
The Quillan Games Quotes

The Quillan Games by D.J. MacHale

The Quillan Games Quotes
"For me, playing a game is all about the fun of the contest and seeing the best player win, whoever that may be."
"What I found here on the territory of Quillan is that games are a very big part of the culture."
"Games are about being challenged and plotting and developing skills and finding strategy and having fun."
"I’m angry. Angrier than I’ve ever been since becoming a Traveler."
"Loor was killed, and she came back from the dead."
"But healing quickly and coming back from the dead are two different things."
"We will fight together again. We cannot allow emotions to cloud our judgment in any way."
"The ability for a Traveler to 'will' another Traveler into staying alive is a pretty good thing."
"I’m beginning to wonder just how normal we Travelers really are."
"It was time to find out what made this territory tick."
"When big, scary-looking guys chase you, run."
"We must prevail. We must stop Saint Dane. That is our quest. We are warriors."
"I want to hurt Saint Dane the way he hurt me."
"Being good at sports was one thing. Having the strength to deal with life challenges was a whole nother ballgame."
"I'm coming back, Mark. And when Bobby comes home, we're going to beat him... together."
"I'm not going to be able to sit on that hard chair down here, in front of that archaic old bucket of bolts you call a computer."
"You must forgive us. We know you are not from the city of Rune, or you would know of us and our enterprise."
"The trustees want the games to be competitive, yet they force me to use challengers who are unprepared."
"You have come highly praised for your abilities, Challenger Red. I, for one, have yet to see why."
"Maintaining this operation has proven to be very costly. I’m afraid that the trustees are trying to find some way to justify continuing their relationship with you."
"I will not damage our reputation by presenting an inferior product."
"If you’re going to compete, I want the betting to be strong. That won’t happen unless the people love you... or hate you."
"You understand that the trustees set the quotas for manufacturing?" - Trustee
"Oh, no," she said. "I am quite impressed. Apparently you have had some training. We don’t often get challengers with that much... experience." - Veego
"We would do no such thing! Not now!" Veego said cheerily.
"I am but a dado," he answered. "I do not have the same concerns as you."
"It is a very big honor. You must be at your best." - Fourteen
"I cannot say for sure," Fourteen said. "But from what I have heard, they do not wish to know their opponents."
"This isn’t fair! I have a family!" - Convicted man
"I’m the Traveler from Quillan of course," she said as if she didn’t understand how I didn’t know that. - Nevva
"Excuse me?" the trustee said, more forcefully. "I didn’t hear you."
"Thank you," Veego said promptly. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to be here today and thrilled to present to you a report that I’m sure you will—"
"I’m just glad you got me away from those guys."
"I’ve been having fun here on your self-absorbed little territory for quite some time now."
"I’d like to say you’ve already lost Quillan, but I’m afraid that isn’t entirely true."
"My story isn’t unique. Blok creates pain. It feeds on pain. It profits from pain."
"As much as I know that this is a battle for all of Halla, part of me is tempted by his offer."
"I think we’re winning battles and getting close to winning the war, too."
"They tried to make me comfortable, but that wasn’t easy considering the bed was a thin mattress and it was so damp that my bones ached."
"I’ve been given a golden opportunity to try to make things better, at least in a small way."
"It's amazing how easy it is to take something for granted."
"As bad off as they were, they still wanted to share. It told me a lot about them."
"You're beginning to see why these people will grab at any chance to better their lives."
"People aren’t. At one time much of what you see being done here was automated. Blok had the machines destroyed."
"Blok was deliberately holding back the territory from advancing in order to keep control of the people."
"He is the heart of the revival. When the movement begins, he will lead us."
"I do blame the trustees and Blok for what happened to my parents. But this isn’t about me, Pendragon. It’s about what Blok has done to the whole territory."
"Once the revival begins, it will be Mr. Pop who will show us all the way."
"We want to stage a display that shows how the individual can triumph against the odds. We want a symbol. A spark."
"I feel like I'm convincing you. This was your idea, remember?"
"I'm here to prove that you don't have to be big and powerful to triumph."
"I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe they’re waiting for later in the competition."
"You want to win? Then you've got to get this from me."
"I will not let you destroy something that is so perfect."
"I need to see the familiar faces of friends."
"No place was safe. I got on my knees and crawled toward the next mountain."
"You think you are unable to kill, but let me remind you how much blood is on your hands."
"I could win the competition and let Challenger Green die, or I could save him and be a hero."
"I don’t even like putting lobsters into boiling water."
"It’s like challenging Lance Armstrong to a bike race. The only difference was, when you lost a bike race, you didn’t die."
"My finger hovered over it. The game was mine. But I didn’t push it."
"The people of Quillan are ready to take back their territory."