
Glint Quotes

Glint by Raven Kennedy

Glint Quotes
"Things you come to miss once they’re stripped away from you."
"I’m surrounded by wealth that holds no value to me."
"Gold may gleam, but it doesn’t stand the test of time."
"I may not recognize the walls of this castle anymore, but it’s still mine."
"I’m done being the silent cold queen frozen in place."
"I won’t give up until I’ve searched every inch of this damned army."
"They think I’ll buckle, but they’ll soon realize I’m not that kind of saddle."
"Be grateful that you have it as good as you do."
"I don’t want their punishment on my conscience."
"The danger for me, of course, is the memories."
"If you want to see the others, you’ll have to get permission from the commander first."
"I know what he’s doing, and yet, I can’t stop the doubt he’s casting."
"We’re beautiful and pleasing to the eye, meant to fuel a person’s lust, meant to play a part. But we don’t get true love."
"You help me buy myself out of the royal contract and ensure I have enough coin left over to start fresh, and I’ll keep your secret. Forever."
"The moment I enter the room, the nobles and courtiers inside bow and curtsy to fulfill their customary deference to their queen."
"Foolish is the king who does not prepare for attack. From outsiders, as well as those within."
"I consider every ally as a potential threat, and I won’t hesitate to end anyone who goes against me."
"Do you want to take off your feathers, Goldfinch?"
"Stop thinking about everyone else. About him. About hiding."
"Sometimes, things need first to be ruined in order to then be remade."
"You’re so much more than what you let yourself be."
"You’re still adjusting. It’ll get easier with time."
"He looks like someone who’s won, boasting in superiority."
"I hate him in this moment more than all the rest combined."
"You’re not in Sixth Kingdom anymore, little pet."
"I’m not going to change sides. I’m always going to choose him."
"People accept what they hear if it agrees with their predispositions."
"His expression goes flat, as cold as the night air."
"Kindness shouldn’t have to be earned. It should be freely given."
"Everyone deserves a choice. I’m offering you one."
"Remember what I said, Gildy. Don’t lie down for the thumbs, okay?"
"I know you’re in a rush, and I don’t want to make you late, so I’ll stay in your rooms while you go to the meeting, and then we’ll talk after."
"I am finally, after all this time, starting to be me."
"I gave you everything, and yet you still want to take."
"I’ve done everything you ever asked me to. I’ve been devoted to you for over ten years of my life, overlooked every flaw, shoved aside every hurt."
"Did your king say I wasn’t allowed to go pee? Because things could get messy very quickly."
"I don’t need your forgiveness, Precious. I just need your power."
"Gold is what everyone wants. It’s the only thing that everyone wants."
"We say what we want, without saying what we actually want."
"You can give that to Rip. Tell him I’m not his little Goldfinch that he can mock behind my back."
"Rip told him. Rip told his king his nickname for me."
"Can’t have you getting sick every time I come into the room."