
Autopsy Quotes

Autopsy by Patricia Cornwell

Autopsy Quotes
"Ominous clouds advance like an enemy army, the flags flapping wildly."
"My White House–appointed responsibilities aren’t for the faint of heart."
"Not even a month on the job, and it’s been one ugly conundrum after another."
"I don’t know most people yet, and just as many don’t remember me."
"I ran the statewide system more than a decade before moving on."
"It’s an understatement that my presence isn’t appreciated."
"I collect my coat from the coatrack. I’m eager to get out of here."
"Violence and senseless tragedy don’t care who you are or the occasion."
"The guttural rumble of a turbocharged engine idling in the volatile dark."
"Life’s disconnects and disappointments will be remedied in ways never believed possible, what’s unbearable becoming a matter of perception and re-creations, the undoable undone."
"It’s suspected this started about the time she left MIT, which also is about the time she paid off everything she owed including substantial school loans."
"I’m used to lies about personal details such as dental work, plastic surgery, health habits, various implants, and all sorts of secret vices."
"There’s so much we don’t know. But that doesn’t mean I think she’s going to walk into the room like she used to."
"For some reason, I’m only pinging on the new one, which has a different serial number."
"Then she’d move on to the next one, and he began suspecting she was secretly meeting with someone."
"She might have looked out to see who was on her patio, possibly knocking on the door."
"Their heights aren’t the same, the Department of Motor Vehicles listing Gwen Hainey as five-foot-five."
"Had I been on patrol as usual, maybe I would have seen something."
"Everything in the algorithms is based on direct input from her."
"It’s as if I’m moving through a cloud of ice crystals."
"Nothing will change if all I do is worry about displeasing this one or another."
"She and Lucy busy themselves finding cocktail napkins and filling small plates with antipasto."
"What if the bottle I was given isn’t the only one?"
"More important at the moment is getting you back up to speed."
"The color of the water this morning is the gray-green of old glass."
"I’m feeling much better, will be down in a few."
"The poison was injected through the foil and the cork."
"There are paintings and stone carvings from thousands of years ago depicting spaceships and extraterrestrials."
"I’m not much for coincidences, Mister President, Madame Vice President."
"But what I expect to emerge is she’d been helping Horton spy for the Russians, to steal any resources she could access."
"In exchange for money and other compensations that were largely untraceable,"
"It sounds like someone settling a score, sending a message."
"It only takes the blink of an eye to make the wrong decision."
"You plug in your phone, and all of your data is downloaded."
"But someone who steals and spies with impunity doesn’t care about anybody else, can’t possibly suffer from empathy."
"The two officers were, well, let’s just say they didn’t seem happy to see me, making sure I knew they don’t watch my particular brand of reporting."
"We don’t want to be dependent on a foreign nation for our transportation,"
"You don’t continue bleeding unless you have a blood pressure. The longer they bled, the longer they were alive."
"What’s done is done, and Anni and Chip pull off their gloves. Tearing off their Tyvek, they gather up their plastic containers of evidence, their medical bag, preparing to go."
"It tells me that they’ve been dead in the eight- to ten-hour range at least. The best we can do is approximate."
"But it’s a sad fact of life that if you want evidence properly tested, it’s usually not going to be convenient or pretty."
"People can’t just help themselves to my supply closet."
"I’m far more concerned about people dying from some new potent synthetic drug making the rounds."
"I'm sure you're aware that Cammie Ramada may have died in Alexandria but it's not the Alexandria Police Department's jurisdiction."
"You and I both know that Elvin Reddy typically won't respond to anything if it doesn't involve prominent, powerful people."
"Tourism isn’t something this office takes into account when trying to find out what killed someone."
"Unfortunately, it seems Dana Diletti is working on a sensational story about the so-called Railway Slayer."
"Violent psychopaths often have rituals they repeat unless something interrupts them."
"How are your neighbors holding up? They must be in an uproar. How awful not to feel safe where you live, especially if it’s your dream home."
"The good old days weren’t all that good anyway, and Maggie Cutbush will never be Rose."
"If I'm right there will be hell to pay even if it costs me my job. The way someone dies isn't 'let's make a damn deal'."
"Why must you insist on poking a stick at things that are best left alone?"
"I was gassing up my Harley at the Shell station, and Fruge knew who I was and pulled in behind me, welcoming me to the neighborhood."
"It’s sure as heck not the city I used to know."
"I’m beginning to think everybody’s awful to everybody."
"Richmond didn’t used to be all that welcoming to outsiders like me."
"We can’t hear the tower’s reply but she continues her calls, wending around the pristine Capitol grounds."
"What never changes is the James River, winding and sparkling deep blue in the sun."
"The blue and white air traffic control tower is in sight."
"You might want Marino to hear what I’m about to tell you."