
Children Of Fallen Gods Quotes

Children Of Fallen Gods by Carissa Broadbent

Children Of Fallen Gods Quotes
"Power is sitting here alone in a room with four people who want to kill me, and knowing I’ll walk out alive."
"I already lived my life under the control of so many mortal men — it brought me no comfort to think of immortal ones pulling the strings, too."
"I had made a deal, after all. The Orders gave me the power I needed to topple the Threllian Lords and save those I left behind. But in exchange, I sold myself back into slavery."
"It is a privilege to do nothing, Max. So many people do not have that gift."
"No war can be fought with clean hands. Not even the ones waged for the right reasons. Not even the ones you win."
"If there was anything to make one feel untouchable, it would be that. I lived in a beautiful room crafted of polished black stone, high at the top of the cliffs."
"Nothing is impossible, Max. The people in this room should know that better than anyone, by now."
"But still. Sometimes, in moments like this, I couldn’t help but look to the past and wish."
"All of those little misdeeds had built up, every instance of emotional impulse or lost temper."
"We flew through the trees. I peered down and noticed the distinctive cut of his jacket, a high collar finished with bronze thread."
"I’m not giving her everything she’s ever wanted."
"Sometimes the best possible thing you can be is useless."
"They need to understand the consequences of what they’ve done."
"But I am still eager to show you, Esmaris," I whispered. "And I hope that you can see it. I hope you can see it when I destroy your world with the knowledge I stole from you."
"But they never told us the cost, Tisaanah," he said. "What does it cost to climb from so low? Are you willing to pay it?"
"You forget that I was there through all of it. I know the toll it takes, to do something like that."
"You and I and our scars. I suppose we both know what it’s like to pay for something."
"But you and I know that there is something else coming. And our paths are still tangled."
"The real fight," she murmured, "has barely begun."
"I have heard that the Sidnee are a godless people," Ashraia grumbled.
"But you do not truly want me, because I would have seen everything in you."
"We cannot rely on the gods to help us," Caduan said. "I think we’ll just need to help ourselves."
"When I woke, it took me several long seconds to realize that what we had witnessed in the House of Reeds had not been a nightmare."
"She saved your general's life," Siobhan said, sharply.
"By stealing our magic. That's why the Sidnee sent her — to steal."
"It is dangerous for her to be here," Ashraia sneered. "The gods cursed her."
"That is a silly superstition," Siobhan hissed through her teeth.
"She is still a loyal Sidnee," Siobhan snapped. "And a good soldier."
"The things we saw," Ishqa said, "were hardly alive. And whatever is left of them has been debased beyond all recognition."
"I thought there would be nothing worse than for them to kill us all. But now here they are, making us do it for them."
"It is the only mercy we can give them," Ishqa said.
"Nothing but those… things," Ashraia said, voice gruff.
"Seven skies, what is that forsaken fucking stench?"
"It’s easy to find trouble here. So don’t go wandering into any—"
"The longer you draw this out, the more people will die."
"I want it to be a world worth saving," I said.
"The scream came again, the kind of sound that stripped me from the inside out."
"Get her out of here," Anserra said, more sharply.
"It draws from deep magic, too," she said. "Like the Syrizen, but even deeper."
"One time, I saw someone survive it. Just once. But she was never the same."
"I’m not looking forward to watching her die."
"You look like you’re having an incredibly good time."
"Don’t do anything idiotic!" I called after him.
"We should go back and burn it," Ishqa said, at last. "It would be the most respectful thing to do."
"That is a mistake," Caduan said. "We need to investigate further."
"I hate this fucking house," Nura said, plainly.
"But you never want to get used to what it feels like to kill."
"I did the right thing," he said, quickly. "I don’t regret it."
"Hold onto this, onto what you’re feeling right now, for as long as you can."
"If anyone tells you to be ashamed of it, if anyone tells you that it’s weakness that you know the value of a human life, then they’re fucking lost, Moth. They are lost."
"I’m glad we’re going home," he said, quietly.
"Fitting. With Nura, one never really knew when the battle began."
"Lunge — and pull back, fast fast fast, before she could answer, before she could adjust—"
"I snaked out with Il'Sahaj’s blade, caught the edge of her shoulder, opening a trail of crimson over her white jacket."
"Our weapons met where she didn’t expect them too."
"She winced, but didn’t take her eyes off of me. A little smile tugged at one corner of her mouth."
"The minute we found ourselves in an empty hallway, we were on each other, my back against the wall, Max’s mouth against mine."
"Desperation does drive people to do dangerous things."
"There is something you need, I can help you get it."
"I destroyed one of the most powerful houses in Threll."
"This is why, it would be best if she did not know."
"I still don’t know what you did to me that night."
"The battle began in fire, and ended in ashes."
"I thought it would be fucking simple. If I made the right moves. If I fucked the right people. If I wore the right clothing, the right title, the right woman on my arm. That would make me powerful."
"Only to find that it’s fucking rotten inside."
"That’s a rich statement, coming from you. After you lied to me as you have."
"Is this really how you want to start your reign?"
"My war is not over. Not when I’m surrounded by Ascended-damned traitors."
"You begged me for his life. You sold away half your soul to ensure he was provided for. Then he turns you over to Aviness to be killed. Or tortured, or dissected. And you tell me ‘Let him live?’"
"The truth is, it’s a relief not to need you anymore."
"He will be cranky until the ends of time, I'm sorry to report."
"I think the garden is more beautiful this way."
"That bleeding heart will get you killed one day."
"Words are too complicated. And so, like they used to a lifetime ago, instead they throw themselves at each other."
"There was no love in this, only anger and hurt and the desire to outrun the present."
"It’s the hateful emptiness in his gaze that slides between her ribs like a knife."
"What did she come here for? A chance at reclaiming something that they had once had? There is nothing left to save."
"She will never let anyone know how woefully lonely she is."
"She did a terrible thing. But she did it for the right reasons, and for this, it was worth it."
"I have searched for you in my victories and my mistakes, In my love and my hatred."
"You can not lie to me. I know the truth of why you are here, and what you seek to gain."
"They are Fey. She saw those pointed ears. They could be nothing else."
"I have nothing to give you but a weary soul."
"It is nice to dream. And I’m just so… tired."
"Creating is harder than destroying. In the end it's always worth it."
"I realized why this magic felt so unfamiliar, so inhuman."
"You make me selfish. You make me want. And nothing has ever been enough, except for you."
"You should have killed me. I warned you about that bleeding heart."
"They cannot have fled that fast. They're traitors, and we do not let traitors escape in wartime. Not alive."
"I will never fail to fight for my people ever again. The world will be better off when they are gone."