share everything, Alexandria, including our thoughts. I have unintentionally hurt you, and I certainly did not mean to do so."
"I would hope so," he murmured right before his mouth claimed hers, sweeping her into their own private world.
"We are just getting started," he said softly. He leaned toward her, cupping one breast in his hand, his thumb feathering over the hard peak.
"You're in love, my old friend, and that is the downfall of all good men."
"If she wants to work, Aidan, have you any choice but to allow it?"
"I have a choice, Stefan. Still, perhaps the line of least resistance is to have a little mind-to-mind chat with Mr. Ivan."