
Spells For Forgetting Quotes

Spells For Forgetting by Adrienne Young

Spells For Forgetting Quotes
"There were tales that only the island knew. Ones that had never been told."
"I’d grown up being told that the people on the mainland were different from us."
"But living among them was the first time I really understood it."
"A coincidence, Nixie had called it. But we both knew there were no coincidences on Saoirse."
"I hadn’t just taken over the shop when she died, I’d taken over looking after Dad, too."
"That was how things were on the island. Always dying."
"It was a moment split down the seams, clumsily stitched closed by fourteen agonizing years."
"I promise I didn’t come up here to make you feed me."
"No one on Saoirse locked their doors, even after Lily."
"The butter smoked on the cast iron, making the morning light hazy."
"The older I got, the more I wondered just how much of a secret it was."
"The thought was like the glimmer of light that touched the cliffs just before the sun rose."
"You’ve never told me about it. About when you found Lily."
"We’d never kept secrets from each other before."
"It wasn’t until after the fire that my parents started lying to me."
"Eventually, I stopped looking for August, but I didn’t stop thinking about him."
"There were bad nights and then there were worse nights, but every single one of them, I was alone."
"The memories whirled into blurred colors and shapes."
"You saved my life once. I wish I could save yours."
"I’ve been thinking that I needed to write this particular letter for some time but I haven’t been sure how to do it."
"Every autumn, when the crowds filled Main Street, I would watch out the window and imagine him appearing in the stream of faces."
"I didn’t know it was strange, because Emery and I had just always…been."
"There were a million times after I left Saoirse that I wished to God it never happened."
"I knew that each and every word would cut like an uneven blade."
"That was the first time I realized that one day, if I wanted to, I could leave."
"We’d bled for each other, sacrificed for each other, and hell, we’d done some dark things."
"The only bit of warmth was in the places that her skin touched mine, and I loved that feeling."
"It wasn’t until I was older that I understood she was more raptor than prey."
"The truth was the news about Eloise had brought my own end into sharp focus."
"Samhain was right around the corner, and I could smell the decay of fallen leaves and fermenting fruit in the air."
"The two sisters I’d made blood oaths with on the stormy beach one summer night were both gone."
"Leave him alone, Leoda. He’ll be gone in a few days."
"I hadn’t known what would follow. I couldn’t say that I regretted any of it, either."
"I’m the last Morgan on this island, and that’s a responsibility I take seriously."
"We’ve all done things for the good of this town, you included."
"Every year, the orchard called for volunteers to help wrap up the last of the season’s work."
"I didn’t want to think about the possibility that Jake had set the fire himself."
"My fists full of wet, tangled hair. The cold water lapping around me. The screaming."
"If I went to the pub, it wouldn’t just be Emery there waiting for me. I’d have to do the one thing I should have done fourteen years ago: say goodbye."
"I could go one more day without a decent cup of coffee."
"I’d know her anywhere. Her hands, her frame."
"I’ve just never seen you wear glasses before."
"Just laying eyes on her made me feel grounded in a way I never did."
"I think we should find out what really happened to Lily."
"Black elder was my mother’s favorite for reading the leaves."
"This isn’t a closed case. You could get into serious trouble for—"
"I’m so tired of being without you. I don’t want to do it anymore."
"If this is what it’s like to drown, then for the rest of my life, I didn’t want to take another sip of air."
"I’m not the same girl you gave those ferry tickets to, August."
"You’re the owner, August. The orchard was left to you."
"Sometimes I think you’re the worst thing that ever happened to me."
"It was a curse. A sickness. I’d never wanted anything to do with it."
"But before she reached it, a tightness tugged at the bottom of her belly, making her swallow hard."
"If the task at hand was one I could do myself, it would already be done."
"We all have blood on our hands, some of us more than others."
"I was born a healer on this island, and the Salts were a bone-deep cancer."
"That orchard belongs to the Morgans. Not the Salts. Lily was the sacrifice the island required."
"We just always were. When I thought about it like that, it was comforting."
"After a lifetime of hungering for things to change, I’d settled into a life that I hoped never would."