
Everybody, Always: Becoming Love In A World Full Of Setbacks And Difficult People Quotes

Everybody, Always: Becoming Love In A World Full Of Setbacks And Difficult People by Bob Goff

Everybody, Always: Becoming Love In A World Full Of Setbacks And Difficult People Quotes
"We don’t need to be who we used to be; God sees who we’re becoming—and we’re becoming love."
"Love isn’t something we fall into; love is someone we become."
"There’s a difference between good judgment and living in judgment."
"God’s endgame has always been the same. He wants our hearts to be His."
"God doesn’t just give us promises; He gives us each other."
"We’re all somebody’s neighbor, and they’re ours."
"Being fearless isn’t something we can decide to be in a moment, but fear can be overcome with time and the right help."
"What often keeps us from loving our neighbors is fear of what will happen if we do."
"Don’t tell people what they want; tell them who they are."
"What makes them stand out is they’re not trying to get any attention at all."
"If we take Jesus at His word, people won’t know who Jesus is because we’ve told them; they’ll know because Jesus let them know."
"We don’t decide who in line is in and who’s out, and we don’t need to waste any more time engaging in the kinds of arguments some people get sucked into."
"People who are becoming love don’t swing at every pitch."
"We’re all a little blind and have a tendency to wander."
"God doesn’t just give us Himself. Sometimes He gives us a few other people in our lives whose voices we can trust."
"It’s not what you look at; it’s what you see."
"God’s plans aren’t ruined just because our plans need to change."
"Sometimes when we search too hard for explanations, we risk making them up by mistake."
"Great love expressing itself in the world doesn’t need any arm waving; it’s always recognizable and leaves little doubt in the lives of the people it touches."
"It’s not made from sheet metal or pre-fab fiberglass. It’s pure tough."
"Going to the Lodge is something we count the days for in the Goff family."
"None of us had ever been on the highway with a motorcycle before."
"He had most of what he needed to get into college, and the last year felt like a punishingly slow victory lap."
"I had him sign up for a few real classes, and we got rid of all the other time fillers."
"Sweet Maria thought Adam flying an airplane every day was a terrible idea."
"Our house wasn’t just a home anymore; it was a Top Gun school."
"The entry point for the Beaver is a tight squeeze between two towering granite walls."
"Once you’re in, there’s no option but to land the plane and prepare for a new takeoff going the other direction."
"Adam would come home every day and tell us about what he learned."
"Sometimes prayers are spoken, and other times they are said in our actions."
"God doesn’t dwell in buildings made by men; instead, we can find Him in the people He made who want their lives to look like His."
"Jesus didn’t come to make us look like we’ve got it together. He came to let us know how to be like Him."
"Charlie asked, 'Father, can we just walk the rest of the way?'"
"The title was simple: it just said 'White House' in the subject line."
"I’ve never heard anyone hack the gospel message worse than Kabi did that day."
"We’re all going to trip as we try to follow Him through the difficult terrain of our lives."
"Every one of my kids went on a ten-year-old birthday adventure with Dad."
"People who are becoming love celebrate how far the people around them have come."
"What if all the very different people who live there could eat a meal together?"
"They didn’t just help me with punctuation. They reminded me of my purpose, too."
"God doesn’t give us a recipe for living as a community, but He gives us great ingredients: He gives us everybody, always."