
Freedom's Landing Quotes

Freedom's Landing by Anne McCaffrey

Freedom's Landing Quotes
"One of the disadvantages of being tall, but she’d got the Deski to her feet and supported her swaying body."
"They fight like Irishmen, sure, but to chase a man so far from the city? What could he have done?"
"I’d rather know what we got to contend with now before we stumble into big kimchee with only knives and hatchets."
"She couldn’t have let them just kill Mahomet out-of-hand. She owed him, if only because she’d put him in jeopardy before the twenty-four-hour moratorium had passed."
"If he had blood, he had veins: and since he was shaped like most humanoids, he ought to have a pulse in the neck to carry blood to the brain she had just tried to smash."
"I’m a survivor, Emassi. And learning the local lingo fast is essential to survival."
"This how Catteni settle planets—the not easy ones."
"Gawd, what I wouldn’t give for a cuppa coffee."
"Did you really steal the commander’s flitter?"
"The very idea that one of us could, did, and had gave us all heart."
"We were more than they expected, in case you hadn’t heard."
"Actually, it beats a sedentary life in front of a screen. I’ve never been this fit."
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, my friends."
"We lost out back on Earth but you may be damned sure I don’t intend to lose out here."
"No need for anyone to get greedy over the goodies."
"Do we stand or run?" Kris whispered hoarsely to Zainal.
"Who manufactured the fuel, not to mention the machinery?"
"They didn’t search us. We got cups, knives, and bars."
"Machines are good enough for routine jobs but evaluation requires brains."
"First things first. Get the investigator here."
"He got you free and, if you want to slope off now and do your own thing, we’ll never mention we ever met ya."
"I slept much," Zainal said, grinning back at her, his yellow eyes twinkling.
"Ve all learn," Slav said in his liquid voice.
"No intelligence on this planet," Zainal said with a shrug.
"They know we live. They bring more they don't want."
"He’s been taking both water and broth whenever I offer them and I’ve cooled him down in between."
"You’d’ve let me die here, unable to defend myself! And you call yourself civilized! Think you’re such a big leader."
"Look, you sorry piece of shit. You keep on this way and I’ll stake your living body out right beside the others."
"I’m a mechanical genius. I can make machinery work when no one else can. It’s a knack I’ve got."
"Seeing a target, he paused long enough to launch his spear at an oncoming body. It pierced the chest of the leader, who dropped like a stone."
"It’s my home, too," Sandy said with a shrug. "Besides, you drilled all of us!"
"When the sun came up, three women crept in, begging for help. They were in dreadful condition, not only starved but beaten and repeatedly abused."
"Home sick? Yes, sick for the sight of familiar things and people you love."
"We're all in this together. Operation Fresh Start, m’girl."
"I'd rather have them with us, where we can see 'em, than turning wild and causing our camps no end of trouble."
"Getting something out of the Cats without having to pay for it."
"Resistance is increasing and the Catteni have had to call in reinforcements to deal with stoppages and sit-downs and all kinds of passive movements."
"I didn’t mean that, Zainal. I didn’t mean it! Don’t go."
"I told them, first, that I am dropped and I stay."
"You change my life. Not many change a Catteni."
"The trouble is mine. I do not ‘sock’ to kill so the others do not fire."
"No, I don’t think they did understand. I certainly didn’t."
"This is going to be an equal opportunity partnership, buddy."
"But you will have heard things about Catteni…"
"First, best to know. Second, fun to find out who makes mechos."