
Red Dragon Quotes

Red Dragon by Thomas Harris

Red Dragon Quotes
"To write a novel, you begin with what you can see and then you add what came before and what came after."
"Sometimes at night I would leave the lights on in my little house and walk across the flat fields."
"I soon became acquainted with the semi-feral dogs who roamed free across the fields."
"Standing baffled in the vast fields outside my cabin in the heart of the night, the sound of breathing all around me."
"All the victims were found slain in their beds."
"I think he had to touch her," Graham said in greeting.
"I’m keeping up with this, and the Public Service Commission will get a full report from me."
"Dr. Lecter is not crazy, in any common way we think of being crazy. He did some hideous things because he enjoyed them."
"He’s a monster. I think of him as one of those pitiful things that are born in hospitals from time to time."
"The wounds reminded me of something. I couldn’t think what it was."
"He courted the feeling that precedes an idea. It would not come."
"There was something else he could do, and he had known it for days."
"It seemed a very short distance to the outside."
"If one were nude, say, it would be better to have outdoor privacy for that sort of thing."
"The great darkroom was cool and smelled of chemicals."
"But it was you who caught me, wasn’t it, Will?"
"You haven’t threatened to take away my books yet."
"I think that after you killed the cat and threw it into the yard, my man, you climbed up here and waited."
"Fear comes with imagination, it's a penalty, it's the price of imagination."
"Perception's a tool that's pointed on both ends."
"It's hard to have anything, isn't it? Rare to get it, hard to keep it. This is a damn slippery planet."
"The light of understanding has shone upon my little pupil's eyes, and behold, all things are changed."
"Keep calm and think. Now. For all time. To have some time. To have years."
"He could assume your point of view, or mine—and maybe some other points of view that scare and sicken him."
"A great, hollow sadness pulsed briefly with his fear."
"You said that I, who see more than you, am insane. I, who pushed the world so much further than you, am insane."
"It is in your nature to do one thing correctly: Before Me you rightly tremble."
"Fear is not what you owe Me, Lounds, you and the other pismires. You owe Me awe."
"Are you privy to a great Becoming and you recognize nothing. You are an ant in the after-birth."
"I have dared more than you, I have pressed my unique seal so much deeper in the earth."
"My movements are followed and recorded as avidly as those of a mighty guest star."
"I have never seen a child as disgusting and dirty as you."
"Sometimes in bed he held himself to be sure he hadn’t been cut."
"I hope you will talk. Because you can, and I’m interested in what you have to say."
"I trained newly blind people at the Reiker Institute in Denver for ten years after I finished school."
"I thought I’d get out and knock around a little."
"I like to think that the blind are 'purer in spirit' than most people, but that’s not true either."
"Faith in any sort of natural justice was nothing but a night-light; she knew that."
"She was aware of a deep vein of cripple’s anger in her and, while she could not get rid of it, she made it work for her."
"I’m just about worn out with you crazy sons of bitches."
"He’d let you have Hobbs. He got 160 Filipinos in one plane crash last week—He’ll let you have measly Hobbs."
"I’d kill you if you weren’t already dead."
"Last week in April. That’s when they put in the new door. My God, that’s two months before the Jacobis were hit."
"We always figured he looked around inside the Leeds house."
"Shut up. Reba, some remarkable events have happened in Birmingham and Atlanta."
"Do you know what they call the Being that visited those people? You can say."
"Dynamite," he told Graham. "Look here, see the fern pattern in the metal?"
"It’s all over for me. I can’t leave you to Him. You know what He’ll do?"
"In the Green Machine there is no mercy; we make mercy, manufacture it in the parts that have overgrown our basic reptile brain."
"There is no murder. We make murder, and it matters only to us."