
The Hanging Girl Quotes

The Hanging Girl by Jussi Adler-Olsen

The Hanging Girl Quotes
"You often hear that it’s easier for singers in that area."
"You want to make music because it’s an important part of you."
"Spiritual growth is difficult but there are methods to achieve it."
"We will not rest until each and every being has been saved from suffering."
"You give me my most important orgasms, sweetest Pirjo."
"I see you now for the first time, and you are beautiful."
"Listen only to your own Atman, your own soul, and surrender yourself."
"Key decisions and actions, key supply lines, all in one building."
"The problem was just that out there, among all the new, you found nothing of what you were looking for deep down inside, because tomorrow it would all be meaningless again."
"I think Christian was a good sort. He just wanted to do so much more than he could, and that impacted the family."
"Maybe he was just a bit drunker and maudlin than usual. He asked me if I could remember this and that several times, telling me about things he’d done with the family over the years."
"In my opinion, you could rightly call Öland the island of egotism, considering a significant number of the inhabitants had to leave in the end to avoid dying of hunger, all because they couldn’t work together."
"I don’t think you should dig deeper there, Assad."
"I don’t want to talk about it even if I do tell you, okay? I couldn’t handle watching it because Habersaat was the spitting image of my dad."
"I have epilepsy," improvised Pirjo, falteringly and with her face turned to the ground, while she tried to induce shaking all over her body.
"If you’ve sat there coiling one leave some paper when you’re done other people after you need to wipe their asses too."
"I’ll say this for you, Assad, you can certainly talk while you’re sleeping."
"Your smile is crystal clear but the reason behind it is unclear."
"If Sammy was my brother, I’d have myself adopted."
"I don’t understand where you’re going with this."
"Nothing is impossible when young people dance in the night, is it?"
"I think she was as most young girls that age tend to be."
"I think it might be easier if you and I go together, Assad," he said.
"We all did because she was so beautiful and full of life."
"Maybe to try and avoid provoking them more than was necessary."
"I think Alberte was well aware that the other girls had had enough of all her flirting."
"We’re island folk. If fresh blood comes to the quay, you taste the goods, right?"
"You don’t notice anything. I’ve thought about it a lot since, but I do remember a bit."
"It’s really wonderful to talk with you again after so many years, Habersaat."
"He believed that he could heal. That he had special energy and abilities, and I believe it."
"The peace symbol: a ring with a vertical line in the middle and two diagonal lines facing down this way."
"You’d better not hold me to it, but I think she did go about humming this song."
"He was tanned but light-skinned under his clothes. His hair was long, down to his collar and almost ash blond."
"I’m sorry to have to tell you that it’s not for the police, Inge."
"She’s the woman who wants to find a new side to herself, or so we think."
"Proof you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover."
"That’s how it is with professional geeks, Assad. They can’t see past the end of their own noses."
"I belong to that rare group who’ve avoided maximizing their use of paper in the digital age, so no."
"You didn’t need to be much of a detective before you began smiling over the probable cause."
"He was very inquisitive when it came to the sun cult’s roothold here on the island and parallel events like that, which is understandable enough."
"I really don’t know. Maybe a few where he’s standing in the background."
"This is a murder case," he said dryly.
"I can only say that if you look at Jesus on a general level as the giver of life itself, as the son of the sun here on Earth."
"This all sounds completely... unbelievable. These theories must have the potential to shake the foundations of almost any religious group."
"The fact that it is repeated over and over is completely natural, given that mankind has always been in need of a savior and reconciler."
"If you want to worship everything that’s divine at once, everything you can’t understand, you’ll have to give in to the only thing we know for certain."
"Let us live instead in eternal knowledge of our own ignorance regarding the universal, and care for our immediate surroundings."
"The body was a male, found with sturdy string tied around his right foot."
"I don’t think Pirjo has any part in it. It’s Shirley who’s ruining the harmony of this place, not Pirjo."
"The way Pirjo looked at it, that couldn’t happen soon enough."
"He felt good for a few seconds. He’d managed the balancing act, managed to neutralize Vigga."
"That was also the second time that day he’d heard that. But when a half-blind, crazy, ancient fishwife observed it, there must be some truth to it."
"‘Anthon Berg, of course,’ he added, slightly offended, which brought her greedy hands up to speed, and ten seconds later she was already in full swing."
"He wondered to himself why he bothered coming, but he knew the answer. If he didn’t live up to the obligations under the contract he’d signed, he’d have to pay compensation to Vigga."
"Thank goodness he didn’t come here very often."
"It might sound a bit harsh, Hardy, but you’re physically paralyzed, and I’m mentally paralyzed. I just can’t cope with that case. Not now, at any rate."
"The drawing is called Future, Carl. Notice Alberte’s face."
"Rose, on the other hand, was ready to go the whole nine yards."
"It was the only thing he wanted was the oatmeal Jesper had left in the food cupboard last time he visited."
"‘It’s probably just an aftereffect of the hypnosis, Carl,’ Assad said consolingly."
"Sometimes you have to investigate accidents in order to rule out crime."
"I think you’re too far from home to be running around after something insignificant."
"We’re investigating a hit-and-run case where the victim was a person who we believe that Atu, or rather Frank Brennan, was acquainted with."
"You need to understand that our work has many aspects."
"It isn’t pleasant to have to say it today of all days, when he’s declared his desire to share his life with you."
"Believe us, we’ve come here to... Ebabbar after a rather long search for Atu."
"Our work has many aspects. You could say that we’re experts in distinguishing between secrets and what just remains unsaid."
"We don’t have anything to go on. No concrete evidence or witnesses."
"I remember it now. Oh God, it didn’t make any sense."
"He’s back on Bornholm, but where do you think he is?"
"That’s life. That’s death, I meant, of course."
"It wasn’t Bjarke who killed Alberte. It was me."
"I fell in love with Frank and thought we’d end up together."
"I knew full well that he’d found a younger woman. I could smell the cheap slutty perfume."
"I wanted Alberte out of his life before that happened. She needed to be mutilated, her perfect looks destroyed."
"To make sure that the impact wouldn’t leave a mark on the car, I took the snowplow he’d welded together himself."
"I left a note under the boulder very early in the morning before I drove to Aakirkeby."
"She went out there every morning before everyone got up, even if there wasn’t anything."
"It was very early in the morning. We take things slowly over here on Bornholm."
"My Bjarke wasn’t stupid, unfortunately, you might say now. And he hated me for it."
"I wish I had a river I could skate away on. But it don’t snow here, it stays pretty green."
"It was Frank who taught me that. He was the one who taught me to dream myself away to another place."
"He taught me to dream myself away to another place where I’d rather be."
"I borrowed my son’s car—the one lying down in the ditch—while he was at work."
"For years she threatened to report me, so it wasn’t me who was angry with her."
"All three of us were sitting around the dinner table that evening when Christian told us that he’d found her in a tree."
"No, we didn’t talk so much. He also drifted away from me because of his sexuality."
"There was so much that had stood between Bjarke and me. It needed to stop there. Everything needed to stop there."
"Well, how could he live with his dad committing suicide over a case he could’ve solved for him?"