
Evermore Quotes

Evermore by Alyson Noel

Evermore Quotes
"Everyone has to start somewhere. Even Picasso had a teacher."
"It's funny how before I would've given anything for a room like this. But now I'd give anything just to go back to before."
"I wasn't always a freak. I used to be a normal teen."
"The whole time I was cooped up in that sterile white room, I received regular visits from a psychologist... trying to convince me to head up to room 618, where the grief counseling took place."
"I just couldn't bear a single reminder of everything I'd lost, since it's not like some stupid box full of crap would ever bring my family back."
"You'd think being dead would make a person act a little nicer, a little kinder. But not Riley."
"But art is totally different. Because talent cannot be faked."
"I guess since Sabine spends most of her time around other lawyers and all those VIP executives her firm represents, she actually thought all of this stuff was necessary or something."
"I guess I've grown so used to all of the random energy I encounter wherever I go, I've forgotten how overwhelming it can be when my defenses are down and my iPod's at home."
"I'd rather go upstairs, and check out your room."
"I'm sorry I lost you yesterday. I called your cell but you didn't answer."
"Drina and I like the same things, we share the same interests."
"It's an ancient alchemy symbol for eternal life, creation out of destruction, life out of death, immortality, something like that."
"Trust me, you really don't need all those defenses."
"Nothing's what it seems. Seriously. It's just one big illusion."
"School is so dreadfully boring. I don't know how you do it."
"This way, no matter what happens, you'll never forget this day."
"And sometimes, if you pay attention, you actually learn a thing or two while you're there."
"Don't be so sure. I guarantee there are much better ways to spend a morning."
"I'm not that powerful. And it was too late, they'd already moved on."
"Just let me be normal, please just let me be normal again."
"Because for someone who sobbed in a parking lot, begging her immortal boyfriend to disappear so that she could feel normal again, well, obviously, the punch line is me."
"Thoughts create. It's the same on Earth, it just takes a lot longer."
"Because even though she hired a psychic for the party, she did it as a joke, a lark, a spooky bit of good clean fun."
"You have to forgive yourself, Ever. You're not responsible for any of it."
"Because I suck at good-byes," he says, attempting a smile that never gets past his mouth.
"You were expecting purple walls and crystal balls?"
"And as I'm running, I remember another time I ran like this."
"Trust your instincts, they usually lead you right."
"Remembering what my dad taught me about the key to negotiating - that you have to be willing to walk away, no matter what."
"It's the first time I've felt completely normal, without the crutch of alcohol or Damen, in a very long time."
"You have to give her your blessing. You have to let her know it's okay."
"Sometimes I live here, and sometimes I live somewhere else. In this place called Summerland, which is pretty dang awesome, in case you don't remember it."
"If it's anyone's fault, then it's Dad's fault, because everyone knows you're not supposed to swerve when an animal darts in front of your car."
"Forgiveness is healing. Especially forgiving yourself."