
Hades Quotes

Hades by Alexandra Adornetto

Hades Quotes
"Everyone around here takes [Halloween] very seriously."
"Bethany, relax. We’re used to the PDAs by now."
"It’s like everyone’s worst nightmares coming to life."
"I command you to come forward and dwell among us!"
"I think maybe someone should lay off the shots for a while."
"He’s really built from all those hours on the PlayStation."
"I knew it couldn’t be as dangerous as wandering through the blackness alone."
"Too late to change your mind, sweetheart. Welcome to our world."
"You cannot leave. Mr. Thorn never lets anyone leave."
"I didn’t think I’d be able to rise again after your holier-than-thou brother sent me back down here."
"Let’s dispense with the melodrama," he said. "Pretty boy isn’t dead—just a little worse for wear."
"I could have stayed with her. If I hadn’t been fooling around down at the lake, none of this would have happened."
"It’s my fault. I should have been able to protect her."
"Rest assured, if there’s a way, we will find it."
"The more I listened to their deliberations the more frustrated I became."
"We can’t act independently of instruction," Ivy tried to placate.
"Don’t waste your time worrying about me, miss. I made the decision to come freely."
"You really shouldn’t insult me. That’s no way to talk to your other half."
"The human appears to think nothing of bringing about the Apocalypse."
"This is a unique situation. We don’t know what we’re dealing with."
"I’ll be fine. Everything will work out fine."
"I’m glad you’re coming around. I knew you would in time."
"I purposely ignored the appreciative smiles from the hotel staff as we sailed out of the revolving doors."
"I didn’t know there was anything beyond the tunnels."
"Jake isn’t just a demon, he’s a fallen angel."
"Whatever happened from here I would have to make her sacrifice count for something."
"The crowd seemed to go wild now, clambering over one another to scramble onto the hoods of cars or hang out of the charred windows."
"I wasn’t going to try and tell him what lay in store for me."
"There’s no way I’m staying here without you. If Heaven couldn’t separate us, Hell’s got no damn chance."
"I knew he’d witnessed the uprising of the rebel angels and their ultimate expulsion from the Kingdom."
"For me the food was reminiscent of my memories of being on earth. It was something I’d never experience again and I wanted the moment to last."
"Everything will be okay, miss," she said eventually. "Perhaps things will have changed in the morning."
"I don’t want to spend my last hours being angry, Jake," I said. "What’s done is done—there’s no point blaming you now."
"I’ll be okay!" I glared furiously at Nash, who was striding casually alongside me. "Fix him," I said in a thin voice.
"They’re the only bargaining chip we’ve got left."
"You’re thinking about him, aren’t you?" Jake’s voice cut through my reverie like a blade.
"You’re right, though; Beth isn’t human, because humans have a soul that they struggle all the time to stay in touch with."
"I’m sorry, Molly," Gabriel said. "I apologize if I’ve said or done anything to mislead you."
"I’d prefer to think of you as real, not some tin man who doesn’t have a heart."
"There was little point withholding information from him now."
"My wings were one thing that defined my very existence."
"We need to do something about them," Jake said decisively.
"They wasted away over time and eventually fell off," he said bluntly.
"Because I want to avoid the same thing happening to you."
"So how are you going to ensure my safety?" I asked.
"I’m not going to let you fly me like some kind of weird pet!"
"Didn’t your mother teach you any manners?" I snapped.
"I may not be in pain anymore, but this place is still my worst nightmare."
"Just because I might not have to go back to that infested hole doesn’t mean I’m any less miserable," I explained.
"I don’t believe you," he said in a level voice.
"You’re not very polite for someone I could kill with my little finger," Diego said.
"Did you think we wouldn’t pick up your scent?" Gabriel asked.