
Fifteen Dogs Quotes

Fifteen Dogs by André Alexis

Fifteen Dogs Quotes
"Humans have no special merit, though they think themselves superior."
"Human intelligence is not a gift. It's an occasionally useful plague."
"It suddenly seemed grossly unfair that one should go through the trouble of having pups only to lose track of them."
"The passage of time, each moment like a scabies mite crawling under her skin, was an unbearable scourge."
"The true things – food, shelter, water – would have to be dealt with by all, but who would lead, and whom would he choose to follow?"
"To live as we were meant to live, there must be change."
"No one can silence the words inside, but you can ignore them."
"The trees and bushes were adequate windbreaks, but the cold was so often unbearable the small dogs were forced to consider escape."
"One January night, Benjy wondered if he were going to die, so violent were his shivers, so loud the clacking of his teeth."
"It seemed to the two as if some strange being had taken everything they knew, leaving only whiteness and the indistinct profile of a world they had once known."
"They don’t want us, now that the ground isn’t what it was. They would let us die."
"Making their way out of the park by Wendigo Pond, Dougie and Benjy trudged through the snow along Ellis Park Road."
"The familiar world of smells and sounds and landmarks was lost beneath the snowfall."
"If they had truly become dogs again, Rosie would have been the obvious candidate."
"Atticus, the brothers and Rosie still refused to use the new words."
"In fact, by the time he told all this to Majnoun, he’d convinced himself that Dougie had been considerate when he’d got them both thrown out of the house."
"Though Benjy’s mind was soon on to other, more important things. What would he eat and where would he stay for the night?"
"If he could get the black container out, he would find the remains of a meal that had, by happy accident, been left under the sink."
"Benjy’s greatest wish was for a place where the echelon was clear to all."
"Majnoun knew at once that he had made a mistake."
"The line between natural and cultural was neither clear nor fixed."
"Their love was still strong, but it was mired in the day-to-day."
"For days after their contretemps, Majnoun refused to acknowledge her presence."
"But Hermes, nursing his resentment, was upset by the impasse."
"Majnoun’s decision to speak was not, at first, welcomed by Nira."
"The veil that separates earthly beings is, at times, a tragic barrier."
"For the gods, any emotion or state of mind is pleasurable."
"Majnoun’s path to understanding was mutually taken."
"Their shared dream was so moving to Nira that she refused to allow anyone to refer to Majnoun as ‘her’ dog."
"It was just as easy to forget that Majnoun was not hers to improve."
"Had there been a hint in Prince’s poetry that his was a soul on which a god might safely wager?"
"Prince’s wit, his playfulness, was a curious element within him."
"Prince’s most moving poems were about the Beach."
"His final poems, which are among his most poignant, reflect Prince’s mood."
"Prince’s poetry was the cause of his only true regret in the months before his death."
"Apollo, ever implacable, was not finished with him."
"Tired, old, deaf and blind, Prince knew his time had come."
"And Prince allowed himself to be consoled, his mood little influenced by the smells of the veterinary clinic."