
Between Us Quotes

Between Us by Mhairi McFarlane

Between Us Quotes
"If there was one thing that both her childhood and her career had taught Roisin Walters, it was that lying to kids might not be noble, but generally got the job done."
"She judged that with what was left of this lesson, subverting Amir was more fruitful than trying to get everyone back to pondering the motives of Abel Magwitch."
"Not all books have to be studied for education."
"It’s because the worth of literature is not only determined by the passage of time."
"Joe put lower value on it, she supposed, because he could."
"The Brian Club was merely a nice-to-have for him; for Roisin, they were everything. They were the point."
"Her gut told her things were about to happen. Perhaps that was the magic of any holiday; it lifted you out of the familiar and gave you a brief aerial view of your life in progress."
"Life had fundamentally changed, or maybe more accurately and painfully, Joe had changed."
"She followed the music to the grand sitting room, where Meredith and Gina were both giggling conspiratorially by the fireplace."
"It was an earlier version of themselves they hadn’t exactly forgotten, yet it was still a jolt to be confronted with it."
"The fact that they might not choose each other now – it was hard to see how they’d even encounter each other to do the choosing – made it more special, and vital."
"Roisin loved Gina, too. But in that moment, without jealousy, she thought: Joe, you get on so well with Gina because she is sweetly pretty and built like Jessica Rabbit, and an unabashed Joe fangirl."
"No one wants to flash the person they have the bad hots for, Roisin thought."
"Matt is a man of the world. Seeing women naked is his principal hobby. He’s seen so many that I promise you he still couldn’t pick you out of a line-up after this."
"Fuck you both! Gina said, witnessing their honking, but her heart wasn’t in it. She was finally smiling, grudgingly."
"Roisin’s chest was heaving as laughter subsided. She felt guilty that Gina’s trauma was her first moment of authentic joy since they arrived."
"‘Gina, not only is he not going to have noticed the detail, but I’m absolutely certain you look incredible without your clothes on.'"
"‘Don’t have to talk to him if you don’t want to,' Roisin said."
"‘I’d rather face him with you here,' Gina whispered."
"‘You’re leaving out the most important thing here,' Roisin said, wiping her eyes."
"‘I know how it feels to be held together by sheer bravado and Charlotte Tilbury.'"
"‘It’s alright. You didn’t mean to do it,' Gina said, in a very polite and somewhat recovered voice."
"‘What’s going on? Where have you been?' Joe said, unexpectedly propped on an elbow, awake."
"‘Your ghost story scared Gina; she screamed, and Matt broke into her room to rescue her.'"
"‘Gina. This is nothing. It’s for Matt to feel awkward, like he said. Be confident in your skin.'"
"‘I bet you are a lovely teacher,' Gina said. ‘You always know what to say.'"
"‘What message would I have been conveying with those pictures? They’re nonsensical!'"
"‘Simply stop attacking Gina’s mental health by accident, then,' Joe said."
"‘I know I messed up last night, but as if I’d harass her when I know she’s upset.'"
"‘No one’s going to talk about Doshi’s boring curries after this.'"
"‘You know what you really don’t like,' Joe continued. ‘You don’t like losing the spotlight.'"
"‘I don’t want to spoil things,' Matt said, with a pointed look towards Roisin and Meredith."
"‘What do you want me to say, I just admitted it? Yes, some of that was inspired by things you told me.'"
"‘Am I supposed to run everything I write through a sources and similarities check?'"
"‘I see, this is one of those fights where anything I say gets me in bigger trouble.'"
"‘I’m about to spend ten hours on a plane and then face some of the most daunting meetings of my life.'"
"‘I can’t do this now. Can we talk again when I’m back from the States?'"
"‘I don’t think I know you any more, to love you,' Roisin said, holding in tears."
"‘Are you serious? This argument, which you’ve clearly prepped for, and I haven’t, is a set of bear traps.'"
"‘I don’t have the bandwidth for this. I had no idea that you were going to wake up this morning and decide we were over,' Joe said."
"Remember when is the lowest form of conversation."
"Anything he said now would bear the weight of history."
"You can't get jealous if you only know one of the parties involved."
"I can promise you that in September, the discussion points of July will be like recalling The Wars of the Roses to them."
"I'm sorry for not knowing what to say. I was blindsided."
"It wasn't fair not to explain that, to put your life on hold."
"I was a marathon runner who could only focus on the finish tape."
"I had a lot of time to think. I’ve gone from ‘no time to think’, to ‘fourteen hours of staring out of a porthole window at clouds’ amount of time."
"I thought the more real I can make this feel, the more potent it will be."
"I realise I’ve spent a lot of time thinking that because we don’t have kids yet, I could disappear into workaholism."
"You’ve never been needy, and lately it meant I took the piss."
"Because when someone’s punching you, however much you deserve it, you put your fists up, too."
"I thought that was snake oil for couples who won’t read the writing on the wall."
"The sums of money being bandied about during this trip: they are genuinely nonsensical."
"Everything dies! The price of love is grief."
"I’m unsure, but I want to show you I will take accountability."
"I’m going to sign it over to you. Then it’s yours, sorted, whatever you decide."
"You don’t have the latitude to mock my mother at the moment."
"I always thought he was clever. What did it say about Roisin, that she had chosen mean?"
"The necessity of emergency savings dipping had registered with Dev."
"You say that now – Joe could talk himself out of a Russian prison."
"I realised you were his Significant Other and I was his Insignificant Other."
"If not quit while you're ahead, quit while you've not completely humiliated yourself."
"Our mutual friends thought I was crazy; that’s how good a liar he is."
"You are one of my oldest friends, and I love you."
"It's not unfaithful to drink a bottle of Möet in a spacious room with a trouser press, last I checked."
"I suppose if you’re told you’re hot often enough, it loses its lustre."
"I realised I didn’t trust a word he said, and that trust couldn’t be restored."
"The whole point is you’re better than him, Matt."
"He can read people very closely. Once we were years out from my discovery, he knew that I knew I’d lose you as a friend if I told you."
"I saw that as atonement, not playing along! I did what I could to find out the truth for you."
"Matt raised and dropped his shoulders. ‘I’d have been gutted, but that would’ve been your choice, presumably for all sorts of reasons.'"
"Do you know what I think? I think you were perfectly aware you could tell me."
"You only had to pay attention. Joe wasn’t nice, Roisin. Not then, not now. It wasn’t someone else’s job to tell you that."
"It’s the woman’s fault? That’s not what I said, and you know it wasn’t."
"I don’t know how you’re making someone who received an unwanted phone call, and Joe, the same person."
"She’s been ignoring pain for ages, using over-the-counter meds to control it."
"I promise you, we can always tell each other the truth, with no fear of shame."