
Peril At End House Quotes

Peril At End House by Agatha Christie

Peril At End House Quotes
"No seaside town in the south of England is, I think, as attractive as St Loo."
"My thoughts were wandering. Wandering indeed to that part of the world you mentioned just now."
"The gardens of the hotel lay below us freely interspersed with palm trees."
"To sit in the sun — what could be more charming?"
"The poor man. He has his troubles, that one."
"The great — the unique! — There was never anyone like him, there never will be!"
"A little pebble had just struck the terrace beside us, and Poirot's fanciful analogy from it tickled my fancy."
"The sun shining with all the single-hearted fervour an August sun should."
"Imagine, Hastings, that house there — the one on the point — that we have admired so much, it belongs to Mademoiselle here."
"The bee in the bonnet — your English phrase."
"It's a nice hat, but quite an ordinary hat. Lots of girls have hats like it."
"In England they make it not. Still, in England you have some very pleasing customs."
"If you must have a mustache, let it be a real mustache—a thing of beauty such as mine."
"Never give in! That's my motto. Don't think of trouble and trouble won't come!"
"Whatever one's inward feelings are—it is no good making a fuss about them. That's only uncomfortable for everyone else."
"She has courage, that little one. Yes, she has courage. But unfortunately, it is not courage that is needed at this moment. Caution, not courage—voilà ce qu'il nous faut!"
"I admire all these flying people. If Michael Seton had succeeded in his flight around the world, he'd have been the hero of the day—and rightly so."
"The pleasure of refusing to answer questions."
"You have an extraordinary effect on me, Hastings. You have so strongly the flair in the wrong direction that I am almost tempted to go by it!"
"You mustn't ask him embarrassing questions, Bert. Or he won't come again. We're simple people, Mr. Poirot, and you're giving us a great treat coming here today—you and your friend. You really don't know the pleasure you're giving us."
"A human life has been taken, Hastings — whose life is non-essential."
"For the murderer is still as far as ever from achieving his object."
"You still have confidence in the old one — you still have the faith."
"Hercule Poirot will not fail again. No second life shall be taken."
"It is neither more nor less than the hunting down of a murderer."
"The murderer has, as I said the other day, signed his name to the crime."
"That the murderer is someone in Mademoiselle’s own circle? Yes, mon ami, I do."
"A Mauser pistol does not make a great deal of noise. It would resemble more or less the popping of the fireworks and blend in very well with the noise of them."
"But the sea was exceedingly handy. A good toss of the arm, and the pistol sinks, never to be recovered."
"To keep his face and betray nothing — it cannot have been easy."
"Order and method! That is the first stage. To arrange the facts with neatness and precision."
"The correct employment of the little grey cells!"
"It is the inevitable motive. Money, my friend, money!"
"I would not put on the shoulders of the good God the burden of men's wrongdoing."
"I am convinced that le bon Dieu created Hercule Poirot for the express purpose of interfering. It is my métier."
"It is like dry rot in a house, sir, you can’t get it out. It’s a sort of feeling in the air."
"In an old house, there is sometimes an atmosphere of evil."
"The young girls — they are not properly trained nowadays. The order, the method, it is left out of their bringing up. She is charming, Mademoiselle Nick, but she is a feather-head. Decidedly, she is a feather-head."
"Young ladies are not ashamed of their underclothes nowadays. The cami-sole, the camiknicker, it is no longer a shameful secret."
"It's adorable of you to be so interested in my long technical descriptions of the Albatross."
"I never cease trying to persuade Hastings to part his hair in the middle instead of on the side. See what an air, lop-sided and unsymmetrical, it gives him."
"You are safe here. But remember — nothing that comes in from outside."
"I am the dog who stays on the scent and does not leave it."
"Evil never goes unpunished, Monsieur. But the punishment is sometimes secret."
"The good dog follows the scent, and if, regrettably, there is no scent to follow, he noses around — seeking always something that is not very nice."
"That a thing like that should happen in my nursing home."
"In detective books — yes. But life — real life — is always full of muddle."
"The solemn face — yes, admirable. You resemble closely an undertaker."
"It is the irony of death that it takes one like that. The old and useless are left."
"I understand nothing — but nothing! I am in the dark. I am a little child."
"One needs the precision. One card on another — so — in exactly the right place and that supports the weight of the card on top and so on, up and up."
"Oh! quelle idée, Madame! I am a mere humble adviser."
"You dragged me into the case. I came into it at your wish. You cannot silence me now."
"Unfortunately, I always believed Mademoiselle Nick."
"And for the first time I looked at her in a different light."
"A girl would not buy mourning before she knew her lover was dead."
"That secret panel might be found by Ellen and the pistol in it!"
"A queer little girl who couldn’t help herself."
"Do not try and deceive me — with your hearty good-fellow manner."
"But tonight she needed it for a different purpose."
"You have suffered a great deal. And in spite of everything you have suffered, you have still the quality of mercy in your heart."
"The next time I offered to buy a picture she would not have got it valued."